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2.3 Collaboration Contracts

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1 2.3 Collaboration Contracts

2 Motivation Collaboration Contracts
Single classes with inheritance are insufficient to adequately model framework behaviour Sets of collaborating classes are needed to express connections between classes that are not related by means of inheritance Behaviour should be divided into manageable chunks. Separation of concerns Chunks represent identifiable pieces of behaviour Collaboration Contracts

3 Recap: Class Collaboration
Packet Forwarding Contract

4 Elements of a Collaboration
Participants: who is participating in the collaboration? Acquaintance relations: who collaborates with who? Interaction: how does the collaboration proceed? Intent: why are the participants collaborating?

5 Definition A collaboration contract is a contract that describes the collaboration between classes. It consists of a name, a static structure and an interaction part. The name describes the purpose of the collaboration. The static structure describes the acquaintance relationships between the participants in the collaboration. It describes which participant can send messages to which other participant. The interaction describes the method invocation structure (method dependencies).

6 Graphical Notation: Static Structure
Use Class Diagrams in UML participants (= classes or interfaces in UML) acquaintance relations (= associations in UML) AddressableNode ActivePacket accept(p:Packet) aNode isDestinationFor (p :Packet) visit (n : Node) send(p: Packet) action (n : Node) thePacket handle (p : Packet) nextNode Packet Forwarding Contract

7 Graphical Notation: Interaction
Use Interaction Diagrams in UML packet:Active Packet aNode:Addressabl eNode nextNode: AddressableNode 2a.1: action( ) 1: visit 2b.1: send 2: isDestinationFor 2a.2: handle 2b.2: accept accept Packet Forwarding Contract

8 Graphical Notation: Interaction
Extension of UML Interaction Diagrams {send invokes} accept aNode:AddressableNode nextNode:AddressableNode {action invokes} handle {visit invokes} isDestinationFor {accept invokes} visit start (underlined) = convention ! {visit invokes} send packet:ActivePacket method dependency {visit invokes} action Packet Forwarding Contract

9 Putting it Together Use UML Packages Contract Name Static Structure
identifies the ‘concern’ that is addressed by the contract Use UML Packages Packet Forwarding Static Structure AddressableNode ActivePacket accept(p:Packet) thePacket isDestinationFor(p:Packet) visit(n:Node) send(p:Packet) aNode action(n:Node) handle(p:Packet) nextNode {send invokes} accept aNode:AddressableNode nextNode:AddressableNode {action invokes} handle {visit invokes} isDestinationFor {accept invokes} visit {visit invokes} send packet:ActivePacket Interaction {visit invokes} action

10 Well-formedness A collaboration contract is well-formed if all messages to a target participant are in the interface of that participant and originate from a method that is in the interface of the source participant ill-formed ill-formed X Y X Y q q a b a b {a invokes} p {p invokes} b x:X y:Y x:X y:Y

11 Other Example Destination Checking Contract

12 Destination Checking Contract
NodeAddress AddressableNode addressee isDestinationFor (p:Packet) isDestinationFor (p:Packet) node:AddressableNode address:Address {isDestinationFor invokes} isDestinationFor

13 Designing Collaborations
Partition the behaviour in manageable chunks contracts correspond to an identifiable piece of behaviour (e.g. correspond to a feature) contracts have a name! classes can play a role in different contracts Where to stop? collaborations that have too many participants (e.g. more than 7 participants) collaborations that address different concerns (e.g. user interfacing and storage) collaborations that cannot be given a clear name

14 Classes can Participate in Different Collaboration Contracts
Participants are Class Roles instead of actual classes! Packet forwarding AddressableNode aNode ActivePacket accept(p:Packet) isDestinationFor(p:Packet) thePacket visit(n:Node) send(p:Packet) action(n:Node) handle(p:Packet) two roles of the same class nextNode Destination checking AbstractAddress AddressableNode addressee isDestinationFor (p :Packet) isDestinationFor (p :Packet)

15 Classes are the Sum of Roles (1)
Packet Forwarding AddressableNode thePacket ActivePacket accept(p:Packet) isDestinationFor(p:Packet) aNode visit(n:Node) send(p:Packet) action(n:Node) handle(p:Packet) nextNode AbstractAddress addressee isDestinationFor(p:Packet) Destination Checking

16 Assoc. Roles must be Independent
AddressableNode thePacket ActivePacket accept(p:Packet) isDestinationFor(p:Packet) aNode visit(n:Node) send(p:Packet) action(n:Node) handle(p:Packet) nextNode Overlap in acquaintance names ! AddressableNode accept(p:Packet) thePacket BroadcastPacket isDestinationFor (p :Packet) send(p: Packet) handle (p : Packet)

17 Classes are the Sum of Roles (2)
{isDestinationFor invokes} isDestinationFor Destination Checking address:Address {send invokes} accept aNode:AddressableNode nextNode:AddressableNode {action invokes} handle {accept invokes} visit {visit invokes} isDestinationFor {visit invokes} send Packet Forwarding packet:ActivePacket {visit invokes} action

18 Class Roles must be Independent
Different roles of a class should not lead to conflicting behaviour. Try to separate concerns as much as possible.

