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How to Dream Redirect Without Dream Crushing

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Presentation on theme: "How to Dream Redirect Without Dream Crushing"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Dream Redirect Without Dream Crushing
Deanna Noelle Moreland Deanna Podlenski Northern Virginia Community College


3 Agenda Define Dream Redirecting Academically Idealistic Student
Identifying the student The theory using a strengths based approach Commitment The practicalities

4 Definitions Foreclosed Student Academically Idealistic Student
Dream Redirecting

5 Proyer, R., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S., & Ruch, W., 2015
Schreiner, L.A. & Anderson, E., 2005 Vela, Javier C., Lu, Ming-Tsan P., Lenz, A. Stephen, Savage, Miranda C., & Guardiola, R., 2016



8 The Dream Redirecting Process
Identify student Provide educational support and feedback (Dream Redirecting Conversation) Career counseling Plan & Follow up

9 Dream Redirecting Advising Identify the Student

10 Getting a Clear Picture
Ask questions and listen to the answers Open-ended Reflect back what you have heard

11 Perspectives to consider
Family influence and responsibilities Expectations of career choice Siblings or children to care for Work to support self and/or family Culture Developmental perspective Age: 19 vs 29 years old Shutterstock

12 Dream Redirecting Advising
Strength Based Commitment Discussed through the entire process Grit – not giving up Growth mindset Schreiner & Anderson, 2005 Zolfasharifard, 2015

13 Dream Redirecting Advising Define
Define the Students Strengths Define Commitment When have they been committed What commitment looks like to the student Noelle Identify and define the strengths and commitment of and for the student. They may feel like they have no strengths, we can help them see things as strengths, even if it is simply that they are in your office talking to you. That takes courage We all have an idea of commitment, but it is important to understand what it looks like for the student, and help them see how their definition affects academics Potential Questions are listed on handout for each step What subjects do you enjoy studying the most? What fascinates you? Tell me about a challenge you experienced that you have had to overcome. What did you do to overcome that challenge? How did you do it? What strengths do you think are your biggest asset? What skills and knowledge do you need to add to that natural talent in order to develop it into consistently excellent performance


15 Dream Redirecting Advising Bring Awareness

16 Awareness Use the…. The average GPA for the program is
Lay out the requirements very clearly

17 Awareness

18 Dream Redirecting Advising Thinking Forward
Envision a future Commitment for the future

19 Redirecting What is it about the chosen major/career they like?
Similar program, but different requirements


21 Phrases to Use- Don’t Dream Crush!
It is not about if you can do it, it’s if you will do it Commitment to this path may mean that you need to make changes, lets talk about what that will look like.

22 Phrases to Use- Don’t Dream Crush!
You say that you can get those grades, but you have not done that in the past Student says they will get all A’s next semester when they have been averaging B and C I recommend…

23 Phrases to Use- Don’t Dream Crush!
My advice to you is… Previously what I have seen (based on student) In my experience as an advisor, this is what I see

24 What NOT to say- Don’t Dream Crush:
Do NOT tell a student they can’t do it That is too much for you


26 Resources From Poll Everywhere
LinkedIN Career tool Texas State-”What can I do with my major” ndresourcescenter/whatcanidowiththismajora-z.html Strong/Weak Plan Georgia State University Major Maps 5 lives exercise Informational Interviewing Focus Groups Referring students to clubs on campus for exploration

27 Resources for Career Advising
This is role of advisor to provide resources for student to look into BLS – -> Occupational Outlook Handbook Job postings Myers – Briggs – Free assessments online Career assessments your college has We have Focus2 and Virginia Wizard Search majors offered at your university, or the university of interest Be familiar with majors offered – lesser known majors Deanna Remember the student we discussed that had a love for history but was unsure about career choice. GREAT resources for this type of student Have BLS up, look up a career Reflect back to oll question?

28 Dream Redirecting Advising Step Four – Plan and Offer Follow Up
Plan specific steps to reach goals for current major Give resources to explore majors/careers

29 Redirecting and Planning



32 References Proyer, R., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S., & Ruch, W. (2015). Strengths-based positive psychology interventions: A randomized placebo-controlled online trial on long-term effects for a signature strengths- vs. a lesser strengths-intervention. Salinas, O. T., & Ross, K. W. (2015) Courageous conversations: Advising the foreclosed student. Retrieved from NACADA Clearing house of Academic Advising Resources Website: Advising-the-Forclosed-Student.aspx Schreiner, L.A. & Anderson, E. (2005). Strengths-based advising: a new lens for higher education. NACADA Journal, 25(2), p Vela, Javier C., Lu, Ming-Tsan P., Lenz, A. Stephen, Savage, Miranda C., & Guardiola, Rebekah. (2016). Positive Psychology and Mexican American College Students' Subjective Well-Being and Depression. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 38(3), Zolfagharifard, R. (2015). Growth-mindset vs. fixed-mindset. Retrieved from Positive Psychology Program website:

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