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A Federated Model Dr Ben Gatenby.

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Presentation on theme: "A Federated Model Dr Ben Gatenby."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Federated Model Dr Ben Gatenby

2 The Model 30 practices, 230,000 patients Company limited by shares
Shareholders can only be practices Non-profit (CIC-style) articles Initial 50p per patient investment (20p shares, 30p loan) Agreement of additional 50p per patient if required Board of Directors, Primary Care Development, Practice Managers, Clinical Pharmacy/IT/Project Leads

3 Engagement Recognised huge cultural and behavioural shift
Put OD/relationship building upfront both before company formed and since Provided headspace Placed-based health - locality leadership next step Intranet Website

4 Benefits for practices/GPs
Representation Practice Support Taking on a contract Help with CQC failures and contract defaults Recruitment Stronger relationships – “unit of permanence” Extended primary care team/integrated locality groups Provide services and schemes across practices IT, Wi-Fi, Clinical Pharmacists, Domiciliary Phlebotomy Project management, staff training, staff sharing

5 Pitfalls/lessons learned
Everything takes longer than you think it ought to If forming a company consider carefully who you are going to invite to be a part of it – attitudes of CCG/NHSE team may be relevant Leadership support Governance is important but structure should follow need/outcomes What is your offer – to practices, to patients, to system? “Our federation” Citizen engagement

6 Final thoughts Be outcome led when setting up and when planning your work It takes time – not necessarily a long time, but dedicated time Be realistic over progress and the scale of cultural shift you face What is your unit of permanence? Communicate Make it make more sense to more people Embed your values

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