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Many thanks to the experimenters building the detectors!

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1 Many thanks to the experimenters building the detectors!
Results and Challenges in Astrophysically Triggered Gravitational Wave Searches TAMA LIGO-G VIRGO LIGO Livingston Swift/ HETE-2/ IPN/ INTEGRAL RXTE/RHESSI LIGO-LHO LIGO-LLO LIGO Hanford *Title:* Results and Challenges in Astrophysically Triggered Gravitational Wave Searches *Speaker:* Szabolcs Márka, Columbia University in the City of New York *Abstract:* Multimessenger astronomy, including gravitational waves, shall continue to be a fruitful path towards deciphering otherwise hidden aspects of the high-energy transient universe. Gamma-ray, X-ray, optical, radio and neutrino observations of cataclysmic cosmic events are often associated with plausible gravitational wave emission. Beyond strengthening our ability to discover gravitational waves, multimessenger observations can enhance the value of our results. They can enable us to draw conclusions that we would not be able with gravitational waves alone. I will review results of electromagnetically triggered searches, interpret their astrophysical consequences, and present an outlook on the future of triggered multimessenger astrophysics. ……………………………………………………………. Image Credits: #1: LSC DCC: LIGO Z ------ #2: Zsuzsa Marka #3: Image Credit: M31 The Andromeda Galaxy by Matthew T. Russell Date Taken: 10/22/ /2/2005 Location: Black Forest, CO Equipment: RCOS 16" Ritchey-Chretien Bisque Paramoune ME AstroDon Series I Filters SBIG STL-11000M #4 NS-NS merger simulation Credit: Daniel Price and Stephan Rosswog @ New Scientist GEO600, Hannover, Germany EM followup: See talk by E. Katsavounidis! Szabolcs Márka Columbia University in the City of New York LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration GWDAW 14, Roma, Italy, January 26-29, 2010

2 Multimessenger Astrophysics with GWs
Gamma-ray transients (GRBs, SGRs) Optical transients Neutrino events Radio transients X-ray transients Correlation in time Correlation in direction Information on the source properties, host galaxy, distance Confident detection of GWs. Better background rejection  Higher sensitivity to GW signals. More information about the source/engine. Measurements made possible through coincident detection. GRBs: See talk by L.Piro/N. Gehrels! See talk by E. Chassande-Mottin! Swift/ HETE-2/ IPN/ INTEGRAL RXTE/RHESSI See talk by J. Camp! LHO See poster by K. Hayama! LLO Short GRBs: See talk by S. Kobayashi! Image credit: Zsuzsa Marka – GWDAW12 IceCube: See talk by F. Halzen! ANTARES: See talk by T. Pradier!

3 Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs)
See poster by Z. Marka! [1] Ioka MNRAS 327, 639 (2001) [2] Corsi & Owen, LIGO-T VIR-NOT-ROM-028A-09 [3] Kalmus & Ott, LIGO-G 2.9x1045 erg 2.4x1048 erg PRL 101, (2008) Red diamondgiant flare; green starsstorms Magnetar bursts 2004 thru 2009. Bursts from 6 magnetars SGR (discovered 2009) likely 800 pc from Earth EGW limits expected 10x lower than before Numerical simulation work started [3] Significant advance on the theoretical front addressable predictions [1,2]

4 Detected by Konus-Wind, INTEGRAL, Swift, MESSENGER
EM Observations - GRB Described as an “intense short hard GRB” (GCN 6088) Duration ~0.15 seconds, followed by a weaker, softer pulse with duration ~0.08 seconds Detected by Konus-Wind, INTEGRAL, Swift, MESSENGER 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 R.A. = deg, Dec = deg [Cnt/2ms ] Courtesy of Konus-Wind Perley & Bloom 2007 IPN3 annulus intersects spiral arms of the M31 Hurley et al. 2007, Pal’Shin 2007 refined error box, ≈ 1.1 from the center of M31 still overlaps with the spiral arms Mazets et al. 2007 Final error box still overlaps M31 Time –To [ms] Home Brew: The error box: Refs: GCN: Alex: /Inspiral: “…The error box area is sq. deg. The center of the box is 1.1 degrees from the center of M31, and includes its spiral arms. This lends support to the idea that this exceptionally intense burst may have originated in that galaxy (Perley and Bloom, GCN 6091)…” from GCN6013 ---- M31 The Andromeda Galaxy by Matthew T. Russell Date Taken: 10/22/ /2/2005 Location: Black Forest, CO Equipment: RCOS 16" Ritchey-Chretien Bisque Paramoune ME AstroDon Series I Filters SBIG STL-11000M Antenna responses of LIGO Hanford:

