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A. Describe how the Spanish-American War, war in the Philippines, and territorial expansion led to the debate over American imperialism.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Describe how the Spanish-American War, war in the Philippines, and territorial expansion led to the debate over American imperialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSUSH14: Explain America’s evolving relationship with the world at the turn of the 20th century.

2 a. Describe how the Spanish-American War, war in the Philippines, and territorial expansion led to the debate over American imperialism.

3 American Imperialism:
By the late 1800s, American began to join the ranks of world powers & began to acquire influence & territory outside of the continental US borders Abandoned idea of isolationism Imperialism: when a strong country takes over a weaker country physically, economically, & militarily Many Americans believed that if the US remained isolated, European countries would take over the rest of the world & America would not survive

4 Spanish-American War (1898):
In 1895 Jose’ Marti (Cuba) started another revolution against Spain. Spain responded by sending in Valeriano Weyler, who put nearly 300,000 Cubans in concentration camps. U.S. helps Cuba – Causes of War Yellow Journalism - exaggerating or stretching the truth DeLome Letter – Private letter from Spanish minister to the U.S. which insulted Pres. McKinley. Sinking of the USS Maine – U.S. battleship explodes while sitting in the harbor of Habana, Cuba. U.S. blames Spain. April 1898 U.S. declares war on Spain


6 Spanish-American War:
Treaty of Paris (1898) – Ended war with following terms: Cuba is independent U.S. gets Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines U.S. pays Spain $20 million As a result of the war: U.S. now owns an empire Ends U.S. isolationism U.S. emerges as a world power

7 Philippine-American War
Filipinos thought Americans were allies helping them gain independence However, when the Spanish-American War ended & the US gained control of the Philippines, a rebellion began, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, that started the Philippine-American War (1899) Filipinos used guerilla war tactics to fight the Americans War lasted 3 years; killed over 25,000 people Philippines gained partial home rule Gained full independence in 1946


9 Americans debate expansionism:
Those in favor of expansion believed: *The US had no choice but to educate others & civilize them (Social Darwinism) *US had the responsibility to govern others *Controlling peoples in Latin America was a step in gaining trade in China *Other countries would try & take control of Latin America Those against expansion believed: * condemned imperialism as a crime *went against the US principles that made up our government

10 b. Examine US involvement in Latin America, as reflected by the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine & the creation of the Panama Canal

11 Monroe Doctrine to Roosevelt Corollary:
Monroe Doctrine: foreign policy that discouraged European intervention in the Western Hemisphere Roosevelt Corollary: an extension of the Monroe Doctrine that stated that the US would use force to remove European powers from the Western Hemisphere Based on the African proverb: “speak softly and carry a big stick” Also known as “Big Stick Diplomacy” Created by Theodore Roosevelt; wanted the US to remain the strongest power in the Western Hemisphere


13 Panama Canal: Panama Canal - A canal built by the U.S. cutting across Central America to reduce travel time and provide a short cut between the oceans for commercial and military ships. U.S. chose Panama for the canal, which belonged to Colombia. They refused our offer…wanted more $. US helps Panama rebel against Colombia Panama accepts our offer ($10m and $250,000 a year) Canal built between





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