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LNS in numbers INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud are located in the Catania University campus area Total area: 35000 m2 Total volume: 97000 m3 Staff members:

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Presentation on theme: "LNS in numbers INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud are located in the Catania University campus area Total area: 35000 m2 Total volume: 97000 m3 Staff members:"— Presentation transcript:

1 LNS in numbers INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud are located in the Catania University campus area Total area: m2 Total volume: m3 Staff members: 110 Associated researchers: 121 Italian users: 367 Foreign users: 193 Annual scientific production: about 224 (papers and proceedings) Budget: about 11 MEuro/year

2 Center for Hadron-Therapy and Advanced Nuclear Applications
Ions beam from Proton to U Emax of delivered beam 82 AMeV for light ions 24 AMeV Gold CATANA Therapy room Center for Hadron-Therapy and Advanced Nuclear Applications Tandem 15 MV + EXCYT Facility 8Li Superconducting Cyclotron Kb=800, Kfoc=200 Diameter 3.9 m, Bmax=4.8 T

3 The Tandem accelerator
0 MV +15 MV Stripper

4 The Superconducting Cyclotron
(T/A)max = Kbending (Q/A)2 ~ 25 AMeV Au (T/A)max = Kfocusing (Q/A) = 100 AMeV light ions Bending limit K=800 Focusing limit Kfoc=200 Pole radius 90 cm Yoke outer radius cm Yoke full height 286 cm Min-Max field Tesla Sectors 3 RF range MHz

5 (Multi Element DEtector Array)
MEDEA (Multi Element DEtector Array) 180 BaF2 scintillators around the target 22 cm inner radius Single element thickness 20 cm Detection and identification of gamma rays and light particle Suitable for gamma rays up to 300meV Ti,img resolution <1ns

6 MAGNEX - a large acceptance MAGNetic spectrometer for EXcyt beams
Main elements: position sensitive MCP start detector; vertically focusing quadrupole; bending magnet; focal plane detector measuring ion direction, energy, charge and mass.

7 Superconducting Solenoid
MEDEA - MULTICS - SOLE - MACISTE SOLE Superconducting Solenoid 00 ≤θ ≤ 60 MEDEA 180 detectors 300 ≤θ ≤ 1800 MULTICS 162 detectors 30 ≤θ ≤ 280 MACISTE 24 detectors θ ≤ 60

8 CATANA : a facility for proton therapy treatment of the eye tumours
Total patients treated from 2002: 280 patients

9 LANDIS Present important goal:
The laboratory of non destructive analysis of the LNS/INFN THE FIRST PORTABLE PIXE-α SYSTEM LICENCE CEA/INFN N° The source was realised by electro- deposition of 210Po on a thin silver film. The source was sealed and was certified as non contaminant. The energy of the outcoming α particles is about 4.5 MeV. The in-situ analysis of samples in the cultural heritage field has been up to now very successful and will continue in the future. Present important goal: The Archaeological Museum of Misurata (Libia) for the characterization of the “Misurata treasure” ( Roman Age silver-plated coins)

10 Coordinator of the KM3NeT Preparatory Phase (E. Migneco)
LNS and the deep sea activities LNS has been involved in deep-sea activities with the NEMO project since 1999 Coordinator of the KM3NeT Preparatory Phase (E. Migneco) Large group of scientists, engineers and technicians involved in the activities Significant investments in new infrastructures with the contribution of INFN, the Italian Ministry of Research and the Sicilian Regional Government

11 The Catania Test Site Shore station located inside the Catania harbour area. 3 M€ investment (shore station, electro-optical cable) completed in 2006. NEMO Phase-1 installed in 2006. Facility open to multidisciplinary activities (Onde, SN-1, LIDO, SMO) in cooperation with other institutes (INGV, Esonet)

12 The Catania Test Site infrastructure
LNS-INFN Catania FC SAN :Main data storage Data analysis Conencted to GARR-X LIDO demo mission of ESONET: two observatories with sensors for bioacoustics, ocean monitoring, geohazards. Ready for deployment ESONET Test sites activity: Sea operations, ROV tests SMO: Common acoustic data-base Catania & Capo Passero North: 4 LBW hydrophones 2 LF hydrophones CTD, ADCP, Seismometers magnetometers pressure gauges GPS time stamping Upgraded Internet Radio Link: 100 Mbps 5 km 20 km South: 4 LBW hydrophones Underwater GPS time stamping 5 km NEMO JB LNS Test Site Laboratory refurbished during : GPS and o.f. distribution in test labs and construction hall

13 The Capo Passero infrastructure
Shore and deep-sea infrastructure built by LNS with INFN funds (7 M€) Shore and deep sea infrastructures at Capo Passero Shore station 100 km electro-optical cable Power feeding system (50 kW) 10 kW deep-sea DC/DC converter

14 Optical fibre link Capo Passero - LNS
Upgrade of the connection between the Capo Passero shore station and the LNS in Catania with a high-speed direct optical fibre link 10 Gbit link GARR-X INFN LNS: Main Data Repository Catania GRID node LNS to Internet Through GARR (Italian Network Authority) 2011 – 1 Gbps 2012 – 2.5 Gbps (GARR-X) Catania Shore Lab Catania Shore Lab - LNS: Radio link 200 Mbps To be improved 1 Gbps 1 Gbit link Capo Passero Shore Lab Capo Passero Shore Lab - LNS Dedicated optical fiber 2011 – 1 Gbps 2012 – 10 Gbps


16 The Cougar ROV Cougar Seaeye ROV upgraded to 4000 m operative water depth Acquired by INFN and INGV within the PEGASO project co-funded by the Sicilian Regional government

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