19 UML Pattern Notation UML pattern notation hides details about the collaboration contract. Only acquaintance role names and contract name are mentioned. Packet Forwarding pattern notation ActivePacket dependency notation AddressableNode Destination Checking AbstractAddress

20 At the Implementation Level
Ideally, a set of collaboration contracts is implemented as: a set of abstract classes that implement the collaboration a factory to implement the name-space for participants (see design patterns) Filling in contract participants at the implementation level is typically a combination of: inheritance from the base (abstract) classes to create a sub-class with new behavior, and filling in this sub-class in a factory

21 From Collaboration to Implementation
View Implementation View Model View Packet Forwarding <<implements>> AddressableNode Node <<implements>> Packet ActivePacket Destination Checking <<implements>> Address AbstractAddress implementation classes are associated to class descriptions in the design model instead of being used as participants in the collaboration contracts directly. an implementation class must ‘conform’ to all collaboration contracts in which the design class to which it is associated participates.

22 Relating Participants to Classes
Directly relating a participant to the implementation using the name of a class. Indirectly relating to the implementation using a dependency relation. AddressableNode accept(p:Packet) isDestinationFor(p:Packet) send(p:Packet) handle(p:Packet) AbstractAddress isDestinationFor(p:Packet) <<implements>> Node

23 Interpreting Acquaintances ?
AddressableNode accept(p:Packet) isDestinationFor(p:Packet) implementation must have a ‘nextNode’ acquaintance send(p:Packet) handle(p:Packet) nextNode acquaintance relation Object subclass: #Node instanceVariableNames: ‘name nextNode’

24 Kinds of Acquaintances
Objects known to everybody (or large groups) global variables, class variables, pool variables, classes Immediate subparts of the current object instance variables, attributes Argument objects of the executing method formal arguments, ‘self’ pseudo variable Objects created by the executing method possibly stored in temporary variables Objects that are the result of sending a message

25 Acquaintances: Globals
Node Transcript Logger {global} accept(p:Packet) isDestinationFor(p:Packet) log(s:String) send(p:Packet) handle(p:Packet) Object subclass: #Node instanceVariableNames: ‘name nextNode’ classVariableNames: ‘Logger’

26 Acquaintances: Subparts
AddressableNode accept(p:Packet) isDestinationFor(p:Packet) send(p:Packet) handle(p:Packet) nextNode Object subclass: #Node instanceVariableNames: ‘name nextNode’

27 Acquaintances: Arguments
AddressableNode accept(p:Packet) isDestinationFor(p:Packet) send(p:Packet) handle(p:Packet) ActivePacket visit(n:Node) action(n:Node) thePacket {arg=p} aNode {arg=n}

28 Acquaintances: Self ‘self’ is an implicit acquaintance, and is always present Shortcut notation ActivePacket ActivePacket visit(n:Node) visit(n:Node) {action} action(n:Node) action(n:Node) packet : ActivePacket invocation on self This slide shows the link between collaboration contracts and specialisation interfaces {visit invokes} action

29 Reverse Engineering Collaboration Contracts
Identifying key classes abstract classes classes with many variations classes that seem to be mapped directly from the problem domain classes that play a role in design patterns (see earlier) Identifying key collaborations calls from template methods to abstract methods methods that are frequently overridden method calls between key classes messages that pass self as parameters design patterns (see earlier)

30 Acquaintances: Results
reverse engineering AddressableNode thePacket.addressee NodeAddress

31 Formalising Result Acquaintances
AddressableNode thePacket.addressee NodeAddress must be an acquaintance thePacket must be a method (or public attribute) in the interface of the receiving participant ActivePacket originator addressee contents Must be added to make the contract consistent.

32 However !!!!! Law of Demeter An operation O of a class C should only invoke operations of the classes (called preferred supplier classes) of the following objects: immediate subparts of the current object (stored or computed) argument objects of O (including self) objects created by O Should be avoided ! (see also part 2.2) AddressableNode NodeAddress thePacket.addressee thePacket

33 Solution AddressableNode NodeAddress thePacket ActivePacket originator
addresee {path = thePacket.addressee} AddressableNode NodeAddress name of acquaintance thePacket access path to acquaintance ActivePacket originator addressee contents

34 Formalising the Interaction
implementation must invoke isDestinationFor() {isDestinationFor() invokes} isDestinationFor() node:AddressableNode address:Address Again different interpretations are possible source level: invocation occurs somewhere in method body run time: invocation must occur in any possible method execution Again we will take the simpler source level interpretation

35 Reusing Class Collaborations: Subclassing Abstract Classes
collaboration instance: printing collaboration instance: broadcasting

36 Reusing Collaborations: Filling in Contract Participants
framework instance: counting hops Packet Forwarding Contract

37 Recap: three different layers
collaboration view model view implementation view Packet Forwarding <<participates>> <<implements>> ActivePacket CountingPacket must strictly conform to the contracts in which ActivePacket participates! can have more than one participant. can participate in more than one collaboration.

38 Summary Collaboration contracts designing collaborations
documenting collaborations reuse of collaborations

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