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Upcoming Changes to the Associate Degree:

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1 Upcoming Changes to the Associate Degree:
Michelle Pilati, Rio Hondo College Mark introduce committee ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

2 ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute
A Little Background What is the Meaning of a California Community College Degree? (F05) Proposal to Revise the Use of Certificates (S99) Associate Degree Task Force Associate Degree Workgroup Mark highlight the two papers germane to this topic and the two groups that came out of these papers ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

3 ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute
2006 Resolutions - PASSED Oppose degrees based solely on IGETC or CSU/GE (AKA “GE Compilation degrees”) Minimum of “C” in area of emphasis Eliminate “transfer” in title Greg review the resolutions (handout will be provided for participants to follow along) ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

4 ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute
2006 Resolutions - FAILED Single Degree Title Define “Associate of Arts” and “Associate of Science” in Title 5 Greg continue review – explain why these resolutions failed ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

5 ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute
2007 Spring 9.01 Defining the Types of Associate Degrees Resolved, That ASCCC support and establish statewide definitions for the types of associate degrees offered by California community colleges. Greg continue – ask Mark if you are unclear on this one – see S R ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

6 Proposed Title 5 Changes
Area of Emphasis (55063) Degree-Applicability (55062) IGETC/CSU GE (55063) Minimum Grade of “C” (55063) Certificates (55070) Michelle to summarize the T5 changes proposed and how they interact with our papers and resolutions ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

7 Status of Title 5 Changes?
Area of Emphasis (55063) Degree-Applicability (55062) IGETC/CSU GE (55063) Minimum Grade of “C” (55063) Certificates (55070) Michelle to summarize the T5 changes proposed and how they interact with our papers and resolutions ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

8 Program and Course Approval Handbook Changes
Changes to Title 5 needed BEFORE Handbook can be revised Will follow Title 5 changes So, where are we now? Language regarding GE compilation degrees deemed “controversial” Michelle to say a word about the upcoming changes to the PCAH ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

9 ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute
IGETC/CSU GE Whether or not prohibited by current Title 5 subject to interpretation NOT permitted per Minimum Conditions Compliance Advice Legal Advisory 05-05 Minimum Requirements for the Associate Degree (§ 55806). Each associate in arts or associate in science degree must include a major of at least 18 semester units or 27 quarter units of study in a single discipline or related disciplines. This requirement disallows "majors" with no discernible focus or majors constructed of loosely structured items of interest selected individually by students. Districts should ensure that this requirement is observed and that a clear major is described in connection with each associate degree offered. ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

10 ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute
Area of Emphasis What is it? Advantages Disadvantages ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

11 ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute
Concerns of the Field What happens to existing degrees based solely on IGETC or CSU/GE? What is the timeline for implementation? What about LDTP? What recognition will there be for completion of IGETC or CSU/GE? Shaaron to lead a discussion of questions from the field – we should all talk about this in advance so that we are clear on the answers ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

12 ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute
Questions? ASCCC 2007 Curriculum Institute

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