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Putting on the Lord Jesus Christ
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“Preachers and theologians tend to be careful when explaining fundamental Biblical truths like the deity of Christ, substitutionary atonement, Jesus’ bodily resurrection on the third day, the Second Coming of Christ, and the inerrancy of Scripture. “By careful, I mean that they will quote Scriptures to back up their explanations. And they will try hard to avoid going beyond what the Scriptures say. “But when it comes to the doctrines of justification and sanctification the same preachers and theologians are often not careful. We see this all the time when they explain justification by faith alone. It becomes justification by submission, surrender, following Christ, and obeying Christ. “While Scriptures may be mentioned, their arguments are primarily theological. Jesus is the King of kings. He is sovereign. So to believe in Him we must surrender to His authority, rule, and reign. “At least that is how the argument goes. “No Scripture says what they argue. They simply argue based on what they think makes sense.”
“Even a casual reading of Galatians shows that walking in the Spirit is the opposite of walking in the flesh. The Judaizers who were bothering the believers in Galatia were teaching that in order to be justified one must be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses (Gal 1:8-9; 5:4). Sanctification, in their understanding, is a condition of justification. “That is, one must continue to live a set apart life in order to remain justified before God. Walking in the flesh is not, as many wrongly think, outright rebellion against God. Biblically, the concept of walking in the flesh is legalism. It is the person who is actually seeking to obey and please God, but he is doing so in the wrong way—by focusing on commandments, on rules and regulations. “Think of Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, United Pentecostals, devout Catholics and Orthodox, and Lordship Salvation folks. They mean well. They want to please God. But their understanding of justification and sanctification is legalistic. “Yes, but don’t some of these preachers speak of obeying God in the power of the Spirit? Yes, they do. But simply by sprinkling the words ‘in the power of the Spirit’ over legalism does not undo the damage. Even Roman Catholics today speak of the necessity of God’s grace and the power of the Spirit of God in our lives. “When I heard the speaker define walking in the Spirit as obeying God in the power of the Holy Spirit, I thought, he is making this up. He has no text which says or implies that. He simply knows that the audience will eat that up. He is calling them to obey and he is throwing in a mystical reference to the power of the Spirit. “Admittedly the Holy Spirit does enable believers to obey, but that is not what walking in the Spirit is. “Walking in the Spirit is the opposite of walking in the flesh. “Walking in the spirit is the opposite of legalism.”
“So, walk in the Spirit. That is, retain assurance by continuing to abide in God’s grace and sit under sound Bible doctrine.” “No Scripture says what they argue. They simply argue based on what they think makes sense.”
Are Believers Under Law Today?
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? Q Galatians 2:19 and Rom 7:14 seem to be saying that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses, or any law. When we become believers, we are set free from law. Have I missed the boat? ~RE,
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Christ - The End of the Law
Rom 6:13-15 And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! Rom 7:4-6 Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another—to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God. For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death. But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter. Rom 8:1-5 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Rom 10:1-4 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Gal 2:18-20 For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
“…Biblically, the concept of walking in the flesh is legalism
“…Biblically, the concept of walking in the flesh is legalism. It is the person who is actually seeking to obey and please God, but he is doing so in the wrong way—by focusing on commandments, on rules and regulations. “Admittedly the Holy Spirit does enable believers to obey, but that is not what walking in the Spirit is.
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat. “You are correct that believers are no longer under the Law of Moses (Rom 6:14; 7:4-6; 8:2; 10:4; Gal 2:19; etc.). However, believers in the Church Age are under law. The Greek word is nomos. If you do a concordance study, you will find that the law which we are under is variously called ‘the law of liberty’ (Jas 2:12), ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus’ (Rom 8:2), ‘the law of Christ’ (Gal 6:2), and ‘the royal law’ (Jas 2:8). “What is this law we are under? The commands of the NT. “Nine of the Ten Commandments are part of both the Law of Moses and the law of Christ. Only the fourth commandment, to remember the Sabbath (the seventh day, Saturday), is not part of the law of Christ. The commands we find in the teachings of the Lord Jesus and His Apostles are our law today. “Of course, we are not born again by keeping the law of Christ, or any law. But the law of Christ is part of our sanctification. “Though you did not ask, I think Romans 7 makes it clear that a fixation on the commandments, even the commandments for us today, will not result in godliness, but in defeat. Our focus must be on the Commander, not the commands. “As we focus on Jesus, we fall more in love with Him and we long to please Him and we are transformed (2 Cor 3:18). Of course, we are to study the commands we are under and to pray for the Spirit of God to empower us to keep them. “When we confess our sins (1 John 1:9), we are admitting that we broke one of the commands and that we desire to keep it. “It is going too far to say that believers today are not under law at all.”
Q&A By Staff Are Believers Under Law Today? A
“I think you have one leg in the boat and one leg in the water. Let’s see if we can get you fully back in the boat.”
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