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Terms Intro Circulation

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Presentation on theme: "Terms Intro Circulation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terms Intro Circulation 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300
Nutrition Reptiles 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 FR

2 An animal that is unable to control its own body temperature.
What is Cold blooded

3 A disease that can be transported between humans & animals?
What is A zoonosis

4 Organism that lives requires another living creature to complete its life cycle.
What is A parasite?

5 The act of laying on one’s eggs to incubate them.
What is Brood?

6 The term for the animal kingdom?
What is Animalia

7 2 classes that contain cold blooded animals?
What are Reptilia & Amphibia

8 The term for a person who studies animals.
What is A zoologist?

9 Name 4 classes of animals?
What is Reptilia, Aves, Osteichthyes, Mammalia, & Amphibia

10 The organ in our body that has priority.
What is The Brain?

11 The organ that is used to refine food.
What is The liver

12 The human heart has _ chambers, a fish has _, & an amphibian has __.
What is 4,2,3

13 This tells our heart to increase speed when we stand up.
What is The Barastat

14 What’s the difference between a ruminant & a non-ruminant?
What is Non=1 stomach Ruminant=more than 1 stomach

15 Name 2 amino acids, 2 minerals, & 2 vitamins.
Daily Double Name 2 amino acids, 2 minerals, & 2 vitamins. What are lysine-etc, iron-etc., A-etc.

16 Breaking down a hamburger into fats, carbs, etc is known as__?
What is Assimilation.

17 List the 6 basic nutrients.
What are Water, carbs, fats, proteins, minerals, & vitamins

18 The term for being active during daylight hours.
What is Diurnal

19 The term for being able to distinguish between males & females.
What is Dimorphism

20 The covering over the eye of a snake is known by what term?
What is The brille.

21 What is The eye becomes cloudy, they refuse to eat.
What are 2 ways in which one can tell that a snake is about to shed its skin. What is The eye becomes cloudy, they refuse to eat.

22 List & describe the 4 habitats that a reptile may live in.
Final Round List & describe the 4 habitats that a reptile may live in. What are Terrestrial, Aquatic, Semi-aquatic, Arboreal

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