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Presentation on theme: "CLASS OF 2017 FALL ORIENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

& CAREER EXPLORATION with career cruising

2 Attendance Matters Attendance is key to academic success.
Incentive Days are awarded at the end of six-week & 12-week grading periods to students who: Miss fewer than two days in each of their class periods Everything counts except school related absences Are passing all their classes Any student who has missed more than two days or is failing any classes… Must come to school on the designated incentive day!

3 Your High School Transcript Official Document of Academics:
Changed to Letter Scale Class Rank Grade Point Average Required Classes Remaining: 2.0 English 1.0 American History 0.5 Government 0.5 Senior Social Studies Check: Visual/Performing Arts Practical Arts Health Enhancement Other Useful Information: ACT Scores Immunizations Last Day to Drop Without an “F” October 20th

Honors and Advanced Placement classes will be “weighted” for all students starting this year If a students earns and A, B or C in those classes, they are given a value point Added into the GPA Those who are still eligible for valedictorian: Must continue to take at least one honors or AP class each semester Earn As in all classes Class rank will reflect the rigor of a student’s schedule

5 YOUR JUNIOR YEAR Be Proactive and Start Your Planning! “Homework”
Pad Your Resume Testing PSATs – October 14th at 8:15am Register by October 12th at 3:30pm ASVAB – December 8th at 8:00am Smarter Balanced – April of 2016 State ACT – Tuesday, April 19th at 8:00am Free for all juniors Career Cruising is your friend. Use it! Research different colleges Visit college campuses of the schools that interest you Maintain a rigorous schedule Become familiar with scholarships available to seniors Volunteer hours are important for scholarships United Way of Yellowstone County Job Shadowing is very worthwhile! University Connections classes look great. Consider Boys State or Girls State.

6 VOLUNTEERING: It’s Important!

7 YOUR SENIOR YEAR Registration Orientation Registration
Wednesday , November 4th at 8:00 AM Required! Registration November 10th and 12th out of English Class December 11th for F/T and AM English students at Career Center Required Classes English Semester of Government Semester of Social Studies Check your transcript to make sure other requirements are completed

8 ACT & SAT tests ACTs SATs SAT II Subject Tests
You don’t need to take both! The ACT is broken into 5 sections A perfect score on the ACT is a 36 ACTs reward good science students ACT math questions include trigonometry concepts West High students do better than the average Montana & US student on the ACTs A handful of school require the SAT test. Find out if yours is one of them! The SAT is broken into three categories, but each category is broken into smaller tests A perfect score on the SAT is 2400 The SATs reward good English students with a strong vocabulary West High students do better than the average Montana & US student on the SATs Some colleges & universities require at least one SAT II test in addition to the SAT or ACT scores You can choose academic tests that showcase your abilities in the subject You may take up to three SAT II subject test per test session You may not take the SAT and the SAT II subject tests on the same day

9 Ask your counselor about different test preparation options.
ACT & SAT TESTS ACT Test Given at West High Register Online: ACT SAT Test & SAT Subject Tests Given at Skyview Register Online: Test Date Registration Late Registration Oct. 24, 2014 Sept. 18, 2015 Sept. 19-Oct. 2, 2015 Dec. 12, 2014 Nov. 6, 2014 Nov. 7-20, 2015 Feb. 6, 2016 Jan. 8, 2016 Jan. 9-15, 2016 Apr. 9, 2016 Mar. 4, 2016 Mar. 5-18, 2016 June 11, 2016 May 6, 2016 May 7-20, 2016 Test Date (anticipated) Registration Late Registration Nov. 7, 2015 Oct. 9, 2015 Oct. 27, 2015 Dec. 5, 2015 Nov. 5, 2015 Nov. 23, 2015 Jan. 23, 2016 Dec. 28, 2015 Jan. 12, 2016 Mar. 5, 2016 Feb. 5, 2015 Feb. 23, 2016 May 7, 2016 Apr. 8, 2015 Apr. 26, 2016 June 4, 2016 May 5, 2015 May 25, 2016 Ask your counselor about different test preparation options.

10 Athletic Code of Conduct
Eligibility grade check occur at the end of each six-week grading period Students must be passing all classes to compete Student-participants not passing all class will be suspended from competition for one week Those students will receive weekly grade checks until passing all classes Student-participants with an F at semester will serve their suspension during next competitive week of activity

11 You want to play sports in college?
NCAA Division I NCAA Division II NAIA Graduate high school Complete 16 Core Courses English, math, science, social studies, foreign language 10 must be completed prior to the start of the student’s senior year 7 of the 10 must be in English, math or science Earn a 2.3 GPA in core courses Core GPA is calculated by using the best 16 core courses Sliding Scale using core GPA and test scores Send ACT or SAT scores directly from the testing company (9999) Notify counselor after registering to send official transcript Graduate high school Complete 16 Core Courses 10 must be completed prior to the start of the student’s senior year 7 of the 10 must be in English, math or science Earn a 2.0 GPA in core courses ACT or SAT scores: Combined 68 ACT (English, math, reading, science) Combined 820 SAT (critical reading & math) Send ACT or SAT scores directly from the testing company (9999) Notify counselor after registering to send official transcript Graduate high school Meet two out of the following three requirements: Achieve a minimum 18 on the ACT or on the SAT (critical reading and math) Achieve a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 Graduate in the top half of your class Send ACT or SAT directly from the testing company (9876) Notify counselor after registering to send official transcript






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