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Computer Crime CJ 520 / CJ 600 1.0 October 27, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Crime CJ 520 / CJ 600 1.0 October 27, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Crime CJ 520 / CJ 600 1.0 October 27, 2010

2 Computer Crime “Computer crime, cybercrime, e-crime, hi-tech crime or electronic crime generally refers to criminal activity where a computer or network is the source, tool, target, or place of a crime.” --Wikipedia

3 Why is it important to understand computer crime?
Proliferation of technology Reliance on computers Infrastructure vulnerabilities

4 But is it really a crime? What’s the jurisdiction? What’s the statute?
I Love You virus

5 Some Computer Crimes Online threats Cyber-stalking
Online child pornography Online gambling Money-laundering Malware Terrorism Counterfeiting Securities fraud Intellectual property theft Hate crimes Espionage Identity theft Exploitation

6 A few facts Anyone with a computer can pose a threat
An estimated 73% of computer crime committed by “insiders’ Computer crime tends to be unreported / under reported

7 Categories of Computer Crimes
How computers can be used in the commission of crimes

8 Computer as a Target DDOS, data corruption, network intrusion, vandalism Information / Access is a target Data corruption Prevent access of data

9 Computer as an Instrument
Credit card fraud, salami attack, harassment Assists commission of crime Processes of computer, not information

10 Computer is Incidental
Money laundering, loan sharking Not essential for crime Ease in committing crime

11 Crimes involving prevalence of computers
Intellectual property theft, identity theft, equipment theft New versions of old crimes

12 Some Terminology Mens Rea Actus Reus Prohibative
Malfeasance by computer MD5 Hash

13 Digital Evidence Digital evidence or electronic evidence is any probative information stored or transmitted in digital form that a party to a court case may use at trial. --Wikipedia

14 Digital Evidence Facts
Can be immense Can be encrypted, disguised, or hidden Is intangible without assistance

15 Digital Evidence can be:
Stored Instrument Target Contraband

16 Where can digital evidence be found?
We must be able to handle and to accurately describe digital evidence

17 Resources Digital Crime & Digital Terrorism - Chapter One
Computer Crime Categories: How Techno-criminals Operate -

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