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Supervisors: Assoc. Prof Raimondo Bruno and Dr Amy Peacock

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1 Supervisors: Assoc. Prof Raimondo Bruno and Dr Amy Peacock
Fourth year research proposal The effects of consuming alcohol mixed with energy drinks (AmED) on risk-taking Holly Bromfield Supervisors: Assoc. Prof Raimondo Bruno and Dr Amy Peacock You had a great intro here – I think you need to flag that the drivers for ED use are to reduce being tired when you’re out drinking, so that you can drink for longer! This has popped up in several studies AP: agree re the first bit you read here being great – I think having a slide similar to Xiao’s overviewing the basis assumptions behind why AmED might lead to increased risk-taking would help the audience follow that overview even better

2 EDs are commonly mixed with alcohol to reduce tiredness whilst drinking so that users can drink for longer. Mixing ED with alcohol typically does nothing to improve performance (Peacock et al., 2014) But, may increase stimulation, causing misinterpretation of level of intoxication (Peacock, Bruno, Martin & Carr, 2013) Misinterpretation of intoxication may lead to an increase in risk-taking.

3 Rationale Does consuming AmED increase risk-taking?
Self-report retrospective survey studies Between-subjects: AmED users reported greater risk-taking relative to other alcohol drinkers (Peacock, Pennay, Droste, Bruno & Lubman, 2014) Are AmED drinkers more risky? Within-subjects: Lower risk taking in AmED drinking sessions relative to alcohol only session (Peacock, Pennay, Droste, Bruno & Lubman, 2014) Environment? Frequency of use? As we discussed – do the thinking for the audience The between subjects – the fact that people who drink ed are riskier could say something about the drink, or it could say something about the people that drink ED AP: yep. These studies look at people’s risk-taking in general or after they have alcohol – there’s nothing about what they do after AmED itself. The within subjects – suggests that in the risky people that dop drink ED, drinking ED actually makes them less risky! AP: yep. And you can acknowledge that this is surprising, need to consider limitations of the methodology, retrospective self-report…. AP: can include refs for 1 or 2 studies for between/within in very small font e.g., size 14, just so the reader knows you have sources to back this up

4 Measures of risk-taking
Simulated driving task: Non-significant interactive effect of alcohol and ED (p = .508) (Lubman et al., 2013). Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART): Significant main effect of ED, g = 0.28, p = 0.047 No interactive effects of alcohol and ED. (Peacock, Bruno, Martin & Carr, 2013).

5 Rationale Automatic Balloon Analogue Risk Task (A-BART)
Measures risk-taking Includes all trials Outcome measure: Pumps entered to blow up virtual balloon

6 Rationale Determination Test component of the Fitness to Drive Standard test battery (Schuhfried GmBH, 2012). Measures stress, reactive tolerance Visual, auditory and other stimuli Outcome measures: Number of correct responses and reaction time. Need to acknowledge that this Lubman was actually peacock For these – note the nature of the measure; the number of ED and the magnitude of effects. Don’t worry about the F value AP: as discussed when practiced, would have a slide here specifying benefits of lab research (controlled environment, objective measurement of risk-taking) and the types of tasks (driving simulator, BART) used to assess risk-taking, with a full description of how BART works, and then move to this slide overviewing results of lab risk-taking studies on AmED

7 Rationale Real world drinking ED doses of 750ml Pre-drinking
Drinking throughout the night. Recommended drinking Maximum of 500ml ED in 24 hours Maximum of 4 std. alcoholic drinks on one occasion Limitations of current research ED doses limited to 500ml – 160mg of caffeine Bolus administration As discussed, set this up as 3 questions: How do people mainly drink when they drink alcohol? You could actually ask the audience. Also flag the average doses from Amy’s survey studies and the recommended doses from NHMRC & for ED How do researchers dose people in the lab? Explain the bolus etc Explain how you’re improving on this AP: and feel free to use images to illustrate this

