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Not only the girls have attitudes – the weather has too!

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Presentation on theme: "Not only the girls have attitudes – the weather has too!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Not only the girls have attitudes – the weather has too!
October 2012 Updates: Not only the girls have attitudes – the weather has too!

2 The start of summer has been a happy event for the girls: mango season has opened and they got to try out the inflatable swimming pool in the yard.

3 But the weather was very unstable and although everything was in full bloom for the end of spring, we still got a surprise every morning when we looked out the window...

4 One day we even had a freak snow storm!
Our suburb wasn’t affected except for heavy rains and a very cold morning, but a few suburbs up into the mountains it really snowed, catching all the summer equipment by surprise... Right: a photo from the Sydney Morning Herald

5 (these are photos from the internet)
But the strange weather we had was nothing compared to Hurricane Sandy that got us worried about my brother and his family in Boston, and our friends in Virginia and New Jersey (they are all fine, but it wasn’t fun). (these are photos from the internet)

6 Barak had his set of stressors this month:
He finished a chess tournament and is taking a break till the Australian Open in December. He broke his previous intense work record, by working all day, coming home at 10 pm, and then sitting back at the computer till 9:30 am! On the right, this is him in the morning, before he went to sleep.

7 Moshe and Alison came to visit
and I went out to eat with Alison while Moshe kept Barak and the girls company.

8 a t-shirt and vest combo,
Hahgoot is wearing a t-shirt and vest combo, a gift from Lisa.

9 The girls in their funny towel-hoodies

10 In our next presentation: Artistic sisters in action

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