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Policy Adaptation and Exchange in Trust Negotiation

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1 Policy Adaptation and Exchange in Trust Negotiation
Bachelor thesis by Denisa Ghita Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl Prof. Dr. Valentin Cristea Dipl. Inf. Daniel Olmedilla University “Politehnica” of Bucharest Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science & L3S Research Center, Hannover University

2 Overview Motivation Policies Trust Negotiation Protune Language
Negotiation Framework Conclusions

3 Motivation Finding a Service Provider

4 Motivation Registration & Private Information Disclosure

5 Motivation Sensitive Information Disclosure

6 Motivation Traditional Security (I)
Identity based Security Requesters are identified at sign in and mapped to permissions. Alice may download file “U2-One.mp3”.

7 Motivation Toward Security Based on Properties
Identity does not scale on the web => Property based Security Security decisions based only on properties (proved via digital credentials). Client is an employee of a certain company.

8 Motivation Traditional security (II)
Unilateral Security Only users must fulfill conditions and provide information. Client must unconditionally disclose credit card information.

9 Motivation Toward Bilateral Security
Users can also specify conditions that providers must fulfill. Negotiations with an agreement as a goal.

10 Policies Security & Privacy
Specify the behavior of a system => control how decisions are taken and actions are executed Service providers policies => how access to services and resources can be gained Users policies => under what conditions should credentials be disclosed

11 Policies Characteristics
No need to compile Not hard-coded Dynamic, can often change Must be understood by machines Managed by administrators/users

12 Trust Negotiation Definition
Parties exchange credentials and policies in order to establish the level of trust needed to perform the transaction. Bi-directional process clients may also specify policies Zero-knowledge base interactions between strangers No need for third trusted party no third party for match-making

13 Trust Negotiation Policy-Driven Negotiations
Bob Bookstore Bob requests access to a resource The bookstore discloses its policy for the resource Bob discloses his policy for Visa The bookstore sends its BBB card Bob discloses his Visa credit card The bookstore grants access to the resource

14 Trust Negotiation Requirements
policy languages tools to reason with policies representation and storage of credentials negotiation strategies (semi-)automatic agents acting on behalf of users

15 Protune Language PROvisional TrUst NEgotiation
Based on logic programming Declarative Rule-based language [Id] H <- L1, L2,…, Ln. Dynamic features invoke calls to other systems (e.g., databases) describe actions to be executed generate explanations about elements defined in the policy

16 Protune Language Complex terms
Users can define objects with attributes and values E.g., credentials can be expressed as complex terms visacard[ type : ”creditcard”, issuer : ”Visa”, owner : ”Maria Ines”, ]

17 Protune Language Decision Predicates
Predicates that may be queried by other parties gain access to a resource/ a service allow(access(”OnlineBooks”)) obtain a credential sign( bbbcard[ type : ”member”, issuer : ”Better Business Bureau”, owner : ”Maria Ines”, ])

18 Protune Language State-query predicates
integrate local information (e.g., users profiles) in the policy passwd( maria, airam) not everything needs to be stored in the policy => calls to external modules (e.g., databases) integration of legacy systems in( passwd(maria, Password), database : query (”select Password from Users where User = ${maria}”) ).

19 Protune Language Provisional predicates
specify actions that are to be executed locally (e.g., log information to a file) log(”log.txt”,”User ${User} registered.”) by peer (e.g, disclose a credential) credential( context, studentcard[ type:”student ”, issuer: ”Uni-Hannover”, ])

20 Protune Language Abbreviation predicates
define new concepts simplify the policy structure allow(access(Resource)) : − authenticate(User), has_subscription(User,Resource). authenticate(User) : − declaration( ad, D[ username : User, password : Password]), passwd(User, Password).

21 Protune Language Constraint predicates
equality & dis-equality predicates “is” A is B => checks whether A and B are instantiated to the same value “ground” ground(Arg) => checks whether the argument given is instantiated

22 Protune Language Metapolicy
contains metadata about the policy specifies how the policy should be handled E.g, policies may contain private information needed for reasoning must not be disclosed to the other party general syntax [Id].attribute : value :− L1,...,Ln. Predicate(Arg1, ..., Argn).attribute : value :− L1,...,Ln.

23 Protune Language Metapolicy Examples
passwd( User, Password).sensitivity: private. log( File, Message).action: ’echo ’+Message+’ > ’+File. log( File, Message).evaluation: immediate :- ground(File), ground(Message). register(Url).explanation: ”Register as new user at ${Url}”.

24 Protune Language Metapolicy Attributes & Values
Domain Values type literals decision_predicate, state_predicate, provisional_predicate, abbreviation_predicate, constraint_predicate sensitivity rules, literals public , private evaluation provisional_predicates state_predicate immediate, deferred action script language actor self, peer explanation natural language statement

25 Negotiation Framework Interaction
Client Service Provider M0 Pc, Σc Ps, Σs M1 P = local policy Σ = state ….. Mn-1 Mi = ( P`, C) P`= policy C = credentials Mn

26 Negotiation Framework Peer processes (I)
Policies are written in Protune Reasoning with policies requires an inference engine (e.g., Prolog) Protune-Prolog translators for policies and metapolicies Processing a policy = Filtering the policy (e.g, protecting private information in the policy) Policies are exchanged in the Protune representation

27 Negotiation Framework Peer processes (II)
Local policy (Protune) Protune-Prolog Translator Client request Filtering module Filtered policy (Protune) Prolog-Protune Translator

