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Youth Livestock Program Update K-State Research & Extension

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1 Youth Livestock Program Update K-State Research & Extension
Lexie Hayes Youth Livestock Program Coordinator November 2015

2 Youth Livestock Program Overview
Jr. Producer Days Nominations Discovery Days K-State Animal Sciences Leadership Academy Horse and Livestock Judging Camps Bob Hines Swine Classic Kansas 4-H Livestock Sweepstakes Kansas Junior Livestock Show Kansas State Fair

3 Junior Producer Days January- April
One-day educational event held in Manhattan, KS Even years= Sheep & Cattle/ Odd years= Swine & Goats Beef: March 5, 2016 Sheep: March 26, 2016 Hands on learning, guest speakers, break out sessions Selection, nutrition, care and showmanship All ages welcome Youth AND adults must register Registration and more details can be found online as each event approaches

4 Discovery Days June 1-3, 2016 Held in Manhattan, KS
Series of classes offered to help gain interest in different areas of Animal Science More information can be found on the state 4-H website

5 Nomination Process May-July
Step 1: Animals eligible for KJLS or KSF will need an EID ear tag placed in the ear of the animal BY THE AGENT -Tags are purchased by the ext. office from Dave Kehler (Butler Co.) Step 2: Exhibitors will fill out the declaration/nomination paperwork -Print from Step 3: Exhibitors will pull a DNA sample from the animal and place it in the DNA envelope (DO NOT CUT THE HAIR) -Envelopes are purchased by the ext. office from State 4-H

6 Nomination Process (Cont.)
Step 4: Exhibitors will have their agent sign declaration/ nomination paperwork Step 5: Exhibitors will mail their completed declaration form, nomination form, DNA, and check to be processed by K-State -Certified mail is suggested Step 6: K-State will process these nominations and post weekly updates online regarding complete/incomplete nominations. During this process there are also letters sent out to the families stating whether the nomination is compete/ incomplete. This is the exhibitor/family’s opportunity to verify the accuracy of the nomination information received by K-State.

7 $8/animal Nomination Materials to Mail 6/6/2016 KJLS 48.00
Forty-eight dollars & no/100 6 sheep nominations Willie Wildcat

8 Nomination Process (Cont.)
Checklist on the website is a VERY helpful guide to determine the requirements for each species. REMINDER: A livestock nomination is NOT an entry for Kansas Junior Livestock Show or Kansas State Fair. Exhibitors must submit an entry for each of these shows once they have received a notice from K-State that their nomination has been processed and is complete. Incomplete Fee - $20 one time/ year incompletion fee if paperwork needs to be returned for any reason, or any nomination materials are missing. Questions on the Nomination Process?

9 K-State Animal Sciences Leadership Academy
June (specific dates expected to be release by Jan. 1) Held in Manhattan, KS Coordinated by Sharon Breiner Goal: To further develop young leaders within the livestock industry through an engaging summer experience New in 2015 and expected to continue: Two sessions of 20 high school age participants Opened up to youth across the country, not just Kansas Farm/ Company tours, K-State tours, and Current event presentations

10 Judging Camps June Held in Manhattan, KS
Horse Judging Camp (2 Sessions) Coordinated by Katie Jordan and the K-State Horse Judging Team Livestock Judging Camp (3 Sessions) Coordinated by Chris Mullinix and the K-State Livestock Judging Team More information can be found on the website

11 Bob Hines Swine Classic
July Held at the Riley County Fairgrounds 4-H age youth allowed to participate Prospect and Market Hog Shows Includes Showmanship, Educational workshops, and presentations by industry leaders

12 Kansas State 4-H Livestock Sweepstakes
August Held in Manhattan, KS 2-day event consisting of Livestock Judging, Meats Judging, Skill-a-thon, and Quiz Bowl contests Winners of each contest move on to the national competitions for the respective contest in which they win All-Star Team – team representing Kansas at the National 4-H Livestock Judging contest will be an all-star team; top 3 teams will have the opportunity to compete at Aksarben, Denver, or the Royal.

13 Kansas Junior Livestock Show
Kansas State Fair Date: September 9-18, 2016 Show held in Hutchinson, KS Kansas Junior Livestock Show Date: September 30 – October 2, 2016 Show will be held in Hutchinson, KS (State Fair Grounds)

14 Thank You! (785)532-1264
Kansas State Youth Livestock Program

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