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Facilitating Data Integration For Regulatory Submissions

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Data Integration For Regulatory Submissions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Data Integration For Regulatory Submissions
John R. Gerlach; SAS / CDISC Specialist John C. Bowen; Independent Consultant

2 The Challenge Creating an Integrated (Harmonized) Collection of Clinical Data for Regulatory Submission Labor Intensive Error Prone Modus Operandi – Ad Hoc Programming

3 The SAS Solution Reporting Tool to Evaluate Pair-wise Data Sets
Meta Data Level Content Level Assumptions Same Data Set Names Same Variable Names Expandable

4 Comparison of the DM Data Set in the Left and Right Data Libraries
Meta Data Report Comparison of the DM Data Set in the Left and Right Data Libraries ( Metadata Level ) ================= Left ================= ================= Right ================== Name Type Length Label Type Length Label AGE NUM Age in AGEU at … NUM Age in AGEU a t… AGEU CHAR Age Units CHAR Age Units ARM CHAR Description of … CHAR Description of … ARMCD CHAR Planned Arm Code CHAR Planned Arm Code BRTHDTC CHAR Date of Birth CHAR Date of Birth * COUNTRY CHAR Country * DOMAIN CHAR Domain Abbreviation CHAR Domain Abbreviation RACE CHAR Race CHAR Race * RFENDTC CHAR Subject Reference End … RFSTDTC CHAR Subject Reference Start CHAR Subject Reference Start … * SEX CHAR Sex NUM Sex SITEID CHAR Study Site Identifier CHAR Study Site Identifier STUDYID CHAR Study Identifier CHAR Study Identifier * SUBJID CHAR Subject Identifier … USUBJID CHAR Unique Subject … CHAR Unique Subject Identifier

5 Content Level Report Comparison of the AE Data Set in the Left and Right Data Libraries ( Content Level ) Variable Left Right AESER N N Y Y AEREL < Null > DEFINITELY RELATED N NOT RELATED Y POSSIBLY RELATED PROBABLY RELATED UNLIKELY RELATED

6 SAS Reporting Tool Base SAS Macro Language Data Step Programming
REPORT Procedure SQL with Dictionary Tables TABLES COLUMNS %data_integrate(study101, study201, AE, HTML=N) ;

7 Meta-Data Level Report Methodology
Determine Both Data Sets Exist. Obtain Meta Data on Each Data Set. Perform Match-merge. Produce Report.

8 Comparison of the AE Data Set in the Left and Right Data Libraries
Meta Data Report Comparison of the AE Data Set in the Left and Right Data Libraries ( Metadata Level ) ================= Left ================ ================== Right ================ Name Type Length Label Type Length Label AEACN CHAR Action Taken w CHAR Action Taken with … AEBODSYS CHAR Body System CHAR Body System or Organ Class AEDECOD CHAR Dictionary-Derived Term CHAR Dictionary-Derived Term AEENDTC CHAR End Date/Time of Adver CHAR End Date/Time of Adverse … AEENDY NUM Study Date of End of Event NUM Study Day of End of Event * AEENRF CHAR End Relative to Reference … AEHLGT CHAR MedDRA Highest Level … CHAR MedDRA Highest Level … * AEOUT CHAR AE Outcome CHAR Outcome of Adverse Event * AEREL CHAR Causality CHAR Causality * AESDTH CHAR Results in Death AESEQ NUM Sequence Number NUM Sequence Number AESER CHAR Serious Event CHAR Serious Event AESEV CHAR Severity CHAR Severity AESTDTC CHAR Start Date/Time of … CHAR Start Date/Time of … AESTDY NUM Study Day of Start of Event NUM Study Date of Start of Event * AETERM CHAR Reported Term for the … CHAR Reported Term for the … DOMAIN CHAR Domain Abbreviation CHAR Domain Abbreviation STUDYID CHAR Study Identifier CHAR Study Identifier USUBJID CHAR Unique Subject Identifier CHAR Unique Subject Identifier

9 Comparison of the AE Data Set in the Left and Right Data Libraries
Meta Data Report Comparison of the AE Data Set in the Left and Right Data Libraries ( Metadata Level ) ================= Left ================ ================== Right ================ Name Type Length Label Type Length Label * AEENRF CHAR End Relative to Reference … * AEOUT CHAR AE Outcome CHAR Outcome of Adverse Event * AEREL CHAR Causality CHAR Causality * AESDTH CHAR Results in Death * AETERM CHAR Reported Term for the … CHAR Reported Term for the …

10 Meta Data Report You Need BOTH Reports!
Assume Meta-data Report Indicates Perfect Match. Data Level – A Different Matter Different Versions of MedDRA / WHO Codes Variable Sex Having Value ‘M’ versus ‘1’ You Need BOTH Reports!

11 Content Level Report Methodology
Identify Character variables, if any. For each Character variable – Obtain unique values in the Left data set. Determine data type of the respective variable in the Right data set. Why?

12 Content Level Report Methodology
Obtain unique values in Right data set. Store as character values, regardless of data type. Combine Left and Right data sets keeping 30 observations. Assign the text ‘< Null >’ for missing value.

13 Content Level Report Methodology
Append data set representing the ith variable to the reporting data set. Produce the report. Do it again for Numeric Variables.

14 Data Integration Issue – AEOUT
Left Study Right Study FATAL FATAL RESOLVED ONGOING RESOLVED WITH SEQUELAE RESOLVED UNKNOWN RESOLVED WITH SEQUELAE UNRESOLVED Right side represents a subset of values. Active Study - “ONGOING” should change status by database lock.

15 Data Integration Issue – AEREL
Left Study Right Study N Definitely Related Y Not Related Possibly Related Probably Related Unlikely Related Dichotomous versus descriptive values. Unlikely Related & Not Related  N Other Values  Y

16 Data Integration Issue – AESDTH
Manifested in Metadata report only. AESDTH variable exists in all studies, except one. However, AEOUT exists in the Domain. AESDTH  Imputed from AEOUT (FATAL).

17 Data Integration Issue – AESEV
Left Study Right Study LIFE THREATENING <Null> MILD Mild MODERATE Moderate SEVERE Severe Unknown Null and Unknown values may be an issue. Mixed case needs to be converted.

18 Data Integration Issue – ARMCD
Left Study Right Study PROD_NAME <Null> PLACEBO DRUG_NAME PLACEBO Embarrassing Null value for a Required variable. DRUG_NAME needs to be re-assigned to PROD_NAME.

19 Data Integration Issue – CMROUTE
Left Study Right Study INTRAVENOUS I/V IV Intravenous Intravenous Direct Intravenous Injection Convert various forms of Intravenous.

20 Data Integration Issue – COUNTRY
Left Study Right Study USA US ENG ITA ISO byte versus 2-byte.

21 Data Integration Issue – RFENDTC
Left Study Right Study <Null> <Null> T:00:00 T:00:00 T:00:00 T:00:00 Null value acceptable for Screen failures only. Date / Time converted to ISO8601 Date only.

22 Data Integration Issue – SEX
Left Study Right Study M <Null> F 1 U 2 Left study uses proposed CDISC Control Terminology.

23 Conclusion Data integration -- Part of the IT landscape.
ISS / ISE Submissions Acquisitions (Differing Proprietary Standards) CDISC Standards -- No Guarantee for Harmonization Across Studies. Reporting Tool Metadata Level Content Level Standard Reports Promoting Good Communication.

24 Questions? John R. Gerlach SAS / CDISC Specialist
John C. Bowen Independent Consultant

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