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Cyberpatriot / Cybersecurity

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Presentation on theme: "Cyberpatriot / Cybersecurity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyberpatriot / Cybersecurity

2 Current Threat – Mobile Malware
Smartphones and tablets Perfect malware target Always on, always online Consumers don’t pay much attention to them Even if you do not have a widescreen display, you can still create and present 16:9 slides. PowerPoint’s Slide Show always resizes your slides to fit any screen.

3 Current Threat – Browser Exploit
Cocktails of malware that hide in infected web pages Beware of sites that redirect you

4 Current threat – Banking Trojan
Banking sites that look like the real site. Malware that waits for you to go to your real banking site and steals info

5 Current Threat – BIOS Infection
BIOS – embedded startup software Not understood by most users Hard to find infection Runs before OS security software Clean by removing entire hard drive

6 Password - Checklist

7 Password - Checklist A1b2c3d4 R4c7x3E1f Which one is stronger? Why?

8 Password - Checklist Go!jets#1!! Which is strongest? Applesauce1212**
I~malw4ysf|y!ng Which is strongest? Why?

9 Password - Checklist Create a password easy enough to remember without writing down but complex enough that no one would figure it out

10 Password - Checklist Favorite book: Phantom Tollbooth

11 Passwords Unit 4 - CyberPatriot

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