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7th & 8th GRADING Homework Policy Donations Discipline Policy

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1 7th & 8th GRADING Homework Policy Donations Discipline Policy
Mrs. Naramore’s Science On line Science Book This year we will be using both the 7th and 8th grade science books on-line. The link can be found on my Class website password: capascience7 User: aviators7  AVIATORS ARE: RESPONSIBLE RESPECTFUL SAFE   Ecology and end with Earth Systems. All junior high students are required to participate in the school Science Fair. The Year at a Glance As we enter another exciting year, we will look closer at Physical, Earth, and Life Sciences with the new NGSS standards. During this course, students will be asked to communicate, collaborate, critical think, and be creative.   We will start the year with Chemistry, move into CONTACT ext 8802 I GRADING We use the traditional grading scale. 90%-100% A= Excellent 80%-89% B = Very Good 70%-79% C= Satisfactory 60%-69% D = Needs Improvement 0%-59% F= Unacceptable Students are allowed to make up a test if they score below 70%. Their new score will be an average of both tests. School Loop is coming! In the mean time, please pick up your Parent Portal login at the office *Student learning is st priority It is essential that your child submits homework in my class on time; this gives them extra practice on that particular topic/area. Homework submitted late will result in one letter grade drop per day . Make up work can ONLY be submitted until the end of the unit Discipline Policy Verbal warning Maturity essay Detention Loss of science privileges Homework Policy Donations Our PTO has generously given the science a donation but our department is always in need of: Science supplies (frogs, eyeballs, etc) Copy paper Clorox wipes Kleenex Rubber gloves Zip lock bags

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