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Civil Rights becomes violent and moves North.

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1 Civil Rights becomes violent and moves North.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Civil Rights becomes violent and moves North.

2 kept blacks out of white areas. King and SCLC set up the Chicago Plan
2. 300,000 blacks in Chicago. Mayor Daley kept blacks out of white areas. King and SCLC set up the Chicago Plan (non-violent) 8. Riots turned people Against Civil Rights. President did little about she findings. 1968 Civil Rights Act established 1.Racially segregated Blacks housing worse, but 10-20% more expensive 7. The Kerner Commission: divided society Blacks lived in poverty high black unemployment Blacks in low-skilled jobs Poverty caused riots 3. Chicago Freedom Movement set up. Focus on fair housing. March through Whiter areas; met with violence CHICAGO 5. Civil Rights Act 1968 est: focus is Fair Housing Act (bans all discrimination) King becomes irrelevant 6. Call for Black power reached Chicago. More Race riots in 1966. President Johnson ordered an investigation 4. Black teenagers open fire hydrant on a hot day; police shut it down. Riot starts


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