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European Investment Bank Group

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1 European Investment Bank Group
22/06/2018 Ex-Post Evaluation at European Investment Bank Presentation to the European Parliament - CONT Committee Hearing on EU funds in infrastructure and transport - effectiveness and problems Ivory Yong-Prötzel Head of Operations Evaluation Division Brussels, 20 April 2016 European Investment Bank Group European Investment Bank Group

2 The Inspectorate General
Inspector General (7) Operations Evaluation (15) Internal Audit (17) Fraud Investigations (12) Complaints Mechanism (11) Created in 2005 to consolidate control and accountability functions Is independent to carry out its missions Is headed by the Inspector General Has a total of approx staff positions 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

3 The four functions in IG
Operations Evaluation (EV) carries out ex-post evaluations of EIB Group’s activities and ensures transparency among the EIB's governing bodies and interested outside parties Internal Audit (IA) examines and evaluates the relevance and effectiveness of the Bank's internal control systems and procedures Fraud Investigation (IN) investigates allegations of fraud or corruption within EIB Group The Complaints Mechanism (CM) handles allegations of maladministration and ensures that complaints are handled objectively 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

4 EV within the EIB Board of Governors Independent line of reporting
22/06/2018 EV within the EIB Board of Governors Independent line of reporting Board of Directors Management Committee IG OC CO CS JU SG OPS FC FI PJ RM TMR EV CM IA IN 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group European Investment Bank Group

5 European Investment Bank Group
What is evaluation? A systematic and objective assessment of an on-going or completed project, programme or policy, its design, implementation and results. (OECD-DAC, 2010) 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

6 Main purpose of Evaluation
22/06/2018 Main purpose of Evaluation Operations Evaluation (EV) carries out independent evaluations of the EIB Group’s activities in order to Improve accountability: EV assesses whether the activities have been in line with policy mandates and whether they have delivered as expected (“summative evaluation”) Identify lessons: EV identifies possible areas of improvement to increase the Bank’s performance (“formative evaluation”) The bank is accountable to: its shareholders; the European Parliament and Council; Civil Society; and EU citizens 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group European Investment Bank Group

7 European Investment Bank Group
22/06/2018 Basis of evaluations EV evaluates independently and systematically Assesses against Standard, internationally agreed, methodology and set of ethical principles Stated objectives by using performance indicators and targets Shares good practice with EIB peers, e.g. EBRD, IMF, IADB, WBG International professional societies, e.g. EES, AEA Current Mandate approved by Board in 2009 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group European Investment Bank Group

8 European Investment Bank Group
Key features Thematic: Sector (e.g. Transport, Urban development, Energy, ICT) Financial product (e.g. Loans for SMEs, FWLs) Mandate (e.g. JASPERS, RSFF) Temporal scope: depends on thematic evaluation, typically 5 to 10 years Geographical scope: EU or non-EU, sometimes a sub- region, generally not a country Sample of projects evaluated within the scope, typically around 25 Assessment includes EIB strategies in the sector, organisation and any other factor affecting effectiveness 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

9 Evaluation and (transport) projects
Projects are evaluated individually within the theme - but focus has moved from project-to-project to sector focus 307 projects evaluated ex-post during 41 in the transport sector – the most evaluated sector, (followed by manufacturing, energy and intermediated lending) Transport is covered on several thematic evaluations (Climate Action, LGTT, Technical Assistance, Framework Loans, Urban Infra, …) Most transport projects are satisfactory, some are excellent and few unsatisfactory 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

10 European Investment Bank Group
Evaluation criteria Relevance Are objectives consistent with underlying EU policies and beneficiary needs? Effectiveness Has the operation or programme achieved its stated objective(s)? Efficiency Has the operation or programme converted its inputs into outcomes economically? Sustainability Does the operation or programme have continued long-term benefits and is it resilient to risk? EIB/EIF contribution What was EIB/EIF’s financial and technical contribution to the operation or programme? Management of the project How well was the operation or programme managed? 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

11 Systematic on-site visits
Social housing in Poland Cultural heritage in Cadiz SID Loan for SMEs Anti-flooding in Valle d’Aosta Scrapyard, Ile-de-France 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

12 European Investment Bank Group
Evaluation from 772 project evaluations and 54 thematic evaluations covering 17 sectors of activity and 81 countries 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

13 Reporting and follow up
22/06/2018 Reporting and follow up Evaluation reports are widely discussed with relevant operational services and with management Management must send thematic reports without change to the Board After discussion by Board, EV thematic reports are published on EIB’s website: All thematic evaluation reports contain recommendations EV follows up quarterly how the EIB/EIF implement those recommendations and reports on progress to the Board twice a year Two examples on key changes: physical monitoring (years ago) and use of outcome and impact indicators (recent) Evaluations provide recommendations on how to improve the way it works. Provide examples of ways in which the Bank has change the way it work following recommendations from evaluations (e.g. physical monitoring in the past, outcome and impact indicators more recently) 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group European Investment Bank Group

14 European Investment Bank Group
22/06/2018 Work programme Established by EV in consultation with Directorates concerned Discussed with MC and sent to Board for decision If requested, EV also undertakes ad hoc evaluations or reviews 2013 Evaluation of intermediated lending to SMEs (EIB, EU) End-evaluation of Risk Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF - EC mandate) Evaluation of Investment Funds (EIB, ACP+FEMIP) 2014 Evaluation of Technical assistance activities (EIB, non-EU) End-evaluation of Loan Guarantee for TEN-T (LGTT - EC mandate) Synthesis paper on good practices re. four EC mandates (EIB+EIF, EU) 2015 Evaluation of Knowledge Economy support (EIB, EU) Evaluation of Climate Action support (EIB, EU) Stocktaking study of Microfinance activities (EIF, EU) 2016 Mid-term evaluation of EFSI (EIB+EIF, EU) Mid-term evaluation of several EC mandates (EIB, EU and non-EU) Evaluation of intermediated lending (EIB, ACP) Evaluation of securitisation activities (EIF, EU) 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group European Investment Bank Group

15 European Investment Bank Group
The team Composed of a total 15 staff (incl admin support) Aim is to balance evaluation experience gained outside the EIB Group with knowledge of Group business (ideally from several areas) Often work with consultants to support EV team However, EV retains total responsibility for each report (no disclaimer in case of consultants’ participation) 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

16 Evaluation for a better Bank
Evaluation seen as a Bank-wide effort We work for … Evaluations to be embedded within the day-to-day activities of the Bank Evaluations to ensure that the EIB Group is accountable for the past Evaluations to identify lessons for the future 22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

17 Questions? Thanks for your attention
22/06/2018 European Investment Bank Group

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