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Data Integration Problem

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1 Data Integration Problem
How to access data across 22 different data systems, most operating on different hardware, using different software, and having no common data interchange language. Hardware Operating environment IBM 360 360 RPG, COBOL Mainframe VSAM, VSE, OS390 AS400 AIX, RPG, COBOL SUN UNIX, LINUX PC DOS, Windows, OS2 The problem is to link together the databses.

2 Resource Cost Problem: How to pull relevant information from disparate systems using different software and hardware and report formats, into a common report. Solution: Web services

3 Resource Cost Using old technology, linking systems required the development of an elaborate superstructure of hardware and software built around specific exchanges between specific systems using lots of client side software. The expense of these systems in both personnel and financial resources was tremendous.


5 Resource Cost During the last 18 months, new software tools have become available that for the first time allow ‘practical’ solutions to linking systems. These tools make it easy for users to build linkages to dissimilar systems using Web services and XML instead of specific client side software solutions. The cost of doing this has dropped by a factor of 10. What used to cost 1M$ to do can now be done for 100K.

6 Resource Cost With the new Web based technologies and standards it is possible to dramatically accelerate the pace of the development process; drastically reduce the cost in manpower, software, and hardware; and greatly simplify the adaptability of the solution to new demands and needs. The difference in the scale of the solution that is now possible compared with what was possible before introduction of these Web technologies is analogous to the difference between a minicomputer from 1980 and a laptop computer of 2003.

7 Portal Approach Linking multiple databases together in a common search environment to eliminate the need to query each system individually. County jails Incident reports Adult offender Court Referral DA’s system NCIC / NLETS The problem is to link together the databses.

8 Services Oriented Architecture
A service-oriented architecture is essentially a collection of services. These services communicate with each other. The communication can involve either simple data passing or it could involve two or more services coordinating some activity. Some means of connecting services to each other is needed. Service-oriented architectures are not a new thing. The first service-oriented architecture for many people in the past was with the use of DCOM or Object Request Brokers (ORBs) based on the CORBA specification. Presentation to Justice Information Sharing Conference November, 2003

9 Presentation to Justice Information Sharing Conference November, 2003
Services Services are what you connect together using Web services. A service is the endpoint of a connection. Also, a service has some type of underlying computer system that supports the connection offered Web services technology is the most likely connection technology used in service-oriented architectures. Web services essentially use XML to create a robust connection. Web Services refers to the technologies that allow for making connections. Services are what you connect together using Web Services. A service is the endpoint of a connection. Also, a service has some type of underlying computer system that supports the connection offered. The combination of services - internal and external to an organization - make up a service-oriented architecture.  Presentation to Justice Information Sharing Conference November, 2003

10 Web services - The New Data Interchange Standard
Courts XML Law Enforcement XML XML Unix Probation XML XML is rapidly becoming the standard for sharing data inside of an organization. Windows 2000 is an XML aware platform as are Oracle, DB2, UNIX, and LINUX. The IBM mainframe now has an XML parser available for it, and so on. XML from these systems will enable web services to be used for organization to organization transactions. Host Integration Web server XML District Attorney XML Mainframe

11 Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
What is a Web Service? Web Service Open Internet Protocols A programmable application component accessible via standard Internet protocols You can ask a site or device for a description of its Web Services, or use a directory service such as UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration UDDI Web Services Description Language Web Services are defined in terms of the formats and ordering of messages Refer people to the DOJ white paper on web services and security issues in a justice environment There is a proposal that has been brought before ISWG that we get OJP to sponsor a UDDI for all of these services that folks like me are building so that they can be accessible and re-usable by others in the justice community. WSDL Simple Object Access Protocol Web Service consumers can send and receive messages using SOAP SOAP All these capabilities are built using open Internet protocols XML, HTTP, SMTP

12 Loosely-coupled Computing
Dynamic State county Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic city While the diagram may imply to some people this is not a point to point example. This is a dynamically spawned connection, when needed where needed, and for as long as needed. The path may take any of the directions that will result in a connection between point A and point B Dynamic Federal Web services allow the exchange of information across public networks. There is NO requirement for special new infrastructure as long as standards are followed.

13 Multiple level security
Pull side Requests from Other states Prisons Multiple level security Courts Secure requests Justice XML Others Internet Web Services Security Police DPS LETS Portal DA Alabama system Others JMS (jail management system) RMS (record management) DA (District Attorney DPS (Dept of Public Safety) Pull side – read only access to these systems for the majority of the CJ community. Obviously the owners of the systems have complete access. They own, use, and maintain all of their own records. They share on an “as needed” basis with the entire community via different types of ‘services’ that we have developed for them to interact with our LETS query engine. Push side – These systems are ones that we developed in house. They are all .NET based, have integrated web services and operate in native XML mode. They push information up to a central storage that directly links with the other systems and the central LETS query engine via embedded web services. Secure requests Cell phone State Users PDA JMS RMS Desktop Push Side Mobile

14 Service Solution Example
Problem: Court Criminal Case management System 25 year legacy IBM mainframe VSAM ‘flat files’ No macro data for indexing Solution: Daily port of VSAM files to SQL tables Stored procedure (internal DB service) embedded in SQL tables This is a ‘hybrid’ service solution but it leaves the legacy system in place

15 Court Criminal Case Management System

16 Service Solution Example
Problem: Oracle Jail Management System Running on SUN server UNIX OS Solution: Middleware SUN One Application Server Talks to Apache web server via XML

17 Oracle Jail Management System

18 Service Solution Example
Problem: Driver’s license photo resides on a relational DB on a separate server. Solution: DB format required a script to be written to pass the DL number to the DB to retrieve the photo In this case the Script is the service Actual DL on screen file is the result of pulling data from 4 different locations to make the screen presentation. That is why I’m using the photo as an example of a service solution. The other components are all on various flavors of mainframe or AS400 systems that are downloaded to SQL tables just like in the court system.

19 Driver’s License Photo

20 .NET Devices PCs and Laptops Pocket PCs Tablet PCs
Cell phones and Pagers Custom Devices Others??? These devices are capable of interacting with .NET applications. They now support XML and Web Services. Laptops and Tablet PCs are running Windows XP, Pocket PCs and “Smart” Cell Phones are running Windows CE. Custom interfaces no longer are required since all of these devices are web aware and web browser capable. That’s basically all it takes to bring the information to the device.

21 Multi-Language Perl Python COBOL Jscript Eiffel Haskell Pascal APL Fortran C++ Visual Basic C# SmallTalk Oberon Mercury RPG Programs created in any of these computer languages (and others) can be easily accessed by web services as a part of a larger Service Oriented Architecture Scheme.

22 SOA Examples Partners LETS Courts Police Probation Corrections
PCs and Smart Devices User communities LETS Courts Police Probation Corrections History Probation Web services Security Notification Identity In this example, users have all sorts of devices (including standard desktops) that they can use to interact with their specific functional universe (user communities) Each of these is basically a legacy system of some sort, or a system created to serve a specific user community. When needed, Web services allow the interaction between communities systems (i.e. courts) and other communities or enterprises These enterprises can then pass information, on demand, to the appropriate community system. This is mostly a read only access since the concept of real time access to information makes the warehousing and storage of other community information unnecessary. Arrest Application Center Security Server SQL Server 2000 Mainframe VSAM SQL Server Mail Server DB2 Oracle Partners Servers Enterprise Servers

23 Unleash your inner child Thomas

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