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Motivational Interviewing

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Presentation on theme: "Motivational Interviewing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivational Interviewing
A Positive Mindset Leading to Positive Change

2 Introduction and Goals
Who am I? What is MI?: The Basics The Mindset of MI The Methods of MI

3 What is MI? “Motivational interviewing is a collaborative conversation style for strengthening a person’s own motivation and commitment to change.” (Miller and Rollnick, 12)

4 Change Conversation/Ambivalence
Righting Reflex: “fix” Directing people by setting on a better course Ambivalence: yes…but Both want and not want Ex. “ I really want a new job, but I am making $200 a shift right now at my restaurant.” Demonstration

5 Spirit of MI Collaboration Acceptance Compassion Evocation
Absolute Worth Autonomy Accurate Empathy Affirmation Compassion Evocation

6 Role Play Rolling with Resistance
- Pair up. 1 person be the counselor/advisor and 1 person be the client. The client wants to do something and is blocked. The counselor works on finding the positive in the situation. Switch roles.

7 Method of MI Engaging Focusing Evoking Planning

8 Role Play OARS Open-Ended Questions Affirming Reflective Listening
Summarizing Pair up. 1 person be the counselor/advisor and 1 person be the client. The client wants to do something and is blocked. The counselor/advisor uses OARS.

9 Resources Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, S. (2012). Motivational interviewing: Helping people change. Guilford press. interviewing-role-play-activities html motivational-interviewing.html niques.pdf 0Art%20of%20Teaching%20MI%201.1.pdf

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