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Richard NDI SAMBA NRPA- Cameroon

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1 Richard NDI SAMBA NRPA- Cameroon
07/03/11 Process Oriented Approach in Updating and Maintaining National Register of Radiation Sources Vienna, Austria, Richard NDI SAMBA NRPA- Cameroon

2 Scope Introduction Common basis for Regulatory functions
Establishment of a Process Approach in National Register of Sources Progress Made so far Remaining Challenges Conclusion

3 Introduction Africa in miniature CAMEROON

4 Population: 22 millions Surface Area: Km2 10 regions, 240 ethnic groups (Bantus, Semi-Bantus, Sudanese, etc.) 2 official languages (French and English), 2 main religions: Christian and Islam IAEA Membership: July 1964. In 2006, Cameroon government expressed her intention to work towards implementing the provisions of the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and its Supplementary Guidance on the Import and Export.

5 Legislation and Regulations
Law No 95/08 of 30th January 1995 on Radiation Protection and the decree of application No 2002/250 of 31st October 2002 establishing the organization and functioning of NRPA. NRPA became operational in April 2007. There is provision on National Register of Sources and Occupational Exposure on Article 4 of Decree of 2002. Three Ministerial Regulations on Public Health were enacted by the Minister of Public Health in June 2013 to reinforce Decree of 2002 especially on responsibilities of safety of sources. Common Basis Progress Remaining Challenges

6 Establishment and Maintenance of a National Register of Radiation Sources
Since 2009, data collections for radiation sources are continuously being done nationwide and registered with the help of IAEA Regulatory Authority Information System (RAIS) software now RAIS 3.3 web version installed in 2014. This was migrated from RAIS 3.0 Data on radiation sources are constantly updated nation wide and registered in RAIS 3.3 web Common Basis Progress Remaining Challenges

7 Facilities and Services using Radiation Sources
Map of Ionizing Radiation Sources in Cameroon Radioactive sources (SR) associated facilities data vary between 10 in the Centre Region and 25 in the Littoral, with a total of 40 facilities and 162 SR. - 03 Co-60 category 1 radioactive sources used for 02 radiotherapy centres; 50 Ir-192 category 2 radioactive sources for Industrial radiography; - more than 400 X Ray Generators and 800 occupational workers. Common Basis Progress Remaining Challenges

8 Implementing IRSS Mission Recommendation
After the Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission conducted in October 2014 to review Cameroon radiation and nuclear safety regulatory framework and activities for its effectiveness and to exchange information and experience in the areas covered since 2007; Major challenges were in the production of an integrated management system for collecting reliable documents from stakeholders and the respect of international standards with integration of IRRS recommendations into National Strategic Action Plan.

9 Related Actions Developed
Action Plan developed for improvement of the national regulatory infrastructure for safety Regulatory Function Related Actions Developed Management System of the Regulatory Body  Establish an integrated management system with processes consistent with the latest internationally established standards Stability and Consistency of regulatory control (Policies, Procedures, Internal guidelines, etc.)  Establish regulations and guides that specify the principles, requirements and associated criteria for safety upon which the regulatory judgements, decisions and actions are based.

10 Related Actions Developed
Action Plan developed for improvement of the national regulatory infrastructure for safety Regulatory Function Related Actions Developed Regulatory Functions: Authorization Review and Assessment Inspection Enforcement Guidelines for Application of Authorization Policies and procedures Graded Approach, Procedures, sworn in to become State inspectors Policy and procedures Regulations and Guides  Establish Process of developing and review of regulations Regulatory Records  Customization in RAIS 3.3 web Any other regulatory processes  Establish draft procedure for informing interested parties

11 Process Approach in establishment and Maintenance of a National Register of Sources
Legislative and Regulatory documents (drafts and enacted) Cooperation Autorisation (Customized for Associated Facilities) Inspection Customized Quality Control of X Ray Generators, Hyperlink Associated Equipment National Dose Register Customized Errors from RAIS 3.0 enabled us to establish and use different processes approach in order to sustain the way data is populated. Excel Sheet is used in parallel to keep Register of Sources by Facility Common Basis Progress Remaining Challenges

12 Authorization Process

13 Customization and Implementation of Authorization Process
Application received Documents controlled Decision accord/reject Process inspection Pre-authorisation (SCI) File archived Review and Assessment Authorization issued Clerk – Mme Ekoto Sorrel Clerk – Mme Toukam + M Akamba Mme Doudou (medical) / M. Mvondo (non-medical) Verification SAEL/DRC– M. NZOUATCHA + Dr SABOUANG DG/DRC– Dr SIMO Signing the authorization certificate DG / DRC Clerk – Mme Toukam + M Akamba Clerk – M. Akamba Common Basis Progress Remaining Challenges

14 Upgrade and Verification from customization from 3.3 web.
Common Basis Progress Remaining Challenges

15 With IRRS mission done in 2014, various recommendations ditched out :
IMS- Keep an electronic copy of all process documentation into RAIS, so that it can be readily accessible to the management and all staff in the regulatory body with connection to IAEA Catalogue. Periodically do quality assurance of our registry of Sources. Conclusion: GP: NRPA is using the latest version of RAIS 3.3 to integrate main safety related records, e.g. radiation sources and generators data, records of occupational doses and inspection reports. This enables NRPA to use a single integrated tool to maintain safety related records of facilities and activities which will enable efficient and effective record keeping Common Basis Progress Remaining Challenges


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