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Please grab a laptop and sign in

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1 Please grab a laptop and sign in
Welcome to Class While you are waiting, quickly review the 3 levels of questioning and TS, CD, CM, and CS with a peer. You will be taking a quick quiz at the beginning of class where you will need to identify an example of each one.

2 Today’s Goals By September 13/14
Get as much of your paper written/Typed as possible Work on intro/conclusion paragraphs Work on works cited page By September 13/14 Have a typed draft ready for peer editing Have that typed draft printed off and in class Did I mention that you needed a typed draft?

3 Parts of an Introduction
The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. So, if these facts are true and this devastating, why do people continue to text while driving? All but two states in the US (Montana and Arizona) have texting while driving laws in place. Some, such as Washington, have recently established even stricter laws to help curb this ever-growing problem. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be enough to keep people safe. Due to the fact that a majority of drivers believe they can multitask and need to be constantly plugged in, drivers will continue to put themselves and others at risk with their narcissistic behavior. Hook Background Thesis Parts of an Introduction

4 Restated Thesis Ending Thought Parts of a Conclusion
Ego-driven drivers will continue to put others at risk since a majority of them believe their busy lives and need to be connected to the world 24/7 trump saving lives. Since most people thrive on the ability to multitask and are asked to do so at their jobs, they continue to follow that routine in the car. Also, friends and family can help lessen the need for their loved ones to text and drive by being more understanding about not receiving immediate feedback to texts. Finally, people need to realize that their opinion or post being postponed 15 minutes will not hurt anyone. Let’s challenge the nation to put their phones out of reach each and every time they get behind the wheel. We could be saving thousands of lives with just one simple action. Summary Ending Thought Parts of a Conclusion

5 Thesis Ideas for this paper (Don’t copy)
From research on dopamine’s effect on the brain to debunking myths about risky teen behavior, experts have mixed emotions on whether risk taking is good for teens. While some believe dopamine levels control risk-taking tendencies and others say it’s all about a teen’s surroundings, the reasons for teens’ actions are under examination in our nation. The reasons and benefits for teen risk-taking will continue to be examined scientifically and generationally for years to come. Thesis Ideas for this paper (Don’t copy)

6 Works Cited Source Set-up
Personal Interviews: You will have 3 of these on your works cited page. Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014. Articles: You will also have 3 of these. Author Last name, First name. “Name of Article.” Name of publisher. Date published. Web. Date accessed. Park, Alice. “Why We Take Risks – It’s the Dopamine” Time Magazine. 30 December 2008. Web. Accessed 23 August 2017. Suttie article: published by Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkley Damour article: published by The New York Times Works Cited Source Set-up

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