8 Aims To test the effect of consuming AmED on risk-taking by comparing individual’s performance on two measures of risk behaviour relative to their performance when they consume alcohol only. Replicating real-world doses e.g., 2.5 EDs and 5 standard alcoholic beverages. Prior to this, have a slide explaining the BART and expolaining the DT, with pictures. Feel free to play with it in the lab (it is on the PC with the weird frame around it). Here, just mention ‘on two measures of risk behaviour’ AP: on this note, you can get some good images depicting the BART if you google image BART:

9 Hypotheses AmED Number of pumps (more pumps = increased risk)
Reaction Time (faster RT = increased risk) Alcohol Alcohol AmED Time Time Responses (less correct responses = increased risk) Number of correct Alcohol AmED Time

10 Design 6 (Time point) by 2 (Condition) within-subjects, double blind, placebo controlled Independent variable: Time point: Baseline, 15 minutes post dose 1, 2, 3 & 4, and again at 45 minutes post dose 4 Condition: AmED and Alcohol only Dependent variables: number of pumps number of correct responses reaction time

11 Participants N = 30 (15 males, 15 females) Age range = 18- 30
Inclusion criteria: completion of Year 12 have consumed 1 to ml ED in past month ≥ 5 standard alcoholic drinks on one occasion in past month have consumed 4-28 caffeinated beverages in the preceding week normal sleep patterns normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Exclusion criteria: current significant medical or neurological disorder pregnant or breastfeeding history of alcohol use at harmful levels Audit>16 illicit drug use in preceding six months current use of prescription medication significantly elevated psychological distress Kessler-10 >25 low pre-morbid intellectual functioning WTAR <85 As discussed – for exclusions Say: Make sure that the participant can tolerate the beverages by…. Making sure that people will not react badly to the beverages by….. Exclude secondary variables that might make it harder to interpret the effects of the beverages by…..

12 Materials Primary Measures Automatic BART
DRIVESTA - Determination Test Covariates The Attitudes to Driving Violations Scale Impulsivity scale - I7 Impulsiveness Questionnaire Kill the alpha! Just explain the task and the dv and the duration. Need to explain how this is a measure of risk. Probably need all this earlier in the presentation

13 Procedure 1 x 60 minute familiarisation session
Participants must abstain from the following: eating for 4 hours (except for consuming a small meal 60 minutes before each session) caffeine for 8 hours and alcohol for 24 hours. illicit drugs and prescription medications for the duration of participation As discussed – do this and the procedure timeline with a) drink icons and b) graphically, in a plot AP: and include abstinence requirements somewhere (and maybe time of day sessions conducted/gap between sessions, but not critical)

14 Dosing Schedule .10 .08 Breath Alcohol Content (BrAC) .05 30 60 90 120
30 60 90 120 Time (minutes)

15 Procedure Dose ingredients:
Vodka, (37.5% alcohol/volume Smirnoff Red Label®, No.21) Red Bull each 250ml serve contains: 80mg caffeine Sugar syrup English-toffee and Black Cherry

16 Procedure Administration Standardized across participants/sessions
Doses must be consumed within 10 minutes (split into 2 equal doses) BrAC taken every 10 minutes post consumption As per slide 13 – do this in a plot, and you can combine this and slide 13

17 Procedure Releasing participants
Participants will be able to wait in a separate room whilst they sober up. Once registering two consecutive BrAC readings of 0.03% or lower within a 15 minute period participants will be free to leave.

18 Analysis Power Analysis
30 participants are required to achieve 80% power to identify a moderate magnitude effect of g=0.5 for the breakdown analyses Data Analysis A 6 (Time) x 2 (Condition) mixed models for repeated measures analysis will be used. Covariates will also be included in the model and systematically tested for influence. You require 30 participants to achieve 80% power to identify an effect of this magnitude (cross check with the way I edited your proposal) Note – ge is 0.5 not 0.05; and this is not for the interaction but for the breakdown analyses. If in doubt, plot the effects that we’re talking about

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