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Officials Summer Conference 2016

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1 Officials Summer Conference 2016
Girls Volleyball

2 Introductions Robbie Lindeman- FHSAA Director of Athletics
Girls Volleyball Administrator Wrestling Administrator Baseball Administrator ext. 260

3 Introductions Rob deViere – Professional Volleyball Official
FHSAA Florida Official of the Year for Girls Volleyball FHSAA State Clinic Instructor (Clinician) and Evaluator/Rater Referee-in-Charge (RIC) for training and evaluation of Association officials Representing our Association, Florida Professional Officials, hosted the FHSAA Girls’ State Finals for the past three years. Rob deViere has been awarded the NFHS Distinguished Active Official Award for all of Section Three, which includes the states of Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.


5 FHSAA/NFHS Solid-Colored Uniform Jersey

6 Illegal Uniform: Penalties
1. When a player wearing an illegal uniform attempts to enter the set, unnecessary delay (administrative yellow card for the first offense or administrative red card for subsequent offense in that set) shall be assessed to the team. The player shall not enter the set until the illegal uniform is replaced or made legal. 2. When a player wearing an illegal uniform is discovered in the set, unnecessary delay (administrative yellow card for the first offense or administrative red card for subsequent offense in that set) shall be assessed to the team. The player must be removed until the uniform is replaced or immediately made legal. Following the administration of unnecessary delay, if the team has a time-out remaining, the player may remain in the set provided the illegal uniform is replaced or made legal during the time-out period. 3. When a team cannot begin the match with six players wearing legal uniforms, a loss of rally/point shall be rewarded to the opponent at the beginning of the match, and the state association shall be notified.

7 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes 2016-17
1-2-2 The time period between sets is defined as a part of a match and delineates the difference between the timed interval and timed intermission. Rationale: Defines a required part of a match and draws distinction between the timed interval and an intermission.

8 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes 2016-17
3-2-1 The panels of the volleyball are defined as being a basic rectangular shape. Rationale: Clarifies the original intent of the standard shape of the panels of the volleyball.

9 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes 2016-17
4-1-5 Hair devices worn in the hair or on the head shall be no more than 3 inches in width. Rationale: The rule limits the size and material of what a player may wear in the hair or on the head to preserve the integrity of the sport and risk the minimization concerns. Permitting an item 3 inches in width allows for practical size and retains the original purpose of the rule.

10 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes 2016-17
Establishes a new mechanic, double whistle and raising coin in the air, for the first referee to use to summon the captains and head coaches to the officials table to conduct the prematch conference. Rationale: The signal (double whistle and raised coin) will notify those required that it is time to attend the prematch conference at the officials table. This will eliminate the to track down those required to attend the conference. This signal is consistent with the mechanic for the deciding set coin toss.

11 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes 2016-17
7-1-2 Clarifies when the lineup is due from each team for the next set when an intermission is used between sets Nos. 2 and 3. Rationale: Provides consistency as to the time for submission of the lineup for set Nos. 2 and beyond regardless of whether an intermission or standard timed interval is in use.

12 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes 2016-17
7-1-4 Reorganizes Article 4 and provides two options to correct a clerical error on the lineup when a players number is listed twice, including if one is the libero. Rationale: Clarifies the two exceptions to the requirement of submitting a written, accurate lineup before each set and the procedure to correct the clerical errors. The libero is now included as a possible option to correct the clerical error of listing a player’s number twice.

13 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes 2016-17
8-1-6 A tossed ball for serve contacting a backboard in a vertical position is a fault. Rationale: The server is responsible to assume a position not located under the obstruction.

14 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Rule Changes 2016-17
11-2, Penalty 2 A request for a third time-out is an unnecessary delay and penalized accordingly. Rationale: Provides consistency in application of unnecessary delay penalties for request of a third time out or more time-outs regardless of whether request acknowledged by the second referee with a whistle and time-out signal. 11-5-1 Clarifies the timed intermission between set Nos. 2 and 3 may only be scheduled for use for promotional or special recognition activities. Rationale: Clarifies that an intermission is used for promotional or special recognition activities but not for just an extended timed interval between set Nos. 2 and 3.

15 2016-17 FHSAA/NFHS Volleyball Major Editorial Changes
4-1 Penalty 2 Clarifies the language regarding an unnecessary delay penalty, administrative yellow or administrative red card, for a player wearing illegal equipment attempting to enter the set. 4-1 Penalty 3 Clarity in wording of the penalty and with the adoption of the new penalty for unnecessary delay last year the modification corrects a clerical error.

16 FHSAA Girls Volleyball Advisory Committee Meeting
Changes- Warm up procedures will be changed to 7-7-1 Questions Concerns over safety for kids during pregame warm ups and the desire to see the potential change fast tracked so that there is a more updated procedure that would be more modern and much safer for kids with little to no downside.

17 FHSAA Volleyball Evaluations
Action Plan What makes a good evaluator? When is a good time to evaluate? R1 and R1- Line judges evaluations

18 FHSAA Volleyball Evaluations
Requirements to evaluate Level of officiating Local, State, National Understanding the high school rules FHSAA NFHS Knowledge of the game Pace of play Application of Rules/Consistency Evaluating skills Personable and knowledgeable Inclusive Mentorship Helping officials grow Effective feedback Availability Matches to officiate

19 2015 Volleyball State Championships Review
Finals Only State Semifinals ----High School Sites UCF Arena

20 FHSAA Post-Season State Championship Assignments
Recommendations Correct information R1 and R2/ Line Judges Assignments Correct schools listed

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