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Gaining Mind Over Market

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Presentation on theme: "Gaining Mind Over Market"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gaining Mind Over Market
Becoming an Opportunity Warrior

2 MAIN IDEAS Course Page 5

3 Main Ideas Perspective on the Market Opportunity Mindset
Master Your Skills Install Key Systems Get in the Game Course Page 5

4 PERSPECTIVE Course Page 7

5 Perspective on the Market
How’s Your Market? People always need to buy or sell Markets always shift over time—they have a cyclical nature Change = opportunity Course Page 7

6 Perspective on the Market
The Law of Supply and Demand Demand exceeds supply = high prices Supply exceeds demand =low prices Course Page 9

7 Perspective on the Market
Other Factors Signal Market Change—Inventory Inventory as a Measure of the Market Sellers’ Market Less than 5 months’ inventory Balanced Market 5-7 months’ inventory Buyers’ Market More than 7 months’ inventory Course Page 10

8 Perspective on the Market
Other Factors—Affordability Index Measure of financial ability to buy Index of 100 = median income family can afford median priced home Higher index over 100 = greater affordability Course Page 11

9 Perspective on the Market
Affordability Index for Sample City, USA Median Income = $69,300 Median Price Home = $182,500 Mortgage Amount ($182,500 less 20% down payment) = $146,000 Required Income (25% of $146,000) = $36,500 Affordability Index ($69,300 ÷ $36,500 x 100) = 190 Course Page 12

10 Perspective on the Market
Three Ways to Close the Affordability “Gap” Lower home prices Increased borrowing power (e. g., lower rates, more options) Increased income What factors can an agent control? Course Page 14

11 Perspective on the Market
Course Page 14

12 Perspective on the Market
What’s Your Affordability Index? What’s the median income? What’s the median home price? What’s the affordability index? Course Page 15

13 Perspective on the Market
What Are Buyers and Sellers Thinking? Role of media Seller beliefs Inflated sense of value Can’t sell for what they need or want Can sell “as is” without improvements Marketing and open houses will be enough to sell If they can’t afford the payment they will lose the home to foreclosure Course Page 16-17

14 Perspective on the Market
What Are Buyers and Sellers Thinking? Buyer beliefs Values may continue to go down Plenty of time to look and buy Seller will take almost any offer Wait for more homes to come on market May not be able to get a loan Great time to invest in real estate Course Page 17

15 Getting the Most Out of This Experience
The Prisoner Has to be there, doesn’t want to be there, and doesn’t know why they’re there. The Vacationer A day in training is Better than a day on the job. The Explorer Excited and curious about the new knowledge, skills, and tools they will discover in class. Doesn’t engage Spends as much time chatting as listening Listens attentively, then participates fully in discussions and exercises Spends class time catching up on their s There to have fun—distracts the class with irrelevant comments Asks meaningful questions and contributes compelling aha’s Escapes by spending time in the hall on their phone Returns late from break and lunch Arrives to class on time and returns promptly from breaks Holds on to limiting beliefs Not purposeful in their learning goals Adopts a posture of acceptance Multi-tasks on their computer by working on side projects OMG! Spends the day on their smartphone, texting and checking Facebook Takes notes in their manual for future reference Picks fights with trainer or other participants if they don’t agree Isn’t paying attention Respects the different learning styles and opinions of others Hopefully, you picked “The Explorer!” Course Page 19


17 Opportunity Mindset Six Truths About Markets
From When Markets Shift by Gary Keller A paper written right after 9/11/2001 Guidance still relevant in today’s environment Course Page 18

18 Opportunity Mindset Markets Shift—It’s a Way of Life
Markets are always in transition. Myth: Market determines your success. People buy and sell in all markets. Down markets tend to have fewer great deals—and those that are, sell faster. Course Page 20

19 only proactive lead generation works!
Opportunity Mindset Up Markets = Proactive and Reactive Lead Generation BUT, in down markets only proactive lead generation works! Course Page 21

20 Opportunity Mindset Market Shift = New Strategies Required
Adopt opportunity mindset. Seek only motivated buyers and sellers. Price ahead of market—do not chase market. Make condition of listings stand out. Motivate buyers with sense of urgency. Qualify and convert leads quickly. Continued Course Page 21

21 Opportunity Mindset Market Shift = New Strategies Required
Catch and convert leads on the Web. Bulletproof your transactions all the way to closing. Find out where market is and get in it. Do more with less—expenses, services, people. Learn alternative financing options. Course Page 21

22 Opportunity Mindset The Theory of Equilibrium
Sellers’ market = agent count increase Buyers’ market = agent count decrease Big opportunity for those with stamina, skill, and adapted, improved business practices Course Page 22

23 Opportunity Mindset When Markets Shift Downward, Time to Reach Equilibrium Is Unknown Myth: Wait it out, it will be over soon. Truth: Face the market, adapt as needed. Commitment Consistency Reduced expenses Course Page 22

24 Opportunity Mindset In a Down Shift, It’s Time for “All Hands On Deck”
Prospecting Converting to appointments and contracts Cost control Negotiation Transaction bulletproofing Customer service Course Page 22

25 Opportunity Mindset Your Role as Opportunity Warrior
Have a plan and know what you should be doing at all times. Know your strengths, leverage them, and execute. Delegate tasks you do less well. Course Page 24

