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MIPI Changes October 2012.

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1 MIPI Changes October 2012

2 Background NTS Exit Capacity regime moves from the “Transitional” to the “Enduring” period on 1st October 2012 New data items and reports are being added to MIPI in line with this change Some current data items and reports are being re-named or discontinued Publish gas transmission data as specified by the EU 3rd package obligation Publish obligated Exit data to the EU Transparency Platform Publish non-obligated Exit data 2

3 Data Item Explorer New Exit Capacity Data Items Availability
Constraint Daily Price Each query can be broken down by Location New “Exit Capacity” node which contains data sent from GEMINI after 30th September 2012 3

4 Data Item Explorer Exit Capacity (prior to October 2012)
Previous Type New Exit Capacity Node Exit Capacity (prior to October 2012) Capacity Trading Analysis (NORM26) Report Entry Capacity Trading Analysis Exit Capacity Trading Analysis* Existing “Exit Capacity” node is renamed to “Exit Capacity (prior to October 2012)” It contains Exit data that was in the Capacity Trading Analysis (NORM26) prior to October 2012 *Updated until 30th September 2012 4

5 Report Explorer Report Explorer New Exit Capacity Reports Availability
Constraint Daily Price New Node New Reports New Reports accessed via Exit Capacity Publications New Exit node is named “Exit Capacity – Daily Reports” Existing “Capacity – Daily Reports” node is renamed to “Entry Capacity –Daily Reports” Reports decommissioned from 30th September 2012 (in Report Explorer): Exit Capacity Booked (NORD04a)* Future Exit Capacity Booked (NORD04b)* *data items accessible for a 5 year period in Data Item Explorer 5

6 Exit Capacity Publications
New Reports include: Long Term Summary Firm Exit Capacity Assignments Firm Exit Capacity Transfers Firm Exit Capacity Buybacks – Forwards Firm Exit Capacity Buybacks – Options Existing Menu “Exit Capacity Application Publications” is renamed to “Exit Capacity Publications” 6

7 ENTSOG New Exit data sent from MIPI to ENTSOG Transparency Platform:
Interconnector Exit Point Data Long Term Firm Capacity Scaleback Restoration Tariff Data Link to the ENTSOG platform: 7

8 Price Data Some additional non-obligated data items are included as they are considered to be consistent with Entry Capacity. These include: Day-Ahead, Within-Day and Off-Peak Price data Max/Min Prices Weighted Average prices (WAP) 8

9 Timeframe 22nd – 23rd September 2012: Menu structures to be implemented 1st October 2012: Capacity Exit data will go live and new menu structure will be available to use More detailed information on the new data items and lists will be published via the National Grid Operational data page prior to implementation

10 Web pages & Contacts Exit Capacity Applications/Auctions/Information National Grid NTS exit capacity Web page Use of Data item explorer / Report explorer MIPI 10

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