5 DM31≈770 kpc GRB 070201 – Sky Location Eiso ~ 1045 ergs
R.A. = deg, Dec = deg DM31≈770 kpc Possible progenitors for short GRBs: NS/NS or NS/BH mergers Emits strong gravitational waves SGR May emit GW but weaker‏ Home Brew: The error box: Refs: GCN: Alex: /Inspiral: “…The error box area is sq. deg. The center of the box is 1.1 degrees from the center of M31, and includes its spiral arms. This lends support to the idea that this exceptionally intense burst may have originated in that galaxy (Perley and Bloom, GCN 6091)…” from GCN6013 ---- M31 The Andromeda Galaxy by Matthew T. Russell Date Taken: 10/22/ /2/2005 Location: Black Forest, CO Equipment: RCOS 16" Ritchey-Chretien Bisque Paramoune ME AstroDon Series I Filters SBIG STL-11000M Eiso ~ 1045 ergs if at M31 distance (more similar to SGR than GRB energy) IPN 3-sigma error region [Mazets et al., ApJ 680, 545]

6 Model Based Compact Binary Inspiral Search 070201
Exercise matched filtering techniques for inspiral waveform search No plausible gravitational waves identified 25% 50% 75% 90% DM31 Exclude compact binary progenitor with masses 1 M⊙ < m1< 3 M⊙ and 1 M⊙ < m2 < 40 M⊙ with D < 3.5 Mpc at 90% CL Exclude any compact binary progenitor in our simulation space at the distance of M31 at > 99% confidence level Paper states: “As a reference point, a compact binary progenitor with masses 1 M⊙ < m1 < 3 M⊙ and 1 M⊙ < m2 < 4 M⊙ with D < 3.5 Mpc is excluded at 90%confidence” and “exclude any compact binary progenitor in our simulation space at the distance of M31 at the > 99% level.” Abbott, B. et al. (2008), Astrophysical Journal, pp

7 GRB 051103 ~3.6 Mpc These do happen from time to time…
Sky position error box overlaps with M81 group ~3.6 Mpc (Frederiks et al 2006)

8 Search for Gamma-Ray Bursts during S5/VSR1
On-source time searched for GW Inspirals: See talk by A. Dietz ! arXiv: Data: Off-source time used to estimate background Histogram of lower limits on source distances ( EGW L 0.01 MA ) 137 GRBs in the X-Pipeline analysis derived from the observed GW energy limits Simulated GW signals Strong Noise Glitches E Incoherent Region eliminated by cut (below dashed line) Noise Glitches arXiv: E Null

9 Far-Future Detectors – Rule of Thumb?
Data is courtesy of VIRGO and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. ~  ~100 Hz

10 Far-Future Detectors – Rule of Thumb?

11 Unmodelled GW burst (rough) examples
GC Astrophys. J. 681 (2008) 1419 and arXiv: EGWiso ~1046 erg SGR giant flares and core collapse SN Based on Gareth Jones’ ILIAS slide.

12 Minimum energy in gravitational waves detectable by ET as a function of frequency for an SGR source. This limit assumes isotropic and narrowband GW emission. ET Reach for SGRs GF 10-7! GRG paper excerpt: LIGO has placed upper limits [2,3,5] onGWemission by SGRs in the range 1046¡1050 erg, depending on frequency, and assuming a nominal source distance of 10 kpc. Typical LIGO limits in the 1-3 kHz range, expected for f modes, are 10^49 -10^50 erg. Figure 2 shows the sensitivity of ET to an SGR source at a distance of 10 kpc (a typical galactic distance) and 0.8 kpc (the estimated distance to SGR [21,47,81]). At f-mode frequencies ET will be sensitive to GW emissions as low as 10^43 erg, or about 0.01- 1% of the energy content in the EM emission in a giant flare. In the region of Hz, ET will be able to probe emissions as low as 10^40 erg, i.e. as little as 10^-7 of the total energy budget.

13 Supernovae and ET? The upper plot displays the minimum GW energy that a supernova core collapse is required to radiate in order to be detectable by the Einstein telescope. We give two estimates obtained from Eq. (1) assuming a GW signature with a low frequency content f = 100 Hz and high frequency content f = 1 kHz. This quantity is given as a function of the source distance. We also indicate the expected range of radiated GW energy for several processes [104]. The lower plot shows an estimate of the cumulative event rate (with error bars) obtained from the star formation rate computed over a catalog of nearby galaxies [14].

14 Low-Energy Neutrinos from Supernovae
The core collapse of a massive star produces an O(~10 s) long pulse of low-energy neutrinos and antineutrinos, amounting to a total energy release of up to ~1053 ergs. ~5 Mt proposed Deep-TITAND neutrino detector: N ~1 reach is about ~8 Mpc. Supernova rate estimate can be as large as 1 / yr Reasonable to expect ~one such event during the lifetime of ET. Significant uncertainties exist though

15 Unmodelled GW burst (rough) examples
z=1 EGWiso~O(9x1052) erg Merger phase of compact body coalescence Ott (2008) arXiv: Based on Gareth Jones’ ILIAS slide.

16 Great and Energetic Exploratory Science !
There is a bold effort underway to get a new view of the universe Results published SGR GRB070201 S5/VSR1 GRBs and others … Advanced Virgo and LIGO are around the corner… ET is being defined… … the excitement is high! Please don’t miss the other multimessenger talks/posters on GWDAW14!

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