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processing tabular data

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Presentation on theme: "processing tabular data"— Presentation transcript:

1 processing tabular data

2 Look at Google Earth Image

3 Look at Google Earth Image

4 Converting XY Table into Point Feature Class
Get longitude (X) and Latitude (Y) from Google Earth

5 longitude (X) and Latitude (Y) from Google Earth
Save in Excel Convert in Decimal Degree format Add Excel worksheet in ArcMap Add Data > Add XY Data (geographic coordinate system, WGS 1984) Select a coordinate system for the data Points will be drawn as an event theme in ArcMap

6 Convert the event theme to a shapefile or geodatabase feature class
Right-click the file name, select Data > Export Data Points can be exported to a geodatabase feature class or to a shapefile Re-project to the UTM coordinate system

7 Georeferencing Save Google Earth Image (jpeg)
Select Ground Control Points (GCP) At least 3 points are required for Affine (1st Order polynomial transformation) Add Georeferencing tool bar Apply ‘Fit to Display’ on the image Add GCPs Update Georeferencing when satisfied Rectify for permanent transformation

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