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Achievement Award Adam

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Presentation on theme: "Achievement Award Adam"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achievement Award Adam
For great work in TAC-PAC sessions engaging with staff and for working really hard in literacy lessons choosing a toy for his turn and operating it using the switches. Well done Adam! Date: 26th June 2015

2 Class Pupil of the Week Alice
For engaging with and exploring the sensory wall in class, looking at her reflection in the mirror and giggling. Well done Alice! Date: 26th June 2015

3 Achievement Award Ethan
edsd Achievement Award Ethan For excellent descriptive work using PECS. A fantastic week. Well done Ethan! Date: 26th June 2015

4 Class Pupil of the Week Preston
edsd Class Pupil of the Week Preston For excellent communication at lunch time and for saying the the school strap line. Well done Preston! Date: 26th June 2015

5 Achievement Award Igor
For recognising when a peer did something that broke the school rules and for signing and saying “sad”. Well done Igor. Date: 26th June 2015

6 For great work in English and maths this week. Well done Harvey!
Achievement Award Harvey For great work in English and maths this week. Well done Harvey! Date: 26th June 2015

7 Achievement Award Zephan
For excellent concentration with his handwriting and making great improvement. Great work Zephan! Date: 26th June 2015

8 Class Pupil of the Week Rosie
edsd Class Pupil of the Week Rosie For excellent work in maths, English, cooking and phonics. A fantastic week. Well done Rosie! Date: 26th June 2015

9 For brilliant tracking of the bubble tube.
Achievement Award Alix For brilliant tracking of the bubble tube. Well Done Alix! Date: 26th June 2015

10 Achievement Award Eden
For working hard in maths where he was able to sort coins into 4 different groups independently. Excellent work Eden! Date: 26th June 2015

11 Class Pupil of the Week Tiarna
edsd Class Pupil of the Week Tiarna For being fully engaged in lots of different activities in lessons this week. Well done Tiarna! Date: 26th June 2015

12 For fantastic waiting for the bus when it was unexpectedly late.
Achievement Award Dominic For fantastic waiting for the bus when it was unexpectedly late. Well done Dominic! Date: 26th June 2015

13 Achievement Award Hayley
For excellent talking and signing “I want ice cream please” without being reminded when out for lunch with FE1. Great work Hayley! Date: 26th June 2015

14 Achievement Award Jake
For coming out with FE1 for the day and walking into a busy restaurant, although it was really hard for him. Well done Jake! Date: 26th June 2015

15 Achievement Award Samantha
For accepting that there was no drink she wanted at the bowling alley and very sensibly saying ‘no thank you’. Well done Samantha! Date: 26th June 2015

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