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EECS 122: Introduction to Computer Networks Multicast

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1 EECS 122: Introduction to Computer Networks Multicast
Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA

2 Barriers to Multicast Hard to change IP
multicast means change to IP details of multicast were very hard to get right Not always consistent with ISP economic model charging done at edge, but single packet from edge can explode into millions of packets within network Troublesome security model Anyone can send to a group Denial-of-service attacks on known groups

3 Application Layer Multicast (ALM)
Let the hosts do all the “special” work only require unicast from infrastructure Basic idea: hosts do the copying of packets set up tree between hosts Example: Narada [Yang-hua et al, 2000] Small group sizes <= hundreds of nodes Typical application: chat

4 Narada: End System Multicast
Gatech Stanford Stan1 Stan2 CMU Berk1 Berkeley Berk2 “Overlay” Tree Stan1 Gatech Stan2 CMU Berk1 Berk2

5 Algorithmic Challenge
Choosing replication/forwarding points among hosts how do the hosts know about each other and know which hosts should forward to other hosts

6 Advantages of ALM No need for changes to IP or routers
No need for ISP cooperation End hosts can prevent other hosts from sending Easy to implement reliability use hop-by-hop retransmissions

7 Performance Concerns Stretch Stress
ratio of latency in the overlay to latency in the underlying network Stress number of duplicate packets sent over the same physical link

8 Performance Concerns Gatech Gatech Stanford Stan1 Stan2 Berk1 Berk2
Delay from CMU to Berk1 increases Stan1 Gatech Stan2 CMU Berk2 Berk1 Duplicate Packets: Bandwidth Wastage Gatech Stanford Stan1 Stan2 CMU Berk1 Berk2 Berkeley

9 Single Sender Multicast
Many problems with IP multicast disappear if each group is associated with a single source Hosts joining multicast group can send join messages to source this sets up delivery tree no worry about “root” being in wrong place This solves several problems: better security and charging model simple algorithm

10 Example Group members: M1, M2, M3 source control (join) messages data

11 What’s Wrong with SSM? Multiple sources? Algorithm?
can set up group per source, or... source can serve as relay for other senders Algorithm? trivial So, why isn’t SSM the answer? multicast no longer serves as “rendezvous” ok for “broadcast” apps, not good for “meeting” apps

12 What Do You Need to Know? DVRMP CBT SSM How they compare

13 EECS 122: Introduction to Computer Networks DNS and WWW
Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA

14 Internet Names & Addresses
Names: e.g., human-usable labels for machines conforms to “organizational” structure Addresses: e.g., router-usable labels for machines conforms to “network” structure How do you map from one to another? Domain Name System (DNS)

15 DNS: History Initially all host-addess mappings were in a file called hosts.txt (in /etc/hosts) Changes were submitted to SRI by New versions of hosts.txt ftp’d periodically from SRI An administrator could pick names at their discretion As the internet grew this system broke down because: SRI couldn’t handled the load Names were not unique Many hosts had inaccurate copies of hosts.txt Internet growth was threatened! Domain Name System (DNS) was born

16 Basic DNS Features Hierarchical namespace
As opposed to original flat namespace Distributed storage architecture As opposed to centralized storage (plus replication) Client--server interaction on UDP Port 53 But can use TCP if desired

17 Naming Hierarchy “Top Level Domains” are at the top
root edu com gov mil org net uk fr etc. “Top Level Domains” are at the top Depth of tree is arbitrary (limit 128) Domains are subtrees E.g: .edu,, Name collisions avoided E.g. and can coexist, but uniqueness is job of domain berkeley mit eecs sims argus

18 Host names are administered hierarchically
root root edu edu com com gov gov mil mil org org net net uk uk fr fr berkeley berkeley mit A zone corresponds to an administrative authority that is responsible for that portion of the hierarchy eecs controls names: berkeley controls names: and eecs eecs sims sims argus

19 Server Hierarchy Each server has authority over a portion of the hierarchy A server maintains only a subset of all names Each server contains all the records for the hosts in its zone might be replicated for robustness Each server needs to know other servers that are responsible for the other portions of the hierarchy Every server knows the root Root server knows about all top-level domains

20 DNS Name Servers Local name servers: Authoritative name servers:
Each ISP (company) has local default name server Host DNS query first goes to local name server Authoritative name servers: For a host: stores that host’s (name, IP address) Can perform name/address translation for that host’s name Can also do IP to name translation, but won’t discuss

21 DNS: Root Name Servers Contacted by local name server that can not resolve name Root name server: Contacts authoritative name server if name mapping not known Gets mapping Returns mapping to local name server ~ Dozen root name servers worldwide

22 authorititive name server
Simple DNS Example root name server Host wants IP address of 1. Contacts its local DNS server, 2. contacts root name server, if necessary 3. Root name server contacts authoritative name server,, if necessary 2 4 3 5 local name server authorititive name server 1 6 requesting host

23 Example of Recursive DNS Query
root name server Root name server: May not know authoritative name server May know intermediate name server: who to contact to find authoritative name server? Recursive query: Puts burden of name resolution on contacted name server Heavy load? 6 2 7 3 local name server intermediate name server (edu server) 4 5 1 8 authoritative name server requesting host

24 Example of Iterated DNS Query
Iterated query: Contacted server replies with name of server to contact “I don’t know this name, but ask this server” root name server iterated query 2 3 4 5 intermediate name server (edu server) local name server 7 6 1 8 authoritative name server requesting host

25 DNS Records Four fields: (name, value, type, TTL) Type = A: Type = NS:
name = hostname value = IP address Type = NS: name = domain value = name of dns server for domain

26 DNS Records (cont’d) Type = CNAME: Type = MX: name = hostname
value = canonical name Type = MX: name = domain in address value = canonical name of mail server

27 DNS as Indirection Service
Can refer to machines by name, not address not only easier for humans also allows machines to change IP addresses without having to change way you refer to machine Can refer to machines by alias can be generic web server but DNS can point this to particular machine that can change over time But, this flexibility applies only within domain!

28 Special Topics DNS caching DNS “hacks” dynamic DNS
Improve performance by saving results of previous lookups DNS “hacks” Return records based on requesting IP address dynamic DNS Allows remote updating of IP address for mobile hosts DNS politics (ICANN) and branding battles

29 Important Properties of DNS
Administrative delegation and distributed server architecture results in: Easy unique naming Fate sharing for network failures Reasonable trust model

30 The Web A distributed database of “pages” Core components:
Servers: store files and execute remote commands Browsers: retrieve and display “pages” URLs: way to refer to pages Need a protocol to transfer information between clients and servers HTTP

31 Uniform Record Locator
protocol://host-name:port/directory-path/resource Extend the idea of hierarchical namespaces to include anything in a file system ftp:// Extend to program executions as well… Server side processing can be incorporated in the name

32 Web and DNS URLs use hostnames
Thus, content names are tied to specific hosts This is bad! URNs are one proposal to achieve persistence

33 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Client-server architecture Synchronous request/reply protocol Runs over TCP, Port 80 Stateless Uses unicast

34 Big Picture . Client Server TCP Syn Establish connection TCP syn + ack
request TCP ack + HTTP GET . Request response Close connection

35 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Commands
GET – transfer resource from given URL HEAD – GET resource metadata (headers) only PUT – store/modify resource under given URL DELETE – remove resource POST – provide input for a process identified by the given URL (usually used to post CGI parameters)

36 Response Codes 1x informational 2x success 3x redirection
4x client error in request 5x server error; can’t satisfy the request

37 Client Request GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
Steps to get the resource: Use DNS to obtain the IP address of Send to an HTTP request: GET /index.html HTTP/1.0

38 Server Response HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1234 Last-Modified: Mon, 19 Nov :31:20 GMT <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>EECS Home Page</TITLE> </HEAD> </BODY> </HTML>

39 Example (from Kurose and Ross)
After finding out the IP address of the host… http client initiates a TCP connection on :80 Client sends the get request via socket established in 1 Server sends the html file, which is encapsulated in its response http server tells tcp to terminate connection http client receives the file and the browser parses it…contains ten jpeg images Client repeats steps 1-4

40 HTTP/1.0 Example Client Server Request image 1 Transfer image 1
Request text Transfer text Finish display page

41 HHTP/1.0 Performance Create a new TCP connection for each resource
Large number of embedded objects in a web page Many short lived connections TCP transfer Too slow for small object May never exit slow-start phase Connections may be set up in parallel (5 is default in most browsers)

42 HTTP/1.0 Caching Exploit locality of reference
A modifier to the GET request: If-modified-since – return a “not modified” response if resource was not modified since specified time A response header: Expires – specify to the client for how long it is safe to cache the resource A request directive: No-cache – ignore all caches and get resource directly from server These features can be best taken advantage of with HTTP proxies Locality of reference increases if many clients share a proxy

43 Web Proxies . Intermediaries between client and server Client 1
Proxy Proxy Server Client N

44 HTTP/1.1 (1996) Performance: Support for virtual hosting
Persistent connections Pipelined requests/responses Support for virtual hosting Efficient caching support Network Cache assumed more explicitly in the design Gives more control to the server on how it wants data cached

45 Persistent Connections
Allow multiple transfers over one connection Avoid multiple TCP connection setups Avoid multiple TCP slow starts

46 Pipelined Requests/Responses
Client Server Buffer requests and responses to reduce the number of packets Multiple requests can be contained in one TCP segment Note: order of responses has to be maintained Request 1 Request 2 Request 3 Transfer 1 Transfer 2 Transfer 3

47 What You Need to Know DNS: record types, and how they are used
HTTP basics (and essential differences between 1.0 and 1.1)

48 What’s the Moral of this Story?
QoS and IP Multicast: interesting algorithmic and architectural issues thousands of academic papers ubiquitous in routers, but not deployed by ISPs little or no impact on end users DNS and the Web: no research papers on topic before deployment really boring designs they changed the world....

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