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Semantic Structures & Multi-disciplinary Integration

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1 Semantic Structures & Multi-disciplinary Integration
Visualization, Linguistic Multiplicity and Semantic Annotation as Didactical Scaffolds for Internationalized e-Learning Seminar Webpage: Vibeke Bjarnø, the Department of ICT, Faculty of Education

2 Culture for learning Ministry of Education and Research
Basic skills – five competences: Express oneself: orally written Read Mathematics ICT (digital competence) Report no. 30 to the Storting ( ) * express onself     - orally     - written * read * mathematics * ICT Basic skills: to be able to express oneself orally to be able to read to be able to express oneself in writing to be able to do arithmetic to be able to use information and communication technology

3 Goal: Develop the student teachers digital competence
The governmental framework: ICT as a pedagogical tool at all levels What is digital competence for student teachers? Learn to use Use to learn How to integrate ICT as a natural part of learning in pupil’s everyday life? develop new multi-disciplinary didaktik with ICT The term didaktik used in my paper is untranslarable to English, it is used to emphasize the Central and Northern European connotations of the concept. The term Didaktik is interwined of action and reflection, practice and theory (Gundem and Hopmann 1998). Different from the Anglo saxon understanding of didactic, who is more a methodological concept.

4 Questions - challenges
How to make sure that ICT is not reduced to only a tool? Develop a digital competence is more than a skill Need for remediation Defining semantic structures

5 Remediation i the meaning…
…the formal logic by which new media refashion prior media forms… Remediation is used on science on new medias. Two strategies for remediation are ”immediacy” and ”hypermediacy” (Bolter and Grusin 2003:273) Helge skal du bruke denne??: Eks: en remediering av en thesaurus

6 Ex: - Peer review assessment
ICT Word processor: Track changes Insert comment Compare and Merge Documents Spelling and Grammar check LMS: Tool for writing in groups Discussion forum Chat New didaktik Remediation Original didaktik in Norwegian and ICT Didaktik Hvorfor samarbeidslæring? Hva er bra med det? IKT et virkemiddel for kommunikasjon. Norwegian Peer review assessment: Focus on process more than product, Vygotsky, learn by interaction Why collective learning? ICT as a tool for communication Methologhy of writing, learn to write: Grammas Word and text compotation Genre From symbol to sound Digital text production relevant

7 Ex: Formula editor and painting tool in Mathematics
ICT Word processor: Insert objects Formula editor Painting tool: Create images Raster and vector graphic Image Size Editing images Digital didaktik Remediation Original didaktik in Mathematics and ICT Didaktik item, spot, point, dot, period = punkt Raster Images Raster images are composed of individual elements, called pixels, arranged in a grid. Each pixel has a specific location and colour. If you magnify raster data, you can see the individual pixels as squares of colours. An object in a raster image is defined by its pixels. For example, the front door in an image of a house is made up of a mosaic of pixels at certain locations in the image. In bitmap images you edit pixels rather than objects or shapes. Raster images can display subtle changes in tones and colours, so they are most often used for images like photographs and digital artwork. Raster images contain a fixed number of pixels, so when you magnify the image you are magnifying the display size of the pixels. As a result, raster images can display jagged rather than smooth edges if magnified on screen or printed at a large magnification. Vector Graphics Vector graphics or images use geometric characteristics—lines, curves, and their locations—to define objects. For example, a door in a graphic of a house is made up of a rectangle with a certain width and height at a specific location and filled with a certain colour. In vector images you edit objects or shapes rather than pixels. Vector graphics do not lose clarity or detail when scaled to any size or printed at any resolution. They work well for technical illustrations or corporate logos. brøk-fractional Brøkdelfraction likhetlikeness, equality POLYGON = a closed figure formed by three or more segments polynomial A mathematical expression that is a sum of terms, each term being a product of a constant and a non-negative (or zero) power of a variable or variables. For example: 3x3 - 2x + .5x2 + 6 Presise uttrykksformer: A need to compose tasks for the pupils in school practice Work with symbol expressions Mathematics Formula: Polynomial expressions (3x3 - 2x + .5x2 + 6) Fractional expressions (1/4) The use of the sign equality (=) Figures: Painting graphs and figures Digital formula editor and digital painting tool relevant

8 Defining semantic structures
combine compulsory subjects with ICT expand teacher students digital competence further than technical skills Stimulate and motivate for: concrete and abstract thinking connect experiences with action – the semantic level, the level of meaning Ex. In the combination of Norwegian and ICT, the teacher students have to learn that ICT is more than operational skills who is inferior to write "kategoriserte" i hovedgrupper hva IT er for noe. Det gjelder f.eks. at IT * skaper endringer i TEKST som fenomen * skaper endringer i KOMMUNIKASJON og det SOSIALE som fenomen * skaper endringer i (individuell og kollektiv) HUKOMMELSE Hva betyr det for norskfaget at TEKST, KOMMUNIKASJON og HUKOMMELSE endrer karakter?

9 Describe experiences > terms > semantic structure for the new content in Teacher Education
Through concrete and abstract dialogue the content changes character To find out what is changed, is to describe experiences with ICT in learning – result gives terms, who together builds a semantic structure Changes TEXT as a phenomena Changes COMMUNICATION and SOCIAL interaction as a phenomena Changes the MEMORY FUNCTION both individually and collectively (changing the habits) This is the level of action were the student teachers learn to think concrete and abstract, and were the work with text, explanations, writing folders, Peer review assessment etc. changes character. To find out what who is changing is to describe experiences with ICT in learning, in these case in combination with the subject Norwegian. The result gives terms, who together build a semantic structure for the new content in Teacher Education – were the focus is multidisciplinary didaktik with ICT. In these circumstances it will be possible to express and uncover that ICT makes: Changes in TEXT as a phenomen Changes COMMUNICATION and the SOCIAL as a phenomen Changes the MEMORY/STORAGE/KNOWLEDGE both individually and collectively (changing the habits) In the example: What do it mean for the subject Norwegian, that TEXT, COMMUNICATION and MEMORY changes character?

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