26 Opportunity Mindset Opportunity Warrior Affirmations
I’m an opportunist and this is an opportunity. I’m a market maker and will create my own market in these conditions. I’m able, ready, and willing. I’m a knowledgeable real estate consultant. I understand the big picture. I’m a professional guiding clients through the process. Sellers need me more than ever to get a sale. Buyers need me more than ever to get the best price. Course Page 25

27 Opportunity Mindset Gain Market Share in a Slowing Market
Maintaining your volume = increasing your share Course Page 26

28 Opportunity Mindset Gain Volume in a Growing Market
Maintaining market share = increasing volume Course Page 27

29 MASTER YOUR SKILLS Course Page 28

30 Master Your Skills Focus on the Basics
Assess your skills and look for ways to improve Keep up your education Be a student of the market Be a great communicator Lead generate 3 hours a day Talk competently with sellers about pricing Motivate buyers to buy Convert leads to appointments Course Page 28

31 Master Your Skills Assess Your Skills Know your market Prospect
Try new sources for leads Know scripts Make offers to generate responses Have clear, concise Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Course Page 29

32 Master Your Skills What improvement would benefit you the most?
Course Page 30

33 Master Your Skills Keep Up With Your Education Be a lifelong learner.
Become a teacher, coach or mentor. When you cut expenses, don’t cut education. Use education to plug in and grow. Course Page 31

34 Master Your Skills Be a Student of the Market
This is an everyday commitment. Data is your friend—know where to find it. Know both the national and local statistics—use graphics to share what you know. Know the best buys. Know the status of all homes in proximity to your listings. Course Page 33

35 Master Your Skills Be the Media—Become a Spokesperson, Speaker, and Resource Write articles. Speak at town meetings. Speak to businesses and other organizations. Put updated, insightful content on your website. Start a blog. Course Page 37

36 Master Your Skills What are your market numbers? Homes on market
Homes sold Homes pending Expired listings Days on market Average list price Average sales price Course Page 38

37 Master Your Skills Be a Great Communicator
Seek first to understand—ask, listen, and validate your understanding. Study and practice scripts. Leverage script knowledge through conversational skills. Communicate with your clients faithfully, relieving their stress—and yours. Continued Course Page 39

38 Master Your Skills Be a Great Communicator Remessaging
Evaluate every message you are putting out. Are your messages driving prospects to you? For sellers (time to sell, % of list price) For buyers (best buys, foreclosures, free searches) Use web domain names that attract an audience. Course Page 40

39 Master Your Skills Speak Competently About Pricing with Sellers
Know the market facts. Be truthful, then test their understanding of what you’ve said. Use the bottom line or net approach. Let them vent their emotions—remain calm. Discuss financing options that might be offered to buyers. Course Page 41

40 Master Your Skills Motivate Buyers to Buy Lead Generate 3 Hours a Day!
Make offers that generate immediate response. Understand and overcome fear with scripts. Educate them about the opportunities. Lead Generate 3 Hours a Day! See the KWU courses Lead Generation 36:12:3 and SHIFT Tactic 4: Upshifting Your Lead Generation. Course Pages 42-43


42 Install Key Systems Be Efficient and Effective!
Review everything you do with a critical eye. Focus on your 20% activities. See Lead Generation 36:12:3, Introduction: The Power of One. Course Page 45

43 Install Key Systems Be Efficient and Effective!
Rethink how you use and work with people. Restructure as needed. Increase accountability. “Quit the wrong stuff. Stick with the right stuff. Have the guts to do one or the other.” Seth Godin, The Dip Course Page 45

44 Install Key Systems Systematize Everything!
Lead Generation 36:12:3 describes “the 3 hour habit”—DO it! Convert leads; follow up on everything. Manage expenses; know all numbers, prioritize. Leverage your people and a great vendor support team. Course Page 46

45 GET IN THE GAME Course Page 50

46 Get in the Game Commit and don’t quit.
Lay your foundation for growth in improving markets. Have a game plan, and stick to it. Know your role, revamp it if necessary. Focus on dollar-productive activities. Course Page 50

47 Career Growth Initiative
Listing Management Listings (Monthly) Pipeline (Buyers/Sellers) VALUE GCI Agent Trend Agent LORE Local Expert Course Page 51

48 Career Growth Initiative
Course Page 52

49 The Bottom Line Be an Opportunity Warrior—embrace the market.
Accept the Law of Supply and Demand. Understand and use your local Affordability Index. Become the media. Master your skills (market knowledge, communication, lead generation, conversion). Evaluate yourself on all challenges and build your action plan now! Course Page 55

50 My Action Plan Don’t put away this guide without developing a plan to put what you have learned into action! Refer to the Action Plan on pages of your agent guide to assess your strengths and areas for improvement. Write down steps you will take to improve your skills—complete it, share it, and commit to it! Course Page 56

51 Take the other courses in the SHIFT Tactics series
Upshifting Your Lead Generation Seller Pricing Strategies Seller Staging Strategies Lead Capture and Conversion Internet Lead Capture and Conversion Creating Urgency to Buy Bulletproofing Transactions Expense Management Effective People Leverage  Short Sales, Foreclosures, and REOs Financing Solutions

52 From Aha’s to Achievement
Course Page 58

53 Select drop-down to scroll for title of this course
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