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Tropical wet and dry Humid subtropical Humid continental Semiarid Arid.

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Presentation on theme: "Tropical wet and dry Humid subtropical Humid continental Semiarid Arid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explain why many early settlements in the eastern United States were founded along the fall line.

2 Tropical wet and dry Humid subtropical Humid continental Semiarid Arid

3 6. Marine west coast 7. Mediterranean 8. Tropical humid 9. Tundra 10
6. Marine west coast 7. Mediterranean 8. Tropical humid 9. Tundra 10. Subarctic

4 Biomes of North America
Temperate forest Semiarid and desert Grassland Boreal forest Tundra Tropical Savanna Tropical rainforest

5 The United States and Canada have only three climate types.
The very tip of Florida has a marine west coast climate. The Gulf stream is a current in the Pacific Ocean. Areas in North America that have a humid continental climate have very long winters and a short mild summer.

6 5. The semiarid climate of the Great plains supports many trees and no grasses. 6. The Rockies have an ice cap climate. 7. Hawaii lies completely within the Mediterranean climate type.

7 8. Redwood trees can be found along the coast of northern Florida. 9
8. Redwood trees can be found along the coast of northern Florida. 9. A grassland biome stretches along the coastal regions of the United States. 10. Lichens are small animals that live only in desert regions.

8 Explain the 4 factors that influence the distribution of climates.

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