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Ghulam Muhammad Ashrafi SHAFFAQ YOUSAF

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2 Ghulam Muhammad Ashrafi SHAFFAQ YOUSAF


4 INTRODUCTION Teaching method or pedagogy is one of the important aspect in teaching-learning process. A teacher uses various strategies to make his teaching effective. The use of these strategies will also affect the achievements of students. These help to improve the academic achievements of the students.

5 INTRODUCTION PQ4R is an abbreviation for Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review. It was designed in 1972 by Thomas and Robinson. PQ4R is a strategy that helps students to focus organizing the information in their minds and making it meaningful (Slavin, 2008). The systematic use of PQ4R could help students to know, understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate what they have read (Hansclocky, 2007).

6 INTRODUCTION Preview: quick survey of material to get a general idea.
Question: develop questions related to material. Read: actively read the material. Find answers to the developed questions.

7 INTRODUCTION Reflect: understand the material and relate it to known information. Recite: remembering information by stating aloud and answering questions. Review: reread the material to ensure that all relevant information is included.

This work was designed to study the effects of PQ4R(Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) strategy on academic achievement of Statistics students at graduate level. For this research, an experimental work was designed to examine the effect of PQ4R strategy on student's success and a survey was planned to study the perception regarding PQ4R strategy.

To conduct an experiment to examine the PQ4R strategy on academic achievement of Statistics students. To measure the achievement of students in Statistics before and after the treatment. To evaluate the scholastic achievement of "control" and "experimental" group before and after the treatment.

To study the students' perception of PQ4R study strategy. To measure the association of pretest and posttest scores of "control group" and "experimental group". To give recommendations to increase students' critical thinking ability, improves teaching-learning process and educational achievements.

11 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS "There is no significant difference in the mean scholastic achievement scores of the experimental group and control group before the treatment.” "There is no significant difference in the mean scholastic achievement scores of the experimental group and control group after the treatment."

12 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS "There is no significant difference in the mean score of PQ4R with respect to test value=3.“ "There is no significant difference in the mean scores of PQ4R with respect to demographic variables(gender, age, department, semester, class, CGPA, previous semester GPA, father qualification, mother qualification, scholarship, study hours, residential status, family income)."

13 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS "There is no significant relationship between the number of study hours and the total responses of students regarding PQ4R study strategy.“ "There is no significant relationship between the CGPA and the total responses of students regarding PQ4R study strategy.“

14 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS "There is no significant relationship between the previous semester GPA and the total responses of students regarding PQ4R study strategy." "There is no significant relationship between the pretest scores of experimental group and control group.“ "There is no significant relationship between the posttest scores of experimental group and control group."

15 Population The study comprised of all the graduate students of public universities of Punjab (Pakistan) as the population. The target population was all the students studying the subject of Statistics in these universities. The accessible population was all the graduate students of University of Sargodha, Sub-campus Mianwali.

16 Sample The 96 students of BS-Chemistry (6th semester) morning and evening program were selected as the subject of the study on which the experiment was performed. The non-probability sampling techniques were used to select the sample. 280 Graduates of 8 different departments of the campus were selected purposively as sample for descriptive study.

17 Research Design This research work was of descriptive and quantitative nature. In this study, an informal experimental design is used. The informal design used in this work was before-and-after with control design.

1. University of Sargodha Mianwali campus 2. Students of BS program 3. Subject of Statistics

19 Variables of the study There were two variables of the study: "PQ4R study strategy" and "Scholastic Achievement". PQ4R study strategy was an independent variable and Scholastic Achievement was a dependent variable.

20 Research Tool For this study, two tools were used to collect data. The tools were test and questionnaire. Two types of Scholastic Achievement Tests (pretest and posttest) were used. A questionnaire having 5-point Likert scale was developed which consists of two parts: demographic information and 26 PQ4R study strategy items.

21 Data Collection & Analysis
The researcher itself conducted the pretest and posttest. For the data collection through questionnaire, the researcher itself along with the trained assistants collected the data within 4 days. The collected data was tabulated and analyzed with the help of Microsoft Excel and SPSS software by applying descriptive and inferential statistics.

22 Findings & Conclusions
It was found that before the experiment, the two groups showed similar performance in Statistics. It is found that the performance of experimental group is better than the control group after the treatment. It was concluded that respondents have positive views regarding PQ4R strategy and their responses fall in the agreement zone.

23 Findings & Conclusions
It was concluded that residential status, class, scholarship, semester, age, father qualification, family income and number of study hours has no impact on the perception of students regarding PQ4R study strategy. It was concluded that gender, department and mother qualification has an impact on the perception of students regarding PQ4R study strategy. It was concluded that the scores of pretest and posttest of "experimental group" and "control group" are not correlated

24 Recommendations It is recommended that further researches are needed at school and college level to investigate the effects of PQ4R strategy in different subjects. It is recommended that teaching-learning process should include innovative teaching strategies to increase students academic achievement. It is recommended that teachers of all levels should be trained and training programs must include different innovative teaching strategies.

25 Recommendations It is also recommended that more focus should be given to increase critical thinking of students. It is recommended that PQ4R strategy should be used in teaching-learning process as this strategy may help learners to increase their understanding abilities and academic achievements.


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