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Make it Work Conference

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Presentation on theme: "Make it Work Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make it Work Conference
10th December 2015


3 The photo is from the Burn of Muchalls (South of Aberdeen) taken during recent investigations into silt loss from Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route construction sites.  As mentioned oil also appears on the photo as well as silt.

4 Today’s challenge…

5 Scotland is currently living a ‘three-planet’ lifestyle – that is, if everyone in the world lived as we do, we would need three planets to survive.

6 Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Act 2014
New statutory purpose for SEPA : to protect and improve the environment, including managing natural resources in a sustainable way and, in doing so, to contribute to improving the health and well-being of the people of Scotland and the achievement of sustainable economic growth.


8 Most of those we regulate are compliant
Most of those we regulate are compliant. We want to do more to take a preventative approach, working to support sectors via advice and guidance. However we will also have a better toolkit to tackle non-compliance and serious environmental crime.

9 Regulated Business Government Regulators



12 Value Chain Innovation

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