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University of Adelaide Ulaanbaatar 2012

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Presentation on theme: "University of Adelaide Ulaanbaatar 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Adelaide Ulaanbaatar 2012

2 History and mission Began in 1874 Third-oldest university in Australia
To be recognised internationally as a great research university To be a leader in research and teaching excellence To make a positive impact on the lives of our students, staff and alumni as well as the local, national and international communities.

3 With over 127,000 alumni located in more than 80 countries around the globe





8 CLPD The CLPD provides a range of services to students at the University of Adelaide including a conversation development volunteer program and conversation classes, academic writing and study skills development, language development and maths and stats assistance.

9 Degree and courses

10 Class date


12 Хэн хөөцөлдсөн бэ? Одоо Ирээдүйд

13 English language IELTS IELTS 6.5


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