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Implementation of CRC in Thailand

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1 Implementation of CRC in Thailand
The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security

2 States parties’ commitment to CRC
1 Respect and recognize rights Ensure/guarantee rights Implement rights/ undertake all appropriate measures Make the principles and provisions widely known Submit reports within 2 yrs, and every 5 yrs art 2 3 art 42 4 art 44

3 Thailand and CRC Become state party on 26 April 1992 (art 48)
with 3 reservations on arts 7, 22, 29 Submitted 2 reports - Initial report (1) August 1996 - Periodic report (2) May 2004 (3+4) July 2011 Withdrew reservations - art 29 : 11 April 1997 - art 7 : 13 December 2010 - art 22 Still remained Ensure + undertake appropriate measures on the following areas

4 Ensure the Rights of the Child
Constitution Ensure the Rights of the Child Human rights principles: human dignity, rights, liberty and equality (sections 4 5 9) Rights and liberty of Thai citizen: sections 26–69 State fundamental policy on social welfare: public health, education and culture (section 80, 81, 84, 85, 87)

5 Ensure the Rights of the Child Issued and amendment of laws
National Laws Ensure the Rights of the Child Issued and amendment of laws Persons’ identification - Nationality Act (No.4) 2008 - Civil Registration Act (No.2) 2008 Protection and development of children - Child Protection Act 2003 - National Child and Youth development Act 2007 - Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act 2007 Penal Code Amendment to Protect the child on sexual offences (No.19, 20, 21) Criminal Procedure Code Amendment concerning child interrogation, investigation and identification (No. 20, 26)

6 Policy and Strategy The direction of the policy and plans has been
Ensure the Rights of the Child Issued the National Plan The direction of the policy and plans has been consistent with the focus of each national economic and social development plan. The focus of the national plans has been on the development of children and youth and prevention of problems, as well as response to the needs of specific target groups. The focus has shifted and been redefined according to the situation of the time. 6

7 Ensure the Rights of the Child Issued the National Plan
Policy and Strategy Ensure the Rights of the Child Issued the National Plan National Child and Youth Development Plan for the year according to “A World Fit for Children” , and the Child-Friendly City Strategy Vision Children and youth lead secured, healthy, happy and creative lives. Age-appropriate Development Children in Need of Special Protection Measures 7

8 Youth Child Policy and Strategy
Ensure the Rights of the Child Issued the National Plan Youth Child below 18 years of age. 0-2 yrs 3-6 yrs 7-12 yrs 13-17 yrs Children in Need of of Protection Measures 18 years 25 years of age.

9 Policy and Strategy Ensure the Rights of the Child Issued the National Plan Strategies 1 Increase life immunity in children and youth Strategies 2 The protection and development of children in need of special protection measures Strategies 3 Capacity-building of alliances for child and youth development Improvement of the administration and management system for child and youth protection and development Strategies 4

10 Children in Special Protection Measures
Policy and Strategy Children in Special Protection Measures -orphaned children -adopted children -abandoned children -abused children -displaced children, -children of migrant workers -hill-tribe children -stateless children -children without birth certificates. -victims of human trafficking, -child labour -children in juvenile justice system -children in slums, economically deprived children, -children affected by substance abuse -children involved in violence. --gifted children -children with physical or mental impairs

11 National Promotion for Child and Youth Development Act of 2007
The chart below shows the mechanisms for coordination at the national and regional levels National Human Rights Commission National Promotion for Child and Youth Development Act of 2007 Child Protection Act 2003 Parliament National Commission for Child and Youth National Child Protection Committee Ministry of Social Development and Human Security National Council for Child and Youth Development Ministry Sub-Committee to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women NGO Sub-Committee on Child Rights NGO Other Sub-Committees Sub-Committee on Law Reform NGO Provincial Child Protection Committee Department Office of Welfare Promotion, Protection and Empowerment of Vulnerable groups NGO Provincial government Local Administrative Organization Provincial Office of Social Development and Human Security Civil Society

12 Monitoring and Evaluation
Policy level : National Commission on Child and Youth Development Promotion - National Child Protection Committee Provincial Action Plan which included creative activities Operation Level : Action Plan of concerning agencies MSDHS/Provincial public sectors/ Local government Child and Youth Council in all level (National/Privincial/District/Tumbon)

