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Rotary International District 5300 Four Way Test Speech Contest

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1 Rotary International District 5300 Four Way Test Speech Contest
"Of the things we think, say or do: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"

2 Theme

3 Levels Clubs – (67) Areas (14) Regional (5) District 5300

4 Club Contest Area and Regional District Winner

5 Begin with Club Level then Area level coordinate thru Assistant District Governor
Altadena Pasadena Pasadena After Hours San Marino South Pasadena

6 After Club Level No Social Media of the Winner! None!
The winner will be disqualified if name picture and club sponsoring is posted on ANY social media place. Notify the Area Host the students name that won. Let the student that won know date and time of your Area competition.

7 Contest Progression District 5300 California West Area 1 Area 2 Area 3
California East Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Area 8 Victor Valley Area 9 Antelope Area 10 Nevada Area 11 Area 12 Area 13 Area 14

8 Prizes! Clubs Budget for Prize Money
Area level clubs participating decide amount Regional again clubs participating decide District Level (1)$5,000 (+/-) (3) $1,000 (+/-) Depending on club participation

9 We need a host for each level of the contest!
Club Level Contest We need a host for each level of the contest! Clubs host their own contest which may not be combined with other clubs. This is the only level where clubs hold competitions during their regularly scheduled weekly meetings. Happy Host

10 Area Level hosting Club 4WT Chairs within the area may contact each other to determine location for Group Contest. Your Assistant Governor for your area should assist in finding the host club. Notify your Regional Chair of date, time and location. Clubs participating or the host club should invite the Judges. A Club in your Area should volunteer to Host the Area competition.

11 Regional Level Contest
Regional Chair may select a location to host the competition but is open to suggestions. Once the winner of your region has been selected, Regional chair must report the following information to District 4WT Chair Winning Contestant’s; Name and phone number Names of family members that will be attending conference (up to 2) any additional family members will be at the expense of the family or the hosting club Happy Host

12 Host Responsibilities
Club Judges (not Rotarians) Prizes Students Meal Contact Group Thank you gift for Judges Meal/snacks Prizes for Contestants Winning Contestant contact info provided to Regional Chair Regional Thank You gift for judges (?) Meals/snacks Winning contestant contact info to District 4WT Chair

13 Places First Place First Runner-Up Second Runner-Up Runner-Up

14 July and August Pick a date in February for the Club contest
Timeline July and August Pick a date in February for the Club contest

15 Deadline for Registration
4-Way Test Speech Contest Registration Deadline is February 15, 2018. $275 per club. All money is to be sent to the District Administrator. No need to print, Club Entry forms are to be filled out on-line through 4WT page on District website ( no other forms will be accepted). A copy will be automatically sent to District 4-Way Test Chair Tricia Vagt at

16 January 1-31 Calendar Club level 4 Way Test Speech Contest for February. Line-up students and judges.

17 Hold Club level Four Way Test Speech Contest.
February 1-28 Hold Club level Four Way Test Speech Contest.

18 March/April Area Level Competition (by the end of March) Regional Level Competition (by April 15th)

19 2018 District Conference! May 18th - 20th, 2018
Final Contest 2018 District Conference! May 18th - 20th, 2018

20 Once you’re in the website click on Service then Youth Service then 4 Way Test This is what you will find Contestant Manual Club Entry Form Helpful Hints Contestant Biography Form Judging Manual Flyer Article for Club Newsletters PowerPoint Presentation Certificates for Competition Winners Club Level Area Level Region Level

21 2017-2018 District 4-Way Test Chair
I’m here to help! Tricia Vagt District 4-Way Test Chair

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