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SIF Website: Video/Audio & Reports

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2 SIF Website: Video/Audio & Reports

3 Information from the Somaliland Ministry of Trade and Investment

4 Research on Investment
The Somali Diaspora Investor Survey Report


6 From our Keynote Speaker Mohamed Samater, PhD, Economist
Private Sector can work with Policy Makers, and should provide input and feedback– cultivate the Public Private Dialogue. We need to shift from a short term to long term view. Support SME’s. SME’s are the backbone of any economy and women entrepreneurs make up a very large portion. Chambers and Business Associations are vital, but they must be effective, organized, fair. Somaliland should take more of a leading role with Donors, making it easier for them.

7 Topics were explored in three tracks

8 A few takeaways Access to Finance for SME’s is still considered to be one of the biggest challenges, particularly for marginalized business owners such as women or risky sectors Innovative finance products are beginning to enter the market by way of microcredit, impact funds, and seed capital matching programs, however the market for finance is improving The Diaspora Investment Survey Report provides typologies, drivers, & recommendations to improve diaspora investment

9 A few takeaways SME’s and traditional businesses are the largest employer and backbone of the economy, and women entrepreneurs make up a very large portion of these businesses. Addressing challenges for women entrepreneurs is necessary to encourage growth. Donors are committing considerable resources to address needs in markets, sectors, and business investment. There is a need to be collaborative and seek ways to compliment. Engage in information share. There are key strategic sectors, such as renewable energy, which can provide affordable and reliable power. This and other key strategic sectors benefit from target funding

10 A few takeaways Rule of Law is a major issue. Policy makers need to enforce the current laws and actively address the need to enhance existing or pass new laws Transparency and responsiveness from Policy Makers encourages trust and reinforces investment interest Private Sector governance is also critical to promote standards, certifications, and advance quality of sectors. This can be addressed through effective chambers. Government would benefit the economy by providing incentives to SME’s and assisting informal/traditional businesses in their access to credit

11 Remarks on the SIF from ESCOM

12 Somaliland Investment Forum 2016 What Next?
NDP2 – Vision 2030: Somaliland Private Sector should provide critical feedback and input on the formation of the National Development 2, and support Vision 2030 Rule of Law: Policy Makers should listen to the call from private sector businesses and investors to enforce the existing laws and change or create new laws to provide needed protections to investment Support development of refined financial instruments for greater access to finance Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations should be improved and supported in their growth. They should provide vital demand driven services, responsive to their members

13 Sponsors & Partners

14 SIF Hargeisa Steering Committee
Special Thanks SIF Hargeisa Steering Committee Somaliland Ministry of Trade and Investment Mohamed Awale, Director of Planning & Development Somaliland Ministry of National Planning & Development Mubarak Abdillahi Ibrahim, Director of Planning Private Sector Abdirashid Haibe Dubad, Maandeeq Poultry Farm Ahmed Gorse, DMY Africa Chamber of Commerce Hassan Farah Mohamed, Legal Advisor Private Sector Business Associations Amina Adan, NAGAAD and Tayo Uniforms Amran Ali Hiis, Assoc. for Women in Business Suad Armiye, Assoc. for Women in Business Mohamoud Liban, Somaliland Electricity Assoc. Osman Ahmed, Somaliland Industry Assoc.

15 Additional Thanks Trade Show Vendors Multi-lateral partners
Speakers, panel members and facilitators Maan Soor Hotel Events Team And especially our Volunteers

16 Mahadsanid , Nabadgalyo

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