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Positive Negative Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 1 unassigned st r . . & env.

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1 Positive Negative Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 1 unassigned st r . . & env.
SCO2 Positive Negative unassigned st r . . & env. en v thyl. & env. . & chl. chl. Figure S1: Genes coexpressed with SCO2. Shown are genes that are positively (0.8 < Pxy < 1) or negatively (-0.8 < Pxy < -1) coexpressed with SCO2 in the AtGenExpress developmental baseline experiment (Schmid et al., 2005). Genes with function in the chloroplast are shown in green; genes with a known function and localization in the chloroplast stroma (str.), the envelope (env.), the thylakoids (thyl.) or genes involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis (chl.) are indicated; unassigned genes are not proven to be chloroplast localized. Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 1

2 Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 2 SCO2 Figure S2:
Gene regulatory network of SCO2. Spring-embedded view of 141 genes that have correlating expression trajectories in the AtGenExpress developmental baseline experiment (Schmid et al., 2005) with Pearson correlation-coefficient 0.8 < Pxy < 1. Each dot (node) represents one gene. Correlation-coefficient Pxy was used as edge-weight; therefore, distance between two nodes (genes) is proportional to their degree of coexpression. Genes with known function/localization in the chloroplast are shown in green. Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 2

3 Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 3 Figure S3:
MapMan metabolic overview. 141 SCO2 positively (red) or negatively (blue) coexpressed genes are displayed as MapMan metabolism overview map. Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 3

4 Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 4 Figure S4:
Protein Alignment SCO2 and SCO2-like1. Alignment of the amino acid sequences of SCO2 and SCO2-like1. Amino acids in red indicate conserved residues. amino acids highlighted in green mark the zinc finger domains. Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 4

5 BIFC- Interactions Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 5 YFP SSU-RFP overlay
LHCB2.3-NYFP SCO2-CYFP SCO2-CYFP FtsY-NYFP SCO2-CYFP SRP54-NYFP Figure S5: Protein-protein-interaction analysis in planta. Transformation of Arabidopsis cell culture for in planta protein-protein interaction analysis using BIFC with N-terminal (NYFP) and C-terminal (CYFP) YFP. The overlay shows the co-localization of the detected YFP of interacting proteins with the SSU-RFP (plastid marker). Tanz et al. Supp Fig. 5

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