28 Negotiation Framework Protune-Prolog Translators (I)
verify that policies are according to the Protune (Prolog) grammar and translate them in the Prolog (Protune) representation translators do not change the semantics of the policy uses BNF productions implemented in JavaCC

29 Negotiation Framework Protune-Prolog Translators (II)
[Id]Head :- L1, ...,Ln. => rule(Id,Head, [L1, ...,Ln]). [Id].Attr:Val : −L1,...,Ln. => metarule(id, Attr(Id, Val), [L1,...,Ln]). Head.Attr:Val : −L1,...,Ln. => metarule(pred, Attr(Head, Val), [L1,...,Ln]). Id[Attr1 : Val1, ..., Attrn : Valn] => complex_term(Id, Attr1, Val1), ..., complex_term(Id, Attrn, Valn).

30 Negotiation Framework Protune-Prolog Translators (III)
[Id]allow( release( scard[ owner:“Maria”,type:“student”, issuer:“Uni-Hannover”])):- L1, ...,Ln. => rule(Id, allow(release(scard)), [L1, ...,Ln]). rule(Id,complex_term(scard,owner,“Maria”),[L1, ...,Ln]). rule(Id,complex_term(scard,type,“student”),[L1, ...,Ln]). rule(Id,complex_term(scard,issuer, “Uni-Hannover”),[L1, ...,Ln]).

31 Negotiation Framework Policy Filtering
Bob Bookstore allow(download(“book.pdf”)). allow(download(Resource)) ← public(Resource). allow(download(Resource)) ← public(Resource). ‘book.pdf’ is not public allow(download(Resource)) ← authenticated(User), hasSubscription(User). allow(download(Resource)) ← authenticated(User), hasSubscription(User). blurred( ) What does authenticated means? authenticated(User) ← credential(C), C.type:’id’. declaration([ user=User, password=P ]), passwd(User,P). authenticated(User) ← credential(C), C.type:’id’. declaration([ user=User, password=P ]), passwd(User,P). blurred( ) hasSubscription(‘Alice’). hasSubscription(‘John’). passwd(‘Alice’,’$1234ab3’). passwd(‘John’, ‘8%%&ca’). shared predicates shared predicates

32 Policy Filtering Relevant rules
policies contain general access control information, need to be adapted for each client request rules relevant for the client request are selected allow(download(Resource)):- public(Resource). allow(access(Resource)) : − authenticate(User), has_subscription(User,Resource). authenticate(User) : − declaration( ad, D[username : User, password : Password]), passwd(User, Password).

33 Policy Filtering Partial evaluation
information needs to be integrated in the policy the policy must be instantiated credentials given by the other party results of executed actions results of calls to external modules authenticated(maria) ← declaration( ad, D[user=maria, password=airam ]), passwd(maria,airam).

34 Policy Filtering Execute actions
actions ready for execution are selected from the policy => literal L L.type : provisional_predicate. L.evaluation : immediate. : self. actions results are stored in the state if an action fails then the rule does not hold not_revoked(creditcard).

35 Policy Filtering Blurring
policy may contain sensitive information necessary for reasoning but which should hidden to the other party sensitive information in the policy must be blurred blurring = not giving the definition passwd(User,Password). => blurred(predicate1( User, Password)). log( File, Message). => blurred(predicate2( File, Message)). complete blurring if needed not_blacklisted(C). => blurred1.

36 Policy Filtering Peer actions
actions that must be executed by the other party = provisional predicates with actor peer peer actions are prefixed with a „do“ and sent to the other party allow(access(Resource)):- do(register(“ register.php”)). do(register(Url)).action:- register_as_client(Url). do(register(Url)).explanation:”You must register as client at ${Url}”.

37 Policy Filtering Explanations
explanations defined for predicates and rules in the policy are sent to the other party explanations are human understandable statements blurred predicates may be explained blurred(predicate1(maria,airam)). predicate1(User,Password).explanation: ”The ${Password} is checked if it matches that of ${User}.”

38 Policy Filtering Rename Predicates
usually name of predicates in the policy are meaningful abbreviation predicates and state predicates must be renamed authenticate(User) => predicate1(User) trusted_company( Company) => predicate2( Company).

39 Negotiation Framework Filtering steps
Selecting relevant rules Selecting relevant rules Partial evaluation Blurring private information Selecting relevant rules Selecting relevant rules Execute actions Add information to the policy Partial evaluation Anonymize predicates

40 Negotiation Framework Filtering module
for each client request a new session is created the filtering process for the client request is done within the session

41 Negotiation Framework Interface to the filtering module

42 Negotiation Framework Credential Selection
a filtered policy may specify different methods for getting access to a resource/ a service clients must identify all the alternatives they have and choose the one it fits them best different strategies (e.g, cautious ,fast) Or declaration( ad, D[ user:U, password:P]) And credential( cc, C[type: creditcard, issuer:’Visa’]) register( ‘ register.php’)

43 Conclusions Trust Negotiation
Users may write their own policies Policies and credentials are exchanged during negotiations Policies must be filtered before disclosing them to the other party. Agents act on behalf of users to establish trust

44 Conclusions Thesis Contribution
• Extension of Protune syntax and specification of its Prolog representation • Extension of the filtering process applied on policies and its implementation Development of Protune-Prolog translators for policies and metapolicies Specification and implementation of the interface for the filtering module • Started work on credential selection

45 Thank you! [(Questions & Answers) | Comments]*

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