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Bacteriology 1 Lab 1.

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1 Bacteriology 1 Lab 1

2 Staphylococci Gram + Cocci Cluster in arrangement

3 Gram stain

4 mannitol salt agar MSA selective and differential growth medium
high concentration (about 7.5%-10%) of salt contain carbohydrate mannitol Ph indicator : phenol red Staphylococcus aureus produces yellow colonies S.epidermidis S. aureus

5 Catalase test Procedure:- 1- add few drops of H2O2 on a slide
Is used to differentiate between staphylocci & streptococcci Staphylococci give positive result Use 3% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide )as substrate gas bubble is produced for positive results Procedure:- 1- add few drops of H2O2 on a slide 2- transfer a small amount of colony growth to the slide 3- observe the bubbling reaction

6 Coagulase test Is used to differentiae between S.aureus and other staphylocci species. S.aureus gives positive reaction Fibrinogen (plasma) is the substrate Fibrin (visible clot) is produced

7 Types of coagulase tests : Slide & Tube
Slide coagulase test : - Detects cell-bound coagulase enzyme - fast (within seconds) - On slide Tube coagulase test : - Detects free coagulase enzyme - Slow (~ 3- 4 hours incubation) - in a tube

8 DNase test Is used to differentiae between S.aureus and other staphylocci species. DNA is the substrate The hydrolysis of DNA is detected by observing a zone of clearance Procedure:- 1- Using a sterile loop, inoculate organisms on Dnase plate. Make sure each test area is labelled clearly. 2- Incubate the plate aerobically at 35oC for 13 to 24 hours. 3- Flood the surface of the plate with 1 N hydrochloric acid (HCL )solution. Tip off the excess acid. 4- Look for clearing around the colonies within 5 minutes of adding the acid. zone of clearance

9 Summary + - Tests S.aureus Other Staphylococci Catalase test
Coagulase test - Dnase test

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