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as Specific and Complementary Training in the

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1 as Specific and Complementary Training in the
Implanty słuchowe i muzyka Music Therapy as Specific and Complementary Training in the Early Rehabilitation of Adult CI Users DZM e.V. Dr. Heike Argstatter

2 Brain areas involved in music perception and music making
Nucleus accumbens: important role in reward, pleasure, laughter, addiction, aggression, fear, and the placebo effect Cerebellum: first detection  sound volume, pitch, source detection Auditorischer Kortex: Primary AC  frequency detection, single stimuli Secondary AC  analysis primary stimuli  rhythm, melody Retrosplenial cortex: recall of episodic information  autobiographic memory Subcallosal cingulum: part of the limbic system Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research 2

3 Five years of Music Therapy in Early CI Rehabilitation
October 2010: Kick-off for music therapy for CI patients : Pilot study to establish a music therapy concept in early CI rehabilitation January 2014: Music therapy became part of the standard rehabiliation care at the ENT-clinic Heidelberg : Study on effectivness of music therapy in early CI rehabilitation 2014: Formation of an active music ensemble for CI patients Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research

4 Specific training by music therapy in the early rehabilitation of adult CI users
Standardized interventions Individual 50-minutes-sessions For adult CI users in the early rehabilitation Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research

5 Contents of Music Therapy
Module Therapy goal Variability of voice and speech Improving speech comprehension and production, emphasis especially on emotional speech prosody Musical components Training the perception of discrete musical components such as pitch, rhythm and timbre Effortless training of verbal skills Improving speech comprehension by means of spontaneous and easy manipulation of verbal contents and gradually reducing lip reading Speech in varied listening environment Training the selective hearing of linguistic contents and information e.g. when combining musical and linguistic features Complex hearing Improving the selective filtering of important stimuli within complex auditory surroundings Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research

6 Some results of the pilot study (n = 12)
Hearing quality in situations of daily life (HISQUI) significantly increased (M=77  M=123) Statistically significant improvement in timbre identification Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research

7 Ongoing study on effectivness of music therapy in early CI rehabilitation (interim report)
Intervention group CI: Music therapy (+ care as usual) Control group CI: Care as usual Control group : normal hearing controls Diagnostic tools Diagnostic tools Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research

8 Effectivness of music therapy in early CI rehabilitation (interim report)
Diagnostic tools Psychological tests (HISQUI, MSCS, NICQ) Musical tests (pitch, timbre, melody, different sounds) Tests of prosody perception and production Presentation of acoustic stimuli in two versions bilateral (both ears, if necessary with hearing aid contralateral) unilateral (CI only) Electrophysiology Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research

9 Interim results musical test + prosody CI unilateral (n = 8) vs
Interim results musical test + prosody CI unilateral (n = 8) vs. normal hearing controls (n = 25) Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research

10 Active Music therapy ensemble
| One Decade of the „Heidelberg Model of Music Therapy“ in Otology

11 Where remains the music, after you heard it?
Thank you for your attention! Music Therapy in Early Rehabilitation – German Center of Music Therapy Research | Slide: 11

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