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Low-Performing Schools Evaluation Requirements

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1 Low-Performing Schools Evaluation Requirements
Human Resources Low-Performing Schools Evaluation Requirements Source: Tharrington Smith LLP Attorneys At Law Est 1964

2 HR Key Issues HR Issues for Low-Performing Schools Principal Retention
Teacher Retention Licensed Employee Evaluations

3 Principal Employment Superintendent must recommend one of the following: Retain principal with no remediation plan (<2 years at school) Retain principal with remediation plan Transfer principal to a non-LP school in the district Only permitted if principal has had two previous years of success in a school of that classification Remediation plan during year following transfer Notice to parents at new school Dismiss or demote principal Source: Tharrington Smith LLP Attorneys At Law Est 1964

4 Principal Employment Board must notify State Board regarding action taken and basis for action within 15 days State Board Action If no assistance team assigned, or if principal dismissed, no further action If assistance team assigned and principal not dismissed, State Board must vote to accept, modify, or reject Board’s decision Under certain circumstances, State Board can dismiss principal independently Source: Tharrington Smith LLP Attorneys At Law Est 1964

5 Principal Remediation Plan
Statute does not specify what a remediation plan should contain (Personnel file) General Suggestions: Should not be the same as the school’s improvement plan, but should align with that plan Should contain relevant, measurable goals and tasks Principal should be involved in development of plan Source: Tharrington Smith LLP Attorneys At Law Est 1964

6 Certified Evaluations
GS 115C-333 requires that all licensed employees in LP schools to be evaluated on an expedited calendar Early enough to provide adequate time for mandatory improvement plan Version of TCP-C-004 adopted at December 2015 meeting, provides that “evaluation” be conducted “as early in the school year as possible” Source: Tharrington Smith LLP Attorneys At Law Est 1964

7 Certified Evaluations
Evaluation must include, per State Board policy revisions: TCP-C-004 Data Points Prior year’s summative evaluation All available student growth data (EVAAS, ASW, mClass, Dibels, etc.) Professional Development Plan Pre-observation conference Formal observation (by administrator or assistance team only) Post-observation conference Source: Tharrington Smith LLP Attorneys At Law Est 1964

8 Certified Evaluations
Comprehensive and Standard Plans Pre-Conference Formal observation (all standards -existing observation) Complete the Non-NCEES District Summary Rating Form using identified data points (paper version) District Rating Form/PDP Conference (face-to-face) and administrator uploads district form into NCEES as an attachment in PDP comment section Note: Any Standard less than proficient on 1-5 requires the addition of an improvement goal on the mid-year PDP.

9 Certified Evaluations
Abbreviated Plan Pre-Conference in NCEES Conduct Full Observation/Evaluation using the district provided Summary Rating Form and identified data points Enter ratings for Standards I & 4 in NCEES as one of the required observations Post Observation/PDP Conference (face-to-face) and administrator uploads district form into NCEES as an attachment in PDP comment section Notes: Any Standard less than proficient on 1-5 requires the addition of an improvement goal on the mid-year PDP. Not proficient, move to Standard Cycle and proceed as usual, but on a mandatory improvement plan (the PDP may be used as the low-performing MIP for this purpose)

10 Certified Evaluations
Support Staff Pre-Conference (may use existing observation.) Formal observation (all standards -existing observation) Complete the Non-NCEES District Summary Rating Form using identified data points District Rating Form/PDP Conference (face-to-face) and administrator uploads district form into NCEES as an attachment in PDP comment section (Exception: Hardcopy will be submitted to HR with EOY documentation-Speech) Note: Any Standard less than proficient on 1-5 requires the addition of an improvement goal on the mid-year PDP.

11 Low Performing MIP Teacher’s PDP may serve if it:
Addresses all areas of deficiency noted in evaluation Contains recommendation and specific supports for resolving all deficiencies Should you use Monitored or Directed Growth Plan? Not required by policy, but could be done Possible NCEES implications Source: Tharrington Smith LLP Attorneys At Law Est 1964

12 Principal Evaluations
Statute says “all licensed staff” should receive “evaluation.” TCP-C-004 silent as to administrators. Evaluator will conduct an assessment of the relevant, available information concerning the administrator’s performance.  Evaluator documents via NCEES during mid-year whether the administrator’s performance is at least proficient on all elements in each standard. Evaluator then gives an overall rating in the comment section for each standard that the administrator is at least proficient. If administrator is NOT proficient on any standard, then revise the administrator’s PDP to include improvement goals addressing the deficiency Source: Tharrington Smith LLP Attorneys At Law Est 1964

13 Next Steps Devise plan with Admin team immediately
TCP-C-004 District Form/PDP Conference Completed for certified staff with performance concerns first Midyear PDP/Rubric for Principals/APs must include performance rating for each standard in the comment section of Rubric NOTES: If performance goals are added to PDP during the mid-year conference improvements/ growth must be documented in EOY summative conference with a specific comment.

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