13 Implementation/Undertake appropriate measures
Birth registration of children under Civil Registration Act 1991 and (no 2) 2008 during ( ) - Ethnic groups newborns - Abandoned infants - Displaced children in shelters - Children of alien with work permit - Persons without registration records - Thai persons without household registration certificates

14 Implementation/Undertake appropriate measures
Basic Health - rights stipulated in Constitution (section 51-55, 80) - services regulated by 1.Social Security Act 1990 2. National Health Security Act 2002 3. Social Welfare Promotion Act 2003 4. National Health Act 2007 5. MOE Regulation 2005 on Proof of Admission of Students into Educational Institution - Services through sub-district health centres and public health mobile units nationwide

15 Implementation/Undertake appropriate measures
Health services for children Specific services Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Project (IDD) National Thalassaemia Prevention Plan (NTPP) 5 Yrs National Plan to Prevent/ combat HIV/AIDS General services Pre + Post welfare care Vaccinations Breast feeding support Disease surveillance Nutrition Development surveillance (Up to pre-school)

16 Implementation/Undertake appropriate measures
Education Rights stipulate in Constitution (Sections 49, 50) Services regulated by National Education Act 1999 and (No. 2) 2002 Compulsory Education Act 2002 Promotion of Non Formal and Informal Education 2008 Skill Development Promotion Act 2002 National Child and Youth Development Promotion Act 2007

17 Implementation/Undertake appropriate measures
Education Services for Children compulsory 9 yrs free basic education 15 yrs children of school age with/without evidence of civil registration must be admitted by all educational institutions (MOE Regulation 2005) Special education nationwide by special schools in 42 provinces and learning centres

18 Implementation/Undertake appropriate measures
Special Protection Measures are undertaken for: children of displaced persons in temporary shelters children of migrant workers child labor child victim of trafficking (under Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act 2008) Juvenile justice (under Act of Establishment of Juvenile and Family Courts and Procedure for Juvenile and Family Cases 1991 and amended 2005) Children in the Southern border of Thailand (assistances and remedies)

19 Implementation/Undertake appropriate measures
Special Protection Measures (cont.) violence victims children are cared under Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act 2007 Child Protection Act 2003 One-stop Service Crisis Center (OSCC) in the hospitals under Ministry of Public Health Reception home under Ministry of Social Development and Human Security Survey and study on Violence against Children with 50,000 samples

20 Implementation/Undertake appropriate measures
Child Protection System 7 provinces Policy Legislation Basic Services Standards Mechanisms Participation Training course for parents/teacher in non-violence caring Guideline for children without status protection Child protection volunteer Chiangmai Chonburi Samutsakorn Karnchanaburi Nontaburi Udonthani Pattani

21 Further Commitment to child rights instruments
CRC Optional Protocols on: - the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography - the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict Jan 2006 Feb 2006 Hague Constitution on: - the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction - the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-Country Adoption Nov 2002 Aug 2007 ILO Conventions concerning children - No. 182 worst forms of child labour - No. 138 minimum age for admission to employment Feb 2001 May 2005

22 Dissemination of principles + provisions (art 42)
through Media (art 17) Law concerned - Official Information Act 1997 - Computer Crime Act 2007 Rating on TV Programme & film 2008 (6 levels) 3 – 5 yrs yrs, all ages above 13 yrs, above 18 yrs adult only Materials CRC text on local languages, simplified version, cartoon,pamphlet, booklets and kit Brail version Training Trainings and seminars through GOs NGOs sectors including variety of network

23 The Implementation of CRC in Thailand at National level
UN CRC Committee’s recommendations to the 3th and the 4rd Report of regarding children in juvenile Justice as following; Raise minimum age of criminal responsibility to 12 yrs Ensure that children deprived of liberty are held in detention only as a last resort and short time & compliance with law Ensure that children are detained separately from adult, have a safe environment & maintain regular contact with their families Promote alternative measures to detention Strengthen the training of judges & judicial personnel on related Convention & Optional Protocols Develop social reintegration programmes for children in conflict with the law Make us of the technical assistance i.e. UNODC, UNICEF, OHCHR, NGOs & member panel of juvenile justice

24 The Implementation of CRC in Thailand at ASEAN level

25 ASEAN Workshop on CRC Implementation
Held in 29 – 30 July 2013 at the Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand Host by the Office of Welfare Promotion, Protection and Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups (OPP) under Ministry of Human Security and Social Development (MSDHS) THAILAND  Co-funded by UNICEF EAPRO

26 To enhance ASEAN + 3 on implementation of CRC and COB
Workshop Objectives To enhance ASEAN + 3 on implementation of CRC and COB To develop a draft of the cooperation ASEAN Work Plan on the implementation of CRC and COB

27 Procedure of the Workshop
Child rights issues & actions ASCC Blueprint SOMSWD Strategic Framework ACWC Work Plan CRC Workshop Recommen-dations CRC COB Opening session Mapping of ASEAN Child Rights issues & actions Workgroup session Draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the CRC

28 Programmes/Activities Knowledge development /research
A Draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the CRC (2014 – 2016) Priority areas Programmes/Activities No. Act. Information Sharing Knowledge development /research Capacity Building Other 3 1 - 6 2 8 4 11 34 10 13 Child protection Juvenile justice Violence against children Education Child participation Total

29 A Draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the CRC (2014 – 2016)
Child Protection Goal Closer working relationship amongst AMS on child protection. Objectives To develop standard, guidelines and mechanism for child protection at the ASEAN level. Information Sharing Time-Lines Lead Country (Priority) Information sharing of good practices and lessons learned : Child trafficking Children on the move Child pornography and cyber – pornography Thailand Priority

30 A Draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the CRC (2014 – 2016)
Juvenile justice Improved rehabilitation/recovery, reintegration and constructive role of children in the societies. Goal To treat children in a manner consistent with the promotion of the child’s sense of dignity and worth. To take appropriate measures to rehabilitate children in conflict with the law, and placing them in institutional care as the last resort. To fast track cases pertaining to children in conflict with the law. To enhance capacity and child sensitivity of law enforcement officers, court personnel and social workers. Objectives Information Sharing Other Time-Lines Lead Country (First Priority) Promote the review and enactment of legislations to provide alternative measures Malaysia (Second Priority) Share evidence based good practices - 2016 Viet Nam, Brunei Priority

31 Violence against children
A Draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the CRC (2014 – 2016) Violence against children violence against children is eliminated in the ASEAN region. Goal To enhance regional mechanisms for the elimination of violence against children. Objectives Information Sharing Other Time-Lines Lead Country (First Priority) National baseline studies on the prevalence rate of VAC, and research on root cause and situations 2015 Philippines (Second Priority) Information sharing on country guidelines for child sensitive media coverage - 2014 Brunei Priority

32 Knowledge development /
A Draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the CRC (2014 – 2016) Education All children in ASEAN have access to early childhood education. Goal To create a module for teacher on early childhood education to build resilience of children. To enhance quality standard of the early childhood care and education system. To better understand own cultures and moral values in AMS. To provide basic education in refugee camps. Objectives Information Sharing Knowledge development / research Time-Lines Lead Country (First Priority) Sharing good practices and lessons learned on ECCE - 2014 Thailand, Indonesia (Second Priority) Develop regional guideline of quality standard of EDDE systems 2015 Malaysia, Thailand, Priority

33 Child Participation Goal
A Draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the CRC (2014 – 2016) Child Participation Full and meaningful participation of children in any decision making process affecting children’s right and well-being. Goal To promote information sharing amongst AMS and child representatives on good practices, lessons learned and challenges. To enhance knowledge and research on child participation in the region. To build capacity of duty bearers, civil society organisations, and children for active engagement. To create a platform where children’s voice could be heard. Objectives Capacity Building Other Time-Lines Lead Country (First Priority) CRC monitoring through alternative report - 2015 Philippines, Thailand (Second Priority) 3rd ACF 4rd ACF 2014 Thailand, Viet Nam Priority

34 Next step 1. 9th SOMSWD agreed the draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (2014 – 2016). 2. 10th SOMSWD will consider the World Plan again in order to extend the period the Work Plan to 2016 – 2020 SOMSWD endorsed in principle of draft ASEAN Work Plan to Support the Implementation of the CRC.

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