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-Does it look like something recognizable?

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Presentation on theme: "-Does it look like something recognizable?"— Presentation transcript:

1 -Does it look like something recognizable?
-Describe what you see -Does it look like something recognizable? -What idea or emotion is the artist trying to convey? Happy, sad, silly, crazy? Alexander Calder, “Green Ball”

2 What kind of emotion does this give?
Do you like how simple it is? Why or why not? Just for fun- How much do you think this painting sold for? Mark Rothko, Untitled (Yellow, Orange, Yellow, Light Yellow)

3 Is this painting abstract or realistic?
Is it possible for it to be seen simply as lines and shape and color, not as a flag? Jasper Johns said the flag was “seen and not looked at, not examined”. How does this painting cause us to see it differently? Jasper Johns, “Flag”

4 Mimo Krouzian, “Celebration 3”
Michael Greeley, “Patriot Stripes”

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