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How many words can you write beginning with the letter… A

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Presentation on theme: "How many words can you write beginning with the letter… A"— Presentation transcript:

1 How many words can you write beginning with the letter… A

2 Make a list of things that are impossible.

3 How many words can you write beginning with the letter… A

4 Write a list of at least 5 interesting words to describe a banana
Write a list of at least 5 interesting words to describe a banana. (Remember to use all your senses.)

5 Write a list of at least 5 interesting words to describe a cat
Write a list of at least 5 interesting words to describe a cat. (Remember to use all your senses.)

6 Make this sentence more interesting: The bird flew to the tree.

7 Can you use some of them in sentences?
Find as many words as you can that could be used instead of said Can you use some of them in sentences?

8 Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb eg
Write as many adverbs as possible to describe this verb eg. walked - quickly, slowly, noisily, shyly, quietly. talked

9 beautiful, awful, enormous,
Pick 5 words from below and put each one into a sentence. beautiful, awful, enormous, first, so, because, next, exciting, afraid, lonely, interesting

10 Write as many words as you can to describe this setting- use your senses.
Write as many words as you can to describe this setting- use all your senses.

11 Write at least 5 sentences using !

12 Write at least 5 sentences using ?

13 ‘In the middle of the night’
If the answer is ‘In the middle of the night’ what could the question be? Can you come up with several ideas?

14 Start a word list beginning with the word below, each new word has to start with the last letter of the previous word e.g. dog-girl-lamb-boy and must be a NOUN (name of something). house – e…

15 Pick 5 words from below and write 5 sentences using them.
container, furnishings, sensitively, timidly, aggressively, imaginatively, unfortunate, murderous

16 Think of an animal and write an alliterative sentence about each one.
e.g. The tiny tiger tickled the terrified terrapins two toes with torn tinsel.

17 Write at least 3 sentences using different pieces of punctuation from the list below.
“ ” ; ,  ( ) ?  !

18 If money really did grow on trees, what would be the good and bad things about this?

19 Name as many sports as you can

20 Name as many countries as you can

21 Here is an answer to a question- but what could the question be?
"You have to push it down to make it work."

22 What would you do if you had one wish
(and no, you can’t wish for more wishes!)

23 Write as many ideas as you can think of.
What is this? Write as many ideas as you can think of.

24 Write an A to Z list of food

25 Write an A to Z list of things
you could see at night

26 What if you could be really good at something or have a special skill that you do not have now? What ability would you want to have? Why?

27 What if you could be really good at something or have a special skill that you do not have now? What ability would you want to have? Why?

28 What if you could be really good at something or have a special skill that you do not have now? What ability would you want to have? Why?

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