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Outcomes 2015-2016 Greenmead School.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcomes 2015-2016 Greenmead School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcomes Greenmead School

2 Judging Pupil Progress
Previously used a system for judging pupil progress which only looked at progress in English and Maths. This did not show the real progress the Greenmead pupils are making. We need to look at progress in all key areas (including English and Maths) so have designed a system which takes into account the progress our pupils are actually making eg toilet training, independence, physical skills. We have to use the data for a number of reasons – to look at how the whole school is doing, to look at key groups within the school and to look whether there are any areas to be targeted for development.

3 Professional Judgements of Pupil Progress – Termly
Pupil progress judged as Outstanding as almost all pupils make expected progress and a significant proportion of pupils are making above expected progress (around 50%). A very small proportion of pupils are making below expected progress

4 Key Stage Groups Our Early Years and Key Stage One data are very consistent. Less of our KS2 pupils make above expected progress and 1 KS2 pupil is making below expected progress.

5 Pupil Premium More pupils that we receive pupil premium funding for make above expected progress than those who do not. One pupil is making below expected progress (pupil premium)

6 Gender More girls make above expected progress than boys do. One girl is making below expected progress. I don’t think gender is the significant factor here – rather learning need – see next slide. Almost all of our MLD pupils are girls and this group make significantly above expected progress.

7 Learning Need A very large proportion of our MLD pupils make above expected progress although we only have a small number of these pupils in school. Less of our PMLD pupils have made above expected progress this year than other groups. This has not looked like this all year – it has jumped around.

8 Pivats Data – English and Maths
Pupils working at P1-3 Pupils made more progress in Maths (cognition) than English (communication) Pupil working at P4+ Pupils made more progress in listening and reading than speaking and writing. Pupils made more progress in Space, Shape and Measures than Number.

9 Conclusions Pupil progress is Outstanding because almost all pupils make expected progress with a significant proportion making above expected progress. Only 1 pupil made below expected progress. Pupil premium pupils make the same or more progress than other pupils PMLD pupils make less progress than other groups KS2 pupils make less progress than other pupils. Boys make less progress than girls (although this is almost certainly due to other factors)

10 Priorities for next year
Increase rates of progress for our PMLD pupils such that they are in line with other groups in the school Increase rates of progress for our KS2 pupils such that they are in line with other groups in the school Targeted support to improve progress in communication in P1-3 pupils Targeted support to improve speaking and writing in certain classes for P4+ pupils Targeted support to improve number in certain classes for P4+ pupils Support the one pupil identified as making below expected progress across the year

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