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Elementary Science Class: Five Chapter One Our Environment.

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3 Elementary Science Class: Five Chapter One Our Environment

4 Topics to Discuss Environment Elements of environment
Relationship between Living and Non-living Things Ecosystem Mutual Dependence between Plants and Animals Energy Flow Food Chain Food Web

5 Environment: Things and events around us that we observe make our environment. Types: Natural: Plants, animals, hills, mountains, water bodies etc. Man-made: Houses, roads, buildings, market etc.

6 Elements of Environment
Living things: Plants and animals. Non-living things: Soil, air, water, chair, table etc.

7 1. Relationship between Living and Non-living Things:
Needs of living things for survival Living things depends on non-living things for survival in the environment. HUMAN: Need air to breathe Need water to drink Need food to get nutrition Use soil to grow crops Use land to build shelter Need furniture, clothes, appliances etc. to live. Human depend on non-living things in their life

8 All animals need air, water and food to live.
1. Relationship between Living and Non-living Things: OTHER ANIMALS: All animals need air, water and food to live. Animal use soil and water as habitats. Some animals like insects, earthworms, moles, snakes etc. live in soil. Some animals such as prawn, fish, wheal, oyster etc. lives in water. animals in soil animals in water

9 1. Relationship between Living and Non-living Things:
PLANTS: Use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide from air to make food. Need soil to grow on. Plants such as water lily and water hyacinth use water as a habitat. QUESTION: How do living things (human/animals/plants) depend on non- living things? Plants depend on non-living things

10 What is an Ecosystem? All living and non-living things that exist and interact in one place is called ecosystem.

11 2.Mutual Dependence between Plants and Animals

12 Mutual Dependence ANIMALS (dependence on plants):
Animals depends on plants in many ways. Such as- Animals use oxygen given off by plants to breath. Animals eat various parts of plants such as stems, leaves, roots, fruits as food to get energy. Several animals like monkey, squirrel, insects etc. use plants for their shelter. Birds make their nest on trees. Human use plants to make their houses, furniture, book, pencils etc.

13 Mutual Dependence PLANTS (dependence on animals):
For making food: Plant use carbon dioxide given off by animals to make food. For nutrition: Dead bodies of animals become organic fertilizer and plant use this nutrition to grow. For pollination: Animals such as birds, bees help plants in pollination. Seed dispersal: Animals help plants in seed dispersal. Question: How do plants and animals depend on each other?

14 Some definition: Pollination: Transfer of pollen from one flower to another flower so that plants can make new seeds. New plants grow from these seeds.

15 Seed dispersal: Seed dispersal helps plants to create new colonies.
The transport of seeds away from the parent plant. Seed dispersal helps plants to create new colonies.

16 Parent plant/ mother plant:
Parts or seeds of the plants from which new plants grow. Colony: A group of plants or animals living or growing in one place. COLONY

17 3. Energy Flow: Living things need energy for survival.
Plants get energy from the Sun. Animals get energy from food (plants and animals). Eating and Being Eaten eaten by eaten by eaten by eaten by eaten by Sun grass grasshopper frog snake eagle

18 Energy Flow Energy Flow

19 Food Chain Energy is passed from a plant to animals. The path of
food energy in an ecosystem from plants to animals is called food chain. There are many food chains in an ecosystem. The food chain begins with the green plants (producer). Small animals (consumer) are eaten by large animals (consumer).

20 Food Chain All animals directly or indirectly depend on plants for their energy. A plants produces its own food using the energy of sunlight. An insect eats the plant, and frog eats the insects. In the same process the frog is eaten by a snake, and then the snake is eaten by an eagle. Like this, energy is passed from a plant to animal and food chain is created.

21 Food Web In any ecosystems, there are many food chains. Several food chains connected together is called a food web. All the plants and animals are a part of several food chains. For example: 1. A hawk might eat a mouse, a squirrel, a frog or some other animals. 2. The snake may eat a rabbit, a rat, or some other animals.

22 Questions (Energy Flow):
From where plants get energy? From where animals get energy? What is food chain? What is food web? What are the differences between food chain and food web? How do animals depend on living things to get energy?


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