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War Beyond the Western Front

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1 War Beyond the Western Front

2 The Eastern Front Schlieffen Plan did not have its intended effects
Great success in the East though, as the plan was being abandoned following Marne Russians invaded Germany with two forces badly outnumbering the defenders Battle of Gumbinenn, August 1914, a great Russian victory

3 Eastern Front Russian generals Samsonov and Rennenkampf not cooperating Germans were able to target them one at a time Lack of coordination a characteristic of the Russian army German victory at Tannenberg Russians lost 125,000 Samsonov committed suicide German victory at Masurian Lakes Eastern front will always be more mobile than the West

4 1915 Italy entered the war on the side of the Allies
Austrians, already poor fighters, forced to direct attention to Italy Russia now able to regroup against Germany Next year the Brusilov offensive, with the Russians gaining back nearly 100 miles

5 Gallipoli Stalemate in the West made the Allies seek another front
Plan to attack the Ottomans April 25, 1915 British forces landed on the southern tip of the Gallipoli peninsula, followed by Anzacs Only able to carve out a small portion of the beach and surrounding hills Stopped by bad intelligence, poor navigation, rough terrain, etc. Cost the Allies 300,000 troops


7 War at Sea Irony after the naval race, that these fleets only met once
Jutland, 1916 Both sides claiming victory Germans never had the strength to match the British Could never bombard enemy ports Access to the North Sea and through the English Channel was controlled by the British Never willing to risk a decisive defeat

8 Genius Hour – The Home Front
Government agencies Military draft Civil liberties Hollywood Economics Women and children Minorities at home Anti-German activity

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