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MGT 612: Leading Projects: The Human Side of Project Management

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1 MGT 612: Leading Projects: The Human Side of Project Management
Zvi Aronson, Ph.D.

2 Topics Review Course Objectives and Requirements
Discuss the approach to learning and applying leadership skills that we will be using Welcome to Management 612. The purpose of this first lecture is to provide you with an overview of the course. This includes: explaining key course requirements articulating the interactive approach we will use giving you a chance to interact with your fellow students explaining the initial assignments to you. In addition to reviewing these slides, it will help if you also have a copy of the course syllabus handy

3 Course Objectives Introduce and describe the competencies associated with leading others in a project environment Provide you with opportunities to learn about your own strengths and development needs associated with these competencies Familiarize you with key theories and principles relating to the study of leadership and the human side of project management On the one hand this course will introduce you to theories and concepts relating to the Human Side of Project Management. More importantly, during this course you will have opportunities to learn about your self in relation to key skill areas. You will be expected to work with this self-knowledge throughout the semester.

4 Course Requirements Participation and attendance
Completion of Assessment material – Locus of control Tolerance for ambiguity Interpersonal Relations (FIRO-B) Defining Issues Test Personal Styles Self-Awareness Skills Analysis Paper (U’ Inc.) Skills Development Paper Quizzes The key requirements for this course are listed on this slide. You can also learn more about each from your syllabus. Detailed instructions for the Skill Analysis Paper and the Skill Development paper are provided in your syllabus. These two requirements are cornerstones for this course. To complete them you will have to assimilate readings with what you learn about your self though various class activities and off-line assignments. You will also need to incorporate the results from the various assessments you will complete this semester. Most of these can be found on the website listed on this slide and they are also available in your Whetton and Cameron text. (Be sure to use Internet explorer when completing the web-based assessments. Also make sure you print out the results as they are not otherwise saved and you will need them for class assignments and for completing your papers

5 Overall Course Structure
Conceptual Background Social Psychology and Org. Behavior What am I like? What do I want? This Ven diagram provides an overview of how the various modules in this course are broken down. The focus of the first few weeks will be on assessing your skills and interests and also on considering how they relate to leadership and project management, We’ll next shift our attention to specific skill areas and focus on how to develop in terms of behaviors and attitudes. In this course we’ll also be considering the theories and principles upon which our discussions of self-awareness and skill development are based. How do I get even better? What must I consider to lead collaborative efforts?

6 Course Requirements (see pages 2-3 of course syllabus
Participation (100 points) Completion of Assessment material – SSS software Page 28 of W&C (week 3) Multi-source Feedback Survey (week 3) (week 4) Locus of control Tolerance for ambiguity FIRO-B Defining Issues Test Personal Styles Self-Awareness Skills Analysis Paper (U’ Inc.) (120 points) Skills Development Paper (80 points) 4 Quizzes (25 points each)

7 Participation (see page 2 of syllabus and Note for Week 1)
Keeping up with reading and sharing your thoughts with others Contributing to completion of weekly team assignments in a thoughtful and timely manner Timely completion of Assessment material SSS software Page 30 of W&C (week 3) MSQ Survey (week 3) Online assessments (week 4) Locus of control Tolerance for ambiguity FIRO-B (Interpersonal Style) Defining Issues Test Personal Styles Self-Awareness

8 Multisource Feedback Survey (see note for week 1)
1) Look for an with the subject line: multisource Feedback invitation for Mgt 612 – The Human Side of Project Leadership 2) Using the code provided in the , log-in to the assessment site and complete a self-assessment 3) Identify at least three and as many ten people who can provide you with feedback. Provide each of them with log in information contained in the mentioned above. people you trust People who can provide you with meaningful feedback about your management and leadership behaviors. In order to ensure that you receive timely feedback reports instruct them to complete the survey by week 3 4) Follow up periodically with your feedback providers ensure they have completed the survey by wee 3. I will only be able to process your feedback report if I receive at least three responses. You will want to work with the feedback you receive so that you can use it in your Skills Analysis (U Inc.) Paper. You will receive confidential feedback reports Consider the feedback provided Identify 4-5 highest and lowest rated areas and items and compare them to your self ratings The Multisource Feedback Survey (To be used during the week of Tuesday 09/29 – third week) There is another survey that you will also need to complete for this course. The survey is entitled, The Management Skills Questionnaire (MSQ). The MSQ is a multi source survey or what are sometimes called 360 Degree feedback. Such instruments are common in organizations today. The idea is to provide users with constructive behavioral feedback based upon input from several different sources (e.g. peers, bosses, subordinates and in some cases even customers). You will be receiving an this week with information on how you can log onto the system and how others who will be providing you with feedback can log on. Look for a message from The subject line will state: Multisource Feedback Invitation for Mgt 612 – The Human Side of Project Leadership Completing this assessment survey requires that you, a) Log onto the site and complete a self assessment, b) Identify others from whom you would like to receive feedback. And provide them with the instructions and log in information that is contained in the mentioned above. The people you identify to provide you with feedback could be peers, bosses, friends, customers, or subordinates who are in a position to provide you with accurate and candid feedback. They should then use the survey to assess you on each of the behaviors listed. Let your feedback providers know that completing the assessment will probably take about minutes and that their responses will be completely confidential. You (the feedback recipient) will not know how any one individual has rated you but you will receive a report that provides you with the averages and standard deviations for the ratings people provide

9 SSS Software In-basket Exercise on page 30 of Whetten & Cameron
In-baskets are a form of management simulation requiring you to review material and make decisions Use roughly 2-3 hours to review and respond to the items in your SSS Software in-basket Record your responses in writing and discuss for week 3 of the course

10 Skill Analysis (U Inc.) and Development Paper
Skill Development Paper Develop specific development plans for developing skills One short-term that you will have begin working on during the semester Report on efforts One longer term effort Describe plans Should be derived from U’Inc. Paper Key evaluation considerations Logically derived goals Detailed plans built upon course concepts and principles Description of efforts Well organized and written Due at end of semester U Inc Paper (Skill Analysis Paper) Assessment of your strengths and development areas relative to course concepts Based upon assessments: Course principles, Examples and experiences Key evaluation considerations Introspection Good use of course concepts and assessments Well integrated Good use of examples Well organized and clearly written Due at midpoint of semester

11 An Approach for Building Leadership Skills
COMPONENTS Skill pre-assessment Skill learning Skill analysis CONTENTS Surveys Role plays Written text Behavioral guidelines Cases OBJECTIVES Assess current level of skill competence and knowledge; create readiness to change Teach correct principles and present a rationale for behavioral guidelines Provide examples of appropriate and inappropriate skill performance. Analyze behavioral principles and reasons they work. This slide and the next briefly describe some of the learning tools you will encounter in this course. The majority of them can be found in the assigned texts we will be using. In particular, the Whetten and Cameron text contains most of the assessment tools and simulations we will use. In some cases we will supplement the text material by providing you with other resources.

12 An Approach For Building Leadership Skills
COMPONENTS Skill practice Skill application CONTENTS Exercises Simulations Role Plays Assignments (behavioral and written) OBJECTIVES Practice behavioral guidelines. Adapt principles to personal style. Receive feedback and assistance Transfer classroom learning to real-life situations Foster ongoing personal development

13 Attitudes and Behaviors of Participants: Traditional Students Versus Learners*
Study material to pass exams Passively accept and memorize ideas from others Complete assignments to please teacher See course as an obstacle to getting a degree View assignments as threat to GPA Goal: Good grade See instructor as expert and assessor Learners Internalize concepts to be successful Critically evaluate ideas and test validity Use assignments to practice and improve skills See course as opportunity to enhance success View assignments as opportunity to get feedback on personal development Goal: Skill mastery Are aware of those roles-but adds coach and facilitator To benefit from this course it is important that you see yourself as a learner as opposed to just being a student. We are excited about the opportunities we think this course offers you to learn about yourself in terms of leadership and in terms of being a successful project manager. To benefit from this course (especially in a web based environment) you will have to follow through on using and carefully considering what you learn from various assessment tools and activities that comprise much of the course Adapted from Serey, T. T., and Verderver, K. S. (1988)

14 Assignment Begin reading and working with the texts Due in two weeks
Complete Multisource Feedback survey (do a self assessment and distribute to at least three others and as many as ten others) Complete SSS-Software In-basket You should get started with the first reading assignments as soon as possible. You will also need to begin working on the first two assessment activities. These activities will provide you with a general introduction to the skills we will discuss in this course. More importantly they will provide you with some useful information about your own skills. Each is described further on the following two slides. You will need to complete these assignments during the next two weeks as we will be using them during our third class.

15 SSS Software In-basket Exercise on page 30 of Whetten & Cameron
In-baskets are a form of management simulation requiring you to review material and make decisions Use no more than two hours to review and respond to the items in your SSS Software in-basket Record your responses in writing send a copy to us in two weeks SSS Software is an in-basket activity that you will find on page 30 of Whetton and Cameron. You will need to review and respond to each of the in-basket items using your best judgment. Record your responses in decision in writing and submit them to us prior to the third lecture. As with PAMS completing this activity will provide you with more insight to your management skills. We will begin reviewing and discussing these results during our third lecture.

16 Group Discussion Introduce who you are and where you work?
Share expectations for this course? Share likes and dislikes with regard to Project Management As group identify three things you all have in common? Avoid the obvious (e.g. enrolled in same program/course; work for the same company, live in the same state) Try to come up with a very unusual list of things in common. Group name and possibly logo We would also like you to get to know one another. Each of you has been randomly assigned to a discussion group. You will be working with this group periodically throughout the semester. When you go to your group forum please collectively address the topics outlined on this slide. This includes coming up with a group name and if possible a logo of some kind (you can use stock images if you prefer). Send your list of things in common, group name and logo to either Dr. Zvi Aronson at

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