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Daily Life in Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Life in Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Life in Japan

2 Dining Etiquette & Customs
Kneel on tatami mats at low tables Tatami mats: straw or reed mats

3 Dining Customs Use chopsticks Eat rice, fish & vegetables
Appearance is important. Appearance of the food & of the people sitting down to eat.

4 Economy Fishing is a major part of their economy. Fish is a main part of their diet. Industry is also a large part of their economy. Industries: Iron/Steel (cars & car parts.) Technology (computers & video games) People work long hours & six days a week.

5 Unit of currency is Yen

6 Japan is very expensive
Japan is very expensive. Since it is made up of islands, they have to import many things making goods expensive to buy. School: Typical subjects & English Wear uniforms & indoor slippers Students help to clean the school & some help to make lunch. All participate in after school clubs. Teachers are admired. 3-4 hours of homework a night. Pressure to get good grades & to get into a good high school.

7 Japan Pop Culture J Pop – “pop” bands J Rock – rock bands
Visual Kei - hard rock

8 Anime – cartoon like figures with large eyes

9 Manga – comic like stories usually using anime illustrations
Manga – comic like stories usually using anime illustrations. Books are written right to left (opposite of what we are used to.)

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