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The Journey Continues 1500-1800 AD.

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1 The Journey Continues AD

2 The Protestant Reformation
16th-century schism within Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestants. It was sparked by the 1517 posting of Luther's Ninety- Five Theses. The efforts of the self-described "reformers", who objected to ("protested") the doctrines, rituals, and ecclesiastical structure of the Roman Catholic Church, led to the creation of new national Protestant churches.

3 The Protestant Reformation
The Reformation was caused by a combination of earlier events within Europe which eroded people's faith in the Catholic Church and the Papacy that governed it.  the Black Death  the Eastern Schism The sale of Indulgences (tickets into heaven) The Christians who did not separate officially became known as the Roman Catholics

4 New Religions Lutheranism (Lutherans)- Followed the teachings of Martin Luther Calvinism(Calvinists)- Followed the teachings of John Calvin Baptism(Baptists)- some agree that they are protestant but other claim to be a completely separate religion

5 The Church of England Began in1529 with King Henry VIII
Officially separated in 1534 Henry VIII wanted an annulment from his wife Catherine because he wanted to remarry and have more children with Anne Boleyn Catherine could no longer have children and they only had one son Pope Clement VII refused Henry VIII was previously against Protestantism, but he seceded from the Church and created the church of England

6 Council of Trent Occurred 1545-1563
Addressed the Catholic Church’s need for reform Sought to clarify Catholic teachings and strengthen discipline within the Church Following the council, leader succeeded in reestablishing Catholicism in areas of Europe that had given over to Protestantism This was called the Counter Reformation

7 Enlightenment In the 1700’s, a movement referred to as the Enlightenment presented new challenges for the Church The Enlightenment included ideas such as Seeking truth through unaided human reason Questioning the revealed truth Looking to science to solve human problems Placing great emphasis on individuality (individual liberty) This movement caused many people to question the traditional teachings of the Church More people wanted proof People had trouble believing what they could not see or touch

8 Explorers and Missionaries
Brought Catholic Christianity to: South and Central America the Far East (into Asia) the areas that are today the US and Canada Evangelized many natives in these areas

9 Significant Members Saint Teresa of Avila Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Angela Merici Saint Ignatius of Loyola Saint Paul Miki Bartolome De Las Casa Saint Peter Claver Saint Francis De Sales Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

10 Struggles and Upheavals
This time period was marked with many painful disagreements among Christians Resulted in the separation of many from the Church of Rome Led to the rise of many different Protestant religions Religious Fanaticism (Excessive devotion to your religion of choice) led to: Hatred between Protestants and Catholics Persecution of opposite religions Religious wars in parts of Europe

11 Search for Religious Freedom
The search for freedom caused many to leave Europe and travel to America Even in the new world, some were still persecuted